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Severus was enjoying the last of his relaxing time in the evening, after having an early dinner and finishing off brewing potions for the day, he had locked up his classroom and private laboratory and turned in for the night to his quarters.

He sat down reading from a new textbook 'potion master's advanced knowledge volume 2' and waited for his godson's to arrive to spend time together that evening. Severus had also made sure to put away anything potentially dangerous before having little Harry enter his personal quarters. This was something he was quite new to, but being a caregiver he knew how best to look after him with his overly protective and caring instincts.

His thought began to drift and he spent some time thinking about Lily, how she had trusted him enough to become a godfather to her child, even when they were not on the best of terms around that time Harry was born.

He remembers the day he visited Lily at Godrics Hollow, how she was sat in the rocking chair in Harry's nursery, the baby snuggled into his mothers chest peacefully sleeping.

Severus Snape was absolutely not an emotional person but the thought of what that small child had faced since the night his parents were killed, was stirring something up inside his chest and he felt his eyes sting with the threat of tears. He hadn't cried in years. not since the night he had lost her. Lost Lily.

But now this child, who had come into his life. Was not anything like a copy of his father but a small innocent little, who feared the world and had been through horrors in his life. He had already sworn to protect Harry when he was only a baby, the day he had pleaded with the headmaster to save Lily's life, but since the day Harry had entered his potions classroom he knew regardless of the vow that he would protect him anyway.

The world had been cruel to the little boy, and he was determined to show Harry there is more to life than that.

So deep in his thoughts he missed the first knock that came from his door, then soon after came the second which snapped him back to reality.

As he opened the door he was greeted with a certain platinum haired Slytherin and he invited him in.

The blonde boy, familiar with coming to visit his godfathers quarters, tossed his robes to the side on the floor and slumped down onto his favourite spot on the couch.

"How many times will I have to remind you, idiot child, to pick up your clothes and place them on the coat hooks by the door." He stated, rolling his eyes as he picked up said robes and hung them up, brushing the dust off they'd picked up from the cold stone floor.

"Sorry Uncle Sev." He laughed "Wont happen again." he lied.

"Somehow I find that hard to believe... considering you have said that every time I've scolded you for leaving things over the floor of my quarters." he tutted, crossing the room to sit in his favourite arm chair. Draco settled across from him looking over the potion masters book shelves'.

"Still only potion books here Sev, can you pleaseee get Quidditch through the Ages. I would even rather read Hogwarts, A History than these books about dissected insects and dead frogs, eugh." He said with a grossed out look on his face. Causing a light chuckle to come from the man.

"I will see what I can do, seeing as I now have a little to cater for here in my quarters it only makes sense that I get you both some new things. I will go this weekend, and get your book, don't worry Draco." He casually replied glancing over the top of his book.

With that a knock came from the door and Draco raced out of his seat to greet the guests.

"Hello Draco, Severus" Autumn greeted the two as she set Harry down on his feet once inside the potion master's living room. For little's they grew more tired earlier than others but he still wished to spend some time with the other two Slytherin's.

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