Hospital wing

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Later that evening, Autumn scooped up the sleeping little, carrying him to the main room and he started to wake up on the walk down the bedroom corridor.

"Hey sleepyhead, feeling a little better after your nap?" She cooed over the little boy, only receiving a huff in return.

"Well, we have a couple things to get done this evening but first lets get you some food and I'll explain as your eating." Autumn spoke.

Picking up Harry's favourite foods, trying to keep him in a good mood before having to take him up to the hospital wing, she got some macaroni cheese and a bowl of fruit, (specifically mango, pineapple and apple) and brought them over to Harry who was sat next to Neville now in full conversation.

"Harry, come on, I know you don't want to but you need to eat at least half, can you do that for me?" He turned up his nose facing away from Autumn (who was still very confused as to why Harry refused to eat much.) "Fine." Autumn copied his actions facing away and crossing her arms over her chest which caused Harry to look over at her furrowing his brows in confusion. "I guess I'll just have to tell Professor Snape." She said.

"No, no, no, Autumn, I'll eat half, don't tell Snape, please!" Harry said snapping out of his fussy mood and picking up his fork. Autumn chuckled to herself quietly, thankful that she had a way to get Harry to eat some dinner.

"Okay little one, you can finish there if you would like, why don't you go and play with Neville and the others until we have to leave." Autumn suggested as Harry had finished eating half his macaroni cheese and fruit. "You did very well eating today, would you like anything else, a cookie maybe? or a few sweets for being good today?"

Harry only shook his head in response, feeling full and also confused as to why he would be allowed treats, he hadn't done anything that good had he?

"Alright then, run along, I will come and get you when it's time to leave."

Inside, Harry was really panicking, he didn't want to go and see Madam Pomfrey, she was nice, from what all the other little's had mentioned, but doctors were scary, from what Dudley had told him it sounded awful.

A few minutes later Professor Snape walked in and Autumn and Harry met him at the door. "Ready to go then?" he asked.

"Yes sir" Harry replied with a mock salute as Snape opened the door Harry started marching down the corridor as if he were a soldier.

Autumn glanced at Professor Snape, both holding back their laughter at the little ones actions as they walked through the halls.

Once Harry was standing outside the doors to the hospital wing he paused. Now he really was scared. Autumn came and crouched down beside him so she was level with him and took his hands in her own. "Whats wrong Harry? Theres nothing to be afraid of, Madam Pomfrey is really kind and gentle, she wont hurt you, this is only a check up." She tried to reassure him but Harry slowly started to pull away from her in panic so she looked to Severus to help.

"Harry." Snape said as he stood behind the boy and picked him up under his arms. "I know this may be scary but we will be here the whole time, Madam Pomfrey is a good friend of mine, i assure you, you will be safe in her hands."

With Harry giving not many signs of calming down, Snape followed Autumn into the hospital wing over to a bed where Autumn took a seat and Snape handed Harry over to her, the little one crawling onto her lap.

Madam Pomfrey heard the trio enter the hospital wing and picked up her wand which was specifically designed for diagnosing and acessing medical history all the way since birth. She knew Harry would be scared as he seemingly had not been seen by a doctor or mediwitch/healer before but seeing the little boy clinging onto his caregiver with small sobs escaping his lips made her heart ache for him. She had been forewarned there was a suspected history of abuse which definitely would add to his nervousness aswell.

"Hello Harry, i'm Madam Pomfrey, but all the other little's tend to call me Poppy if you would prefer." Recieving a small nod as he removed his face from Autumn's shoulder, she continued. "All i need you to do for now is lie back on the bed, dont worry Autumn can still hold your hand as we do this." She reassured him.

Professor Snape watched from the bedside as Madam Pomfrey began her scans, usually these would take a minute or two but that quickly passed, then 5, then 7, then 9... finally at 10minutes the parchment which floated before then started to reveal the medical history of the little boy before them.

Age 0-2: Pneumonia (left outside overnight)
Bruises (rough handling)

Age 2-5: Bruises (Rough handling, intended harm)
Burns (attempt at cooking)
Burns (Cleaning chemicals)

Age 5-10: Bruising (Rough handling, intended harm, direct abuse)
Broken arm (Pushed down stairs)
Fractured ribs (kicked)
Burns (chemical and direct abuse)
Cuts and scrapes (belt and rough handling)

Bruising (Back, chest, legs)
Scarring (whole body)
Wrongly set broken arm (Left)
Partially healed ribs (minor fractures)

The three adults silently read the list and held back their gasps as tears that threatened to fall, not needing to scare Harry any more than he has been this evening, they kept their emotions in check.

"Harry, i'm just going to speak with Professor Snape for a moment while you and Autumn wait here is that alright?"

"Yes ma'am" Harry nodded again, putting on his best brave face and again giving a mock salute. All three adults hearts melted at this, happy to see his bubbly self was still there, even if they could tell it was slightly forced.

After they stepped into Madam Pomfreys office Snape was the first to speak up. "I'll be honest that was worse than what i had suspected, I have several snakes who have endured abuse at the hands of parents who are wizards who have suffered less. That aside what do you suggest we do for treatment?"

"Well, keeping him here for the night would be good, I'll arrange it so Autumn can stay by his side. With the help of dreamless sleep potion we should be able to break and re-set the broken arm correctly and heal his ribs, bruise balm and scar paste can minimalise and help heal the other injurys. As always with cases like this the most fragile part of the healing process is mentally, make sure to look out for the boy, Severus. He will need you through this."

"I agree with all of that Poppy, and yes that is true, he has struggled with nightmares, organisation and self care since he has arrived, hardly eats anything and has a lot of trouble accepting being a little. Today i discovered I was also his godfather, alongside Remus and Sirius. Gosh Poppy there's so much i regret. So much to make up for." He said with a frustrated and tired sigh, rubbing his temples to prevent the inevitable headache as long as he could.

" Severus, you are doing well in looking out for the boy, just continue what you are doing and things will start to improve with time. Come, lets not dwell on the past and our regrets, we have a little boy to heal still." She said ushering him out the room.

A few minutes and a partial explenation later (not wanting to scare Harry with the truth of what they had to do) he downed the dreamless sleep potion and was out like a light in mere moments.

"Autumn, if you could go and get some things for Harrh for tonight whilst me and Severus begin healing Harry, the two of you can spend the night here while he recovers." Madam Pomfrey suggested. "You may use the floo in my office to get to your quarters."

As Autumn left Snape and Poppy were quick to vanish the boys shirt to access his body and with a few "episkey"'s His ribs were healed and Poppy re broke and set his arm with a couple swishes of her wand.

Finishing up with bruise and scare paste's Autumn returned, dressed ready for bed, carrying Harry's pull up and footed onesie.

"Alright, everything we can cover has been taken care of, we will leave the two of you to sleep the rest of the evening, If he wakes at any point or if you need anything you know where to find me." Madam Pomfrey spoke as she tidied the few jars and summoned some extra blankets for the two.

"And Autumn." Severus spoke "Thank you for looking out for him so well, it's much appreciated. I shall see you tomorrow evening in your quarters. Good night."

With a final good night to Poppy and Severus, Autumn quickly got Harry changed for the night and covered him with his blankets, hopping into bed herself, hoping that Harry would feel better when he woke in the morning.

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