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After the ceremony was complete Autumn scooped up Harry and carried him to the next-door room where beds were made up for goblins and healers to attend to patients.

She quickly made her way to one of the beds, the covers magically rolling down for her to place Harry down whilst Severus was levitated through to the neighbouring bed to rest as well.

The Malfoy's at this point took their leave so Draco could get back to his classes at Hogwarts and Narcissa and Lucius could return to their work, doing so with promises to visit Severus and Harry soon to celebrate the newly made father and son.

Autumn settled in when she was sure Harry was comfortable, to update her caregiver's notepad, which was magically tuned to the ones all the other caregivers carried, to update Samuel and everyone involved of how things had gone. After about 15minutes Severus started to stir so Autumn looked over, finding the man beginning to open his eyes.

"...Harry, is he okay?" Were the first words that left his mouth while trying to get a sense of his bearings, just noticing now he was in an unfamiliar room laid out on a small hospital type bed, though he calmed slightly, remembering the events of the day.

"Harry is fine, he is just over here Severus." Autumn spoke and when Severus made a move to get up, she stepped in. "Let me bring him to you, you need time to rest before your up and moving about."

"But I need to see my son Autumn." He stressed.

"And I will bring him to you." She replied. Standing, gathering the small little in her arms and carrying him over to his father. "Here." she said, placing the small boy in Severus' arms, feeling much like a healer would with a new-born and their parent.

Severus right in that moment felt the depth of his connection to the small boy now laying beside him and ran his calloused fingers through Harry's soft, messy hair.

"He really is quite small, even for a little, isn't he." Severus said, looking up at Autumn who watched the pair lovingly.

"I'm sure with time he will grow stronger and put on some weight, even compared to the start of the year he is looking healthier." Autumn replied, yet again saddened at the thoughts of all Harry had been through before coming into their care at Hogwarts.

"That he will. He's a rather extraordinary child. Far to reckless for the sake of my health, but that's something we can work on, I'm sure." Severus said, a quirk of a smile playing on his lips.

"Quite the character." Autumn agreed. "Get some more rest. The healers said it will be a while before he wakes again, and I suspect we will have a very small little on our hands." She said, turning back to her notes.

Severus needn't be told twice, the only thing keeping him awake was the small weight of the little boy tucked under his arm. Shuffling slightly and applying a quick expansion charm to the  bed so they would both be more comfortable, Severus drifted off to sleep.


A while later, Severus woke to a soft crying in the room, he felt the bed besides him and realised Harry was not there. Instinctively he sat up, though it made his head spin, and looked around the room, his eyes soon landed upon Autumn, swaying back and forth while pacing the large room slightly. Harry in her arms crying.

"Hey, look Harry, Severus is awake." Autumn cooed, redirecting the very small little's attention to his father.

"Sevvvyyyy." Harry cried out, twisting in Autumns arms and reaching for his Da.

"Come here child, it's all okay now." Severus spoke softly, still half awake but determined to soothe his son. "What's got you so worked up then, hmm?"

"He needs to have his diaper changed, Severus, I also thought a change of clothes would be nice, though he looks very handsome in his best clothes I think something comfy and warm would be preferred, it's rather chilly here." Autumn spoke up, understanding Harry was too upset to speak.

"Right then, little one," Severus said, laying Harry on the bed between his legs. "let's get you all cleaned up and comfy before eating some supper." Autumn then helpfully brought over everything Severus would need, who then efficiently got to work. At the chill air when Harry was undressed his cries worsened but with Autumn stroking a hand through his hair and handing him a paci, his cries quietened.

"Now, would you rather your new blue fluffy, footed sleeper or your fluffy bear one?" Autumn asked as Severus taped up the new diaper.

"Bear one!" Harry mumbled around his pacifier, kicking his little feet happily.

"Careful there, Harry" Severus said, guiding Harrys feet away from his face. "Wouldn't want a black eye now would I?" he joked.

"'m sorwy." Harry said, allowing the man to quickly dress him in his warm sleeper.

"Now I am sure that's much cozier." Autumn cooed over the cute little before them.

After a healer had been round to see to Severus and Harry a little while later, they ate some dinner, alongside Autumn, before being allowed to floo back to Severus' quarters to rest for the night.


"Now with Harry in such good hands I will take my leave for the night, if that's okay with you, Severus?" Autumn said, now back within Severus' quarters at Hogwarts.

"That's perfectly fine with me, I will see you tomorrow morning?" Severus asked, holding Harry on his hip, his arms around his son protectively.

"Perfect, Goodnight Severus, ni-night Harry!" Autumn spoke, making her way to the exit.

"Bu-bye Autumnnnnnn!" Harry called, waving exaggeratedly at the door when she left.

"Right now mister, time for bed, would you like a bottle before you go to sleep?" Severus asked, which had Harry nodding in response "Yes peaseeeee!" Severus only hoped that if he sat Harry down to play while he got ready for bed himself that the little would tire himself out. Despite sleeping most the afternoon, Severus was ready for a good night's sleep.

"Okay son..." He paused slightly at the use of the name for Harry, who had tilted his head to the side, looking at Severus inquisitively.

"Me? son?" Harry asked the man, pointing at his own chest. "Yes, Harry, you're my son now." He answered.

"You? Da- da- dada?" He asked, Severus holding off from cooing over his child's adorably concentrated face. "Yes, Harry I'm your da or dada now, whatever you prefer to call me."

Unexpectedly tears spilled from Harry's eyes but the little remained quiet. "It's okay child, why don't we settle in bed now and we can talk more tomorrow, I can see you're getting tired." Severus said, preparing a bottle of milk with his free hand as he held his child and cast a quick wandless warming charm over the bottle.

"Here take this for me, you haven't had much to drink today, have you? Hmm?" Harry took his bottle happily and with both hands started drinking the warm milk, Severus using the pad of this thumb to wipe away the boys tears which were now slowly stopping.

Settling the boy down, he left his bottle for a moment in turn for his toys and with Harry keeping himself entertained with his toy blocks, Severus went and changed for bed before joining the little boy again and settling them both down for the night.

Little HarryWhere stories live. Discover now