It's been a long day

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Tears started to form in Harry's eyes as his professor held his head in the crook of his neck, rocking back and forth in an attempt to soothe Harry and himself as well.

The shock of everything that was just revealed was causing a lot of confusion and distress, Severus tried to be as gentle as he could with Harry as the boy cried softly with his arms wrapped tightly round Snape's neck.

After a minute a tear stained face lifted and Snape was face to face with wide, green teary eyes.

"Y- your my godfather?"

"Apparently so little one, I'm sorry I didn't know sooner, but I'm here now."

"A- and who's the other people? Remus and S- Sirius?" He questioned

"Remus and Sirius were both friend's of your father, I was more your mums friend. I know that Remus is away working at the moment, And... as is Sirius." Snape was internally praying this would be enough information for now. He definitely didn't want to be the one to break the news on either of his other godfathers and where they were.

"O- okay, will I see them soon?"

"Sure thing little snake, soon enough." He tried to sound as reassuring as he could.

"And the compulsions and potions, what are they for? I read a sign once in Diagon alley outside Gringotts about compulsion checks. What do they do?"

"A compulsion is something that makes you act, behave and think a certain way. It's highly illegal in the wizarding world, they cause the victim to act a way where they have no awareness of what they are doing."

"And I- I have them? Why does it say the loyalty compulsion is keyed to Professor Dumbledore?"

Severus' anger was seething below his occlumency shields which he was barely managing to contain, taking a quick breath in... and out... he was able to answer Harry's question, but couldn't help the slight annoyance showing as she spoke. "Harry, I'm not sure how to tell you this because i dont exactly know what's going on here either. This is a form of dark magic, it can get the person who cast the charm many years in Azkaban. We'll get the goblins to sort this out for us."

A couple more tears escapes Harrys eyes. Inside he was terrified, someone he knew had done this to him, probably someone he thought he trusted. He was hit with a sickening thought after a few moments contemplation.

"W-what if Dumbledore did this?"

"Harry, I highly doubt the headmaster would do such a thing. Yes, the man has an odd way of adressing certain things but he would never intentionally harm a child."

Severus was 99% certain in his answer, this was one of the most powerful wizards of all time he was talking about, a headmaster of a school, an old man with a soft smile and a twinkle in his eye, surely he wouldn't do such a thing. But what Harry said stuck with him and for some reason he started to feel an inkling of doubt in his mind. He quickly pushed that behind his shields and brought his awareness back to the present.

"O- okay, I guess your right, but can we go back to Hogwarts now I don' wanna to do any'ing else righ' now." Harry answered, his voice lost all his excitement from the day, slipping into his little headspace compared to before they entered the bank and that caused Severus' heart to break for his newly discovered godson.

"Of course, lets head back."

With that Severus apparated back to Hogsmeade, pockets full of shrunken bags of clothes and his littlest snake in his arms, eyes heavy and drooping closed after a long day.


Back at Hogwarts, Severus carried a now sleeping Harry back to the little quarters, upon entering many of the little's were spread out across the room with their caregivers, after a quick scan of the room Severus made his way to the carers living rooms and found Autumn sat in a large armchair settled down with a cup of tea.

Autumn looked up after having a restful day to see Snape with Harry sleeping in his arms. She was so glad the little boy had taken a liking to his Professor so quickly.

"Professor Snape" she smiled, nodding her head towards him in greeting, "I see someone is tired out. Did you both have a good day?" She asked quietly, reaching out and taking the boy from his arms.

"Yes thank you Autumn, and please, call me Severus, with the amount of time I spend around here its only fair we are on first name basis."

"Of course Severus." She responded, as Harry snuggled into her embrace.

"I have many things here for Harry," He said, bringing out the shrunken bags, resizing them.  "shall we go to his room so I can put his things away then you can get him changed and down for a nap before this evening, he has an appointment with Madam Pomfrey later on, doesn't he?"

"Yes he does, I can only hope that after a long day out he'll be less likely to cause a fuss later on. Usually getting a little to the infirmary is harder than it seems." She spoke as they headed down the corridor and into Harry and Neville's room. 

Severus started to un-pack the bags, arranging Harry's wardrobe with all his new clothing and tidying away the clothes he had chucked into the closet that morning. 

"Autumn, you have a storage room with little clothes here, yes?" 

"Of course, its just the next door at the very end of the hall."

"Would it be okay if I grabbed Harry some little supplies, it seems he has been particularly un-organised so far. I want to make sure he has everything he needs to hand."

"That would be wonderful Severus, thank you. Harry's favourite items tend to be footie pyjamas, sippy cups and a paci, but make sure you gather up some pull-ups and diapers, we are running low in here." Autumn spoke as she got a fresh pull-up out of the bathroom cabinet for Harry.

As Severus gathered things for Harrys closet, Autumn finished changing Harry into his pull-up and footie pyjamas and settled him down with monkey and his favourite monkey paci as he snuggled down, happy to finally be all cosy back in his bed.  

Severus finished up organising Harry's things and quietly grabbed Harry's blanket and placed it over the sleeping little, leaving Autumn and Harry to go and mark essay's, eat his supper and rest before meeting them back at the infirmary that evening.


I've already got the next few chapters planned out so you can expect more to some! :) 

Ignore the fact this is being posted at 00:35 hehe

QOTD: Are you a morning person or night owl?

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