You're safe now.

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Warning - Chapter contains references to abuse and sexual assault.

This was difficult to write, please read responsibly.


The next morning Harry woke before the sun rose, still in his little space he turned over onto his back and squirmed around under the duvet grabbing hold of his feet in his footed pyjamas and staring up at the enchanted ceiling, watching as the stars twinkled and moved across the scene. It was hypnotising. Soon enough his eyes felt droopy and he drifted off to sleep again, sucking on his thumb contently. 

Waking for the second time he turned to look at the ceiling, pouting as a boring plain stone faced him with streaks of sun that lit the room through the windows. It didn't take him long to come out of headspace but he woke up in a particularly bad mood. 

"Morning, little one, did you sleep well?" Autumn spoke in a far too cheery voice for this time of the day. 

"Fine." Harry huffed in response, curling in on himself and monkey further underneath the duvet. 

"Well, certainly not a morning person I see, but we still need to get you up and ready for the day, Professor Snape will be coming to speak to you in a little bit." 

Suddenly Harry grew cold and the light brightened behind his eyelids, he wearily peeked over monkey, noticing his duvet had vanished and Autumn was mocking his pouting face, standing with her hands on her hips. 

"Come on then, lets get you changed for the day then." She quickly scooped him up and out of bed, placing him on his padded bottom in the bathroom beside a change of clothes including a black pair of joggers, a white t-shirt and special little's robes, not the scratchy kind the other kids wore. 

After Harry got himself undressed Autumn had only given him a pull-up to which, after sighing to himself he put it on and finished dressing before meeting Autumn back out in the bedroom. He continued to show her how grumpy he was by crossing his arms and staring her down from the middle of the room, only receiving a soft chuckle and cooing from her though as she carried him out the room. 

"That attitude won't work we me young man, in fact I might say you look even cuter than you normally do!" 

Well that didn't work.

Harry sat away from the others, refusing to have breakfast, determined to prove his point, he didn't want to have a conversation with Professor Snape today, what he had already said was bad enough. 

All the other littles made their way up to the little's classroom's and Harry jumped when the entrance to the little's quarters flew open and a certain professor with long black robes stalked into the room. "Good morning, Autumn, Harry, I hope the both of you slept well." 

"Yes, thank you professor, I did, though I'm not sure the same can be said for Mr. Grumpy over here. It's been a very slow morning and a certain someone refused to have his breakfast." Autumn replied, much to Harry's dislike. 

"Now now, I can't have my littlest snake missing out on meals now, come over here Harry, you can have some toast while we talk." He held out his hand and much to Autumns surprise Harry jumped to his feet and ran over to his professor's outstretched hand. 

As the little snake before him raised his arms to be picked up Snape obliged and lifted the little into his arms so he sat comfortably on his hip. "Big table." Harry demanded in a rather adorable manner. 

"Alright we can sit at the big table. But you sit with me or Autumn, I don't want you falling and getting yourself into more trouble this morning, mister." Snape replied.

Once they had settled and Harry had eaten some of his toast they began speaking about thing's  mentioned the previous night, Snape and Autumn asked about his home life to better assess the situation and Harry surfaced into big space to answer their many questions. 

They made their way to their seats on the couch the night before. Eventually all the information the two of them gathered had them lost for words, the poor child had gone through more than many of the higher year students had. His uncle having beaten the boy as punishment, Petunia emotionally abusing the boy, to the point Harry was convinced he was a 'freak' and Dudley and his friends chasing him down in an awful 'game' they called 'Harry Hunting'. 

At one point Harry described a rather frightening encounter with a strange man in a nearby park. 

Harry remained completely oblivious to the seriousness of the situation, claiming the man was 'nice' to him and no one had ever been 'nice' to him before.

Autumn was very clearly distressed at all this information so Snape quickly took over the conversation "Autumn, why don't you go and have a break for a few minutes, I would be happy to remain here and finish up this conversation." Without any further encouragement needed Autumn gave Harry a quick squeeze of his shoulder and headed to the Carer's rooms before breaking out into heart-wrenching sobs on the floor. 

Once she had left Harry looked confused towards his professor. "Um, Professor, did I do something wrong, is Autumn okay?" 

Harry, remained in a confused state, and was wondering what he had said that caused the adults to react in such a way.

Snape swore to vengefully hex such an awful muggle for attempting to steal the innocence from the sweet child before him. 

"She will be okay, Harry, I think Autumn's just a little overwhelmed by what we have been speaking about. You know that man you were talking about, the one from the park. I need you to listen to what I am about to say very carefully. What he did to you was a very bad thing Harry. He is not a nice man. He is a very bad man. If you ever  find yourself in that situation again, you run away and you find someone you trust or get somewhere safe, okay?"

Harry, though still confused accepted this fact, learning for the first time about the dangers of being alone, especially in public places, and talking to people he didn't know. 

As Harry took in this information he also learnt that the type of punishment he had grown up to know was also not right. That what his uncle and aunt and cousin did to him was cruel, was abusive

Abuse. That's what Snape had called it. 

"Professor, what do I do for the holidays, I- I don' wanna go back there again. Ever." Harry spoke with teary eyes. His emotions catching up with him. Snape moved over to sit beside the boy on the couch, pulling the little onto his lap for comfort. 

"As long as I am here, littlest snake, you will never have to go back there again, do you understand?" He spoke in his comforting low grumbly voice, brushing his fingers through the boys soft, wild hair.

"P- pr'mise?" He asked in a shaky voice.

"I promise, I'll talk to the headmaster about what to do, but you are safe now, okay. You've got me."

Right then and there he swore to himself, to Autumn, to Harry, to Lily, that he would keep the boy safe, even if that meant taking the boy in himself.


A new chapter, I am so so thankful to see several of you following this story!

This was a particularly intense chapter but there is so much fluff to come! 

Harry will get the love he deserves and will heal. <3 

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