Ministry Officials

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Early the next morning found the two boys still happily tucked up in bed and a potions professor sat in front of a crackling fire, in his usual armchair, reading todays edition of the daily prophet whilst slowly sipping away at a strong black coffee.

The morning time was usually the only time Severus got to himself, even with the small family he had found within the two boys in the neighbouring room, he still enjoyed his peace and quiet when he could get any. 

A light rapping at the window caught his attention and curiosity. Flipping to the front page of the newspaper Severus double checked it was todays edition, and it was. Meaning he had already fetched his mail this morning from the usual school owl. Yep, he thought to himself, todays date, the 2nd of November.

Opening the enchanted window once again, he welcomed in an unfamiliar owl, a darker brown with piercing orange eyes, it was a larger owl also, so in turn much faster and the letter it carried came with a ministry official wax seal. Aah...

Not what he wanted first thing in the morning, not at all.

He quickly broke the seal and scanned the contents.

Potions Master Severus Tobias Snape,

The letter read...

On behalf of the ministry, an enquiry was anonymously submitted to the Little's Protection and Magical Children's Welfare Department regarding one Harry James Potter, Student in loco parentis to Head of Slytherin House, Severus T. Snape, claiming to have witnessed biased, manipulative behaviour and abuse of power from yourself, towards Mr. Potter. I will be stopping by to take statements from both yourself and Mr Potter later this morning,

Yours sincerely,

Little's Protection and Magical Children's Welfare Department head, Amelia Bones

A string of curse words came from his mouth. Albus bloody Dumbledore. Clearly determined to make Severus and Harry's life a misery. From the moment Severus turned to Dumbledore he knew compromises would be made and trust needed to be earned, but what more could he do, he already spends hours withering in pain at the feet of the dark lord under countless dark curses. 

The last ten years of his life have been spent working for one dark lord or the other, both wizards thriving off  the control and the power they hold over people around them, both sacrificing lives without hesitation and both claiming their actions benefit the future, that their work is for the greater good. 

But now Albus bloody Dumbledore has really gone round the bend. Trying to pin Severus as an abusive and manipulative man. Just so his precious golden boy doesn't slip out of his hands, so that his plans aren't ruined. He had both himself and Harry live in abusive household, to what? toughen them up? 

Severus had had enough. Harry had been through enough. Today he would use the visit from Amelia Bones to his advantage, it was the perfect opportunity to really take Harry under his wing. 


"Harry, wake up child." The boy stirred as Severus woke him from his sleep, rubbing a hand up and down the boys back. "Sorry child, but we have to get you up. It's going to be a busier day than I thought..." Severus thought out loud.

"Wha- wha's goin' on?" Harry mumbled sleepily as he was picked up out of his bed. 

"You slept in my quarters remember, in your new room with Draco. I'm just getting you up and changed first before we have a somewhat unexpected visitor, I will explain more when your awake, child." He spoke as he carried the little over to the changing table in the bathroom, making quicker work of changing Harry's diaper than usual, he really was getting the hang of this. 

Setting Harry on the floor now in just a diaper he gave the boy a pat on his behind, bending down and whispering to him "Go wake Draco, he can't get mad at you for waking him up." With a little push, Harry toddled off to wake up the blonde, giggling as he went, Severus followed in amusement, smirking as he watched the little jumped on top of the sleeping 11year old. 

Turning to the boys' wardrobe and picking out clothes for both children for the weekend, He got Harry a soft grey onesie with a cartoon bear on the front and jeans with an elastic waist and for  Draco, his favourite green knitted sweater, t-shirt and a black pair of jeans. Sending the now awake, but still half asleep, blonde into the bathroom he snuck up behind Harry and pulled his onesie over his head, knowing to dress the boy quickly before he could kick up a fuss, if there's anything Severus hates more than harvesting the slimiest potions ingredients and smelly diaper changes it's a littles tantrum, especially at 7 in the morning. 

With both boys dressed and at the table eating, or in Harry's case wearing, breakfast, Severus explained who Madame Bones was and why she was visiting, leaving out the part about the anonymous report, knowing that would cause far too much stress and worry on them both than is needed. 

"So, best behaviour today boys, Draco, when she arrived how about you write that letter to your parents about the Christmas holidays? I'm sure the visit shouldn't take too long so when you are finished Madame Bones will have left." Severus said to Draco, while sipping at his second, slightly less stronger, coffee.

"Okay Uncle Sev, but Harry's not in trouble though, right?" Draco asked. At which Harry turned to face Severus in worry. 

"No. not at all Draco, Madame Bones is simply coming by to check on things." He tried to reassure the boys, putting on his un-readable mask as best he could. "Now, run along and start on that letter, the wards around the dungeons have alerted me they are almost here." Severus said, tapping the table with his wand, banishing all dishes back to the kitchens where the house elves took care of them. 

After wetting a cloth and cleaning Harry's face up the best he could, Severus brought Harry to the living room to sit and wait till they heard a knock on the front door of his quarters.

"Remember, there's nothing to worry about, they will ask some questions and they will be on their way." Severus tried to reassure Harry one final time, picking up on the little's distress.

Harry, who was no longer in a little headspace, nodded his understanding and walked behind Severus slightly to welcome their guests.


"And this little one here must be Harry." Madame Bones now said, bending down and holding a hand out for Harry to shake. 

"Yes ma'am." Harry replied quietly, hesitantly accepting the handshake. 

"Shall we take things through to the living room Madame Bones?" Severus asked, having shut the door and gesturing for them to move in to the joining room.

"Oh, Professor Snape, Amelia is fine." The woman said with a kind smile, following after Severus and Harry, both of which taking the sofa and Severus motioning for her to sit across from them in his usual armchair. 

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