Snape, Snape, Severus Snape

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Robes billowing behind him as he strode through the castle later that evening, Severus made his way up to the little quarters for first years. He had a certain little Slytherin to check in on.

As he entered the little's main room he was greeted by Samuel.

"Professor Snape!" He welcomed "What can we do for you?"

"I just came by to speak with Autumn about Mr Potter, where abouts are they?" 

"Ah, right through the hall over there, third door on your left, Harry has worn himself out today, Autumn is watching over him there now."

As he strode through the hall he ever so quietly knocked on the door labelled 'Harry and Neville's Room" 

Typical, of course they gave him a room with a Gryffindor, he thought with a sigh.

When he stepped into the room though he was faced with the most adorable sight, on the bed nearest the door lay a very little Harry Potter, wearing a diaper and soft blue footed pyjamas, snuggled up with his monkey, his little fists clinging onto its fur and his feet tangled up in his blanket. 

"Professor Snape, its good to see you again."

"Autumn," he bowed his head in greeting "I see someone has fallen into his little headspace then?"

They spoke in quiet, hushed voices.

"Yes, not long after we left your class, poor little one was fighting off his headspace all day it seems, even hurt himself in the process. We are still not sure why he's so against it all though, maybe we will get to the bottom of it when he wakes." 

"I would be more than happy to speak to him when he wakes also. It's not the first time I've come across a little who struggled with accepting their headspace, I've seen it among my snakes quite often. Maybe he would like to speak to a little in the years above him, if that would help him adjust?"

"That sounds like a wonderful idea professor, I will mention this to him later!"


In the depths of sleep Harry felt the fuzziness in his head swirling, making him squirm uncomfortably in his sleep and hug monkey closer to his chest, nuzzling him close.

His dream was similar to ones he usually had, Vernon towering over him, belt in hand as Harry tried his best not to cry out in pain. 

Harry twisted around in the covers drawing the attention of Rosa to him as she knelt down and rubbed soothing circles on his back while speaking words of comfort to him as he began to wake from his nightmare. 

"N- no p- p'ease don't h- huwt Hawwy, Hawwy sowwy, no happen again." He brought his arms over his head to protect himself from the inevitable blows, only after a few moment did he realise they never came, there was no shouting or cursing around him, no hands yanking him out of the cupboard, no belt buckles clicking and no Dudley or Petunia laughing.


Maybe he wasn't at Privet drive?

That's when he started to tune into his surroundings a little more, and noticed a hand was gently stroking through his hair. He eventually felt brave enough to open his eyes and peek over his monkey to see who was there. It was Autumn! He made grabby hands towards Autumn and she immediately stood over the bed and scooped him up.


Watching from the doorway as Harry tossed and turned in his nightmare Harry started to mumble distressed words and Autumn was quick to comfort him and try to wake the little. Severus bent down and untangled his small feet from the blanket, his heart ached for the little boy before him. 

"This also adds to over concern," Autumn spoke over Harry's whimpers "This is only the second night and this is his second nightmare no wonder he was extra tired if he's not sleeping properly." 

As Harry woke, Severus stepped back as not to frighten the child before him. Autumn cradled the boy to her chest and spoke to Harry soothingly.

"Harry, there's someone else here to see you." She pointed towards him in the doorway. "Do you recognise him?"

"'nape? p'fessor 'nape?" His voice was timid and shy and Severus' heart melted at the little boy in Autumn's arms as he stumbled over his words. 

"Yes, Harry, its me. Did you have a bad dream?" He spoke calmly. Harry nodded.

"Would you like to talk to us about it?" He gave out a soft smile. He knew littles responded well to calm and encouraging behaviours, but even then, he already had a particular soft spot for this little Slytherin.

"W- well b- big man was hurtin' Hawwy. But Hawwy wa' good.Hawwy no bad." He broke out into sobs again. 

"Do you mean your uncle Harry, uncle Vernon?" 

Harry nodded again, then buried his face into Autumns robes again "N- no wan' talk no more." 

"That's okay little one you did very well, very brave." Snape spoke in a hushed voice. "Autumn, I am going to have a word with the headmaster. I trust your okay here now, I will let Samuel know how Harry is on my way out and we shall catch up tomorrow. Same time?" 

"That works perfectly with me professor, see you tomorrow." 

"Goodnight. Goodnight Harry." 


After speaking briefly with Samuel and checking in on the rest of his Slytherins in the next door little dorms (one housed littles 2nd to 4th year and the other littles 5th-7th year) , Severus made his way up towards the headmasters office. How on earth did the old man let this slide for the past 10years! He had managed to contain his anger while with the other students but he was not about to hold his tongue around the headmaster. 

"Well why on godric's green earth would you leave the boy there if you were TOLD that they were not good people." 

"But the blood wards Severus, my boy, you must understand. He has to be kept safe, safe until the day he has to save our world, our people, he is our only hope."

"There were OTHER WAYS, and clearly he was NOT safe there, he is traumatized Albus. He is only a boy, how could you be so selfish?!"

"I understand what your saying, I do, but you must understand my reasons."

"Your reasons for leaving him there, unattended, alone, afraid, mean nothing to me, I would have rather taken him in than leave him there, I knew Petunia, I knew what she was like, I can only imagine how awful that beast of a man she married is!" 

"But Sever-"

"Don't. Don't even speak to me. It seems as though you are unable to look after the child properly I will take matters into my own hands." He quickly held up a hand to silence further protest from the headmaster "And DONT even think of trying to stop me." 


oooooooo Severus Snape has a heart, ofc! <3

question: what sort of scenes would you like to see in up-coming chapters, ill try and include all your ideas! 

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