'Bigspace' Day

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As morning came the next day Harry started to stir as Daisy was rushing in and out of his and Neville's room trying to catch Neville, who was in between his big and little headspace, running away from Daisy because he didn't want to put his shoes and socks on. 

Harry groaned and turned over, pulling the blanket over himself and hiding his head under his pillow. He had woken up with a painful headache and was up way too early for his liking. 

"Harry, love. Are you okay?" Autumn seemed to have swept into the room un-noticed and was crouched down by Harry's head. 

"I've got a headache" He grumbled, peeking out from under his pillow but the light and the noise made the pain in his head so much worse. 

"Let me go get a pain relieving potion, are you little or big this morning?" 

"Big headspace today. Wait, what happened yesterday. I don't remember much." 

"We will speak about that in a bit, I'll be back in two secs." 

Harry wracked his brain for memories of yesterday, only remembering little snippets, potions class, Professor Snape, having his hand bandaged, being changed, having a nightmare, then sleeping till morning. 

Oh no. 

He only just realised that meant he was still wearing a diaper. he cringed internally as he looked at what he was wearing, yep. His cheeks flushed a deep red as he hid back beneath his pillow. 

"Here you are Harry, darling. Drink this, it will help." Autumn returned with the potion. 

Quickly tipping the potion back and feeling the pain in his head ease he mumbled a quick "Thanks" and hurried into the bathroom to change. 

Once he was back changed into his normal clothes he washed his hands and face and went and sat at the table with everyone else, nibbling on a piece of toast. 

Autumn noticed from the other side of the room that Harry never ate much, and considering how thin he was she was growing worried. Why was the child not eating? She made her way over to him and knelt on the floor. "Harry love, do you think you could eat a little more for me please?"

"Umm... I'm not really that hungry."

"I know but lunch is several hours away, you'll need more to give yourself strength to get through your classes."

He had to change the subject, quickly. "Oh, um... About today, I was wondering if we could go to normal lessons today, I feel a lot better than I did yesterday."

"Well, lets see how you are feeling in a couple minutes, but I would really like you to have a little something more before we go. Here." She reached for a cup of milk. "Drink this and then we'll see about going to class."

Harry sighed but drank the milk slowly, his hands felt unsteady holding the cup in his hands, which was weird. He could usually hold things just fine. 'Must be another stupid little's trait' he thought to himself. 

"I'm finished now, can we see what's on my normal timetable pleaseeeeee?" 

"Okay, okay, but like I said yesterday, if you feel yourself dropping, then we come straight back, okay?" She said, raising her eyebrows, but a soft smile stayed on her face as she spoke.


Autumn sat in the main room for the little's on the large, soft couch in front of the fireplace thinking over the events of the day. All of Harry's classes had gone smoothly, he had transfiguration first which went well, Professor McGonagall was just introducing them to the basic principals of the subject. Then they had Charms, where they learnt about levitation spells and practiced "Wingardium Leviosa" which Harry managed easily after a few attempts. Nothing particularly concerned her today except meal times. 

At breakfast Harry only ate a piece of toast and with some encouragement had a cup of milk, for lunch he ate around 3/4 of his sandwich and refused to eat anything more, now it was currently dinner time and he was mostly just poking at his food, taking a bite of it every time he caught Autumn looking over at him. 

Harry had never had a good relationship with food, he wasn't fed much at the Dursley's and so he learnt never to ask for it or eat too much, firstly because that wasn't allowed and secondly because when he did eat he was made to feel guilty, for wasting the Dursley's food, costing them too much money and not deserving it because he was too much of a nuisance. 

freaks don't deserve food, freaks don't deserve food, freaks don't deserve food.

He didn't want to take away food that could be someone else's or burden anyone here, despite being classed as a little, he liked it here. Everyone he met had seemed really kind and he really didn't want to leave.


All the little's had bedtime's, for those in little headspace it was 8:30pm and those in big headspace it was 9pm. Harry was happy that he had remained in his big headspace today, only him and one other student, Luna Lovegood, were staying up. 

All the carers had headed for their own dinner, but they left Luna and Harry to get to know each other, checking on them every now and then. 

"How are you finding classes Harry? I haven't been to the normal one's yet, I only seem to remain in my big headspace at night, which I guess is okay. But it gets quite lonely by myself sometimes."

"Lessons are really good actually, when I can actually concentrate and stuff though. What's it like here in the little's classroom's?" 

"It's nice yeah, I guess it's quite similar to the usual ones, except the class lengths are shorter, we have a break every 20 minutes and we can leave to come down here anytime we like." 

"I guess that would be nice. But don't you feel like your missing out staying here? I hate being different to everyone else." 

"It's okay Harry, being around people like you is nice, I always felt like I was different, but we all seem to get along here. Its nice being around people that are like me. Just try and accept the fact that things for us are different, but that it's okay. We've all got each other."

At that, the entrance to the little quarters opened and in walked Professor Snape. 

"Harry, just the person I was looking for! Miss Lovegood, do you mind if I speak to Mister Potter here for a minute?"

"Not at all professor, I should get to bed anyways. Goodnight Harry, Night Sir." Luna spoke as she skipped out the room to her bedroom.

"Let me just go and get Autumn, I told her I would be coming up for a talk this evening."


I wonder what Snape has to say, hmmmmm. 

Next chapter will be shorter as they have a chat :) 

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