Mum, Dad?

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After a long night Harry had woken up and was suprised that he felt in much less pain than he had been the previous day, he'd hopped out of bed and went to the bathroom at the back of the hospital wing, unzipped his onesie and looked over his body to see more faint yellow tinted bruises, no longer red, black and blue, and to see that his cuts, scrapes, and scars that he'd been given before he got to hogwarts were healing nicely, leaving faint silver lines where his oldest wounds were.

After a quick de-brief from Madam Pomfrey and Autumn in the early morning still, Harry and Autumn were given a jar of scar paste and bruise balm to take and apply twice a day and a nutrient potion to take with meals and they were sent on their way back to the little dorm's.

After they got there Autumn had sent Harry to bed for a little longer seeing how tired he still was as Autumn went to get ready for the day and inform Samuel of what had happened that night.

Harry was happily snuggled in his bed again, thankful to be able to look up at his enchanted bedroom ceiling again as stars occasionally went shooting across the room. He wished for nothing more than to have a happy family and not have to go back to the Dursleys. All he wanted was a loving home, a safe home.


When Harry properly woke later, he remembered all the events of the last night, his trip to the hospital wing and the fact everyone had seen what had been done to him, clearly he must have been in-betweening because he could remember it all and when he was little he didn't remember much.

All he wanted to do now was hide away from the world and all the people who knew what had happened to him. He wanted to get away, away from everyone who knew him, a place where he could be Harry, just Harry.

After getting up he dressed for the day putting on some normal underwear, his school trousers and a white cotton shirt, slytherin tie and robes and said goodmorning to Daisy and Neville who had woken up in his littlespace today (babbling about nothing in particular) and hurried down the hall straight through the main room trying to seem as casual as possible as not to draw attention to himself. As he was by the exit he turned round to make sure no one was looking. Happy that no one could see him he swiftly opened the door and shut it behind him, catching a glimpse of Autumn's back leaving the carer's living space.

He sprinted through the halls his heart was pounding in his chest as he ran, until he heard footsteps approaching and the voices of Professor Snape and McGonagall with them. He stopped running and turned to his right thankful to see a door, he hurried inside and shut the door behind him, pressing his ear to the door as he hears the Professors pass by.

Sighing in relief he thought he would wait another minute till he left to be sure he wouldnt be caught.

Turning his attention to the room he looked around and walked between the rows of desks and furniture covered in old sheets.

One particular item had caught his eye as he saw a golden frame and a glint of light reflecting off a shiny surface, pulling the sheet off he was dissapointed as he just saw a mirror. Leaning forwards and neatening his hair he went to step back but saw two figures standing behind him in the mirror, gasping in shock he spun round but there was no one there. strange.

Looking back at the mirror the two figures still stood there behind harry, the man had his arm around the womans shoulder and they had kind smiles looking at him as if he was the most important thing in their world.

"mum?" he whispered.


the two figures nodded their heads and in the mirror the man placed a hand on Harry's shoulder and the woman bent down and placed a kiss on his forehead. He felt a tingling sensation as if that really just happened, but turned around to see there was no one there.

His parents, his family, stood right infront of him, they looked like they actually loved him, that they cared about him. Not like the Dursleys, they snarled at him, hit him, punished him and made him do all the house work.

He just wanted that. a loving family, someone to show him the kind of affection the two people in the mirror showed him.

He didn't realise while he stood there caught up in his thoughts that tears were falling down his cheeks as he began to cry, wiping his face with the sleeve of his shirt he sat down infront of the mirror and his parents knelt down beside him in the reflection, wrapping their arms around his shoulders, again the woman placed a kiss on his head and they sat there. Harry didn't know how long he sat there, but he didn't care, he didn't want to leave this room. He felt like he belonged here, with them.


Meanwhile back in the little quarters everything was chaos, Autumn frantically searched the rooms and Severus arrived, having just been in the next room with his other Slytherin littles. "Harrys missing." Autumn didnt even let the man question what was wrong before speaking. "I sent him to bed for a bit this morning while i spoke with Samuel and when i came back he was gone, no one saw him leave. I hate that he is alone right now, especially after last night, I should have stayed out here to watch over him if he needed me, i-"

"Autumn, calm down, we will find Harry, he wouldn't have gone far. Was he little or big this morning when you left the hospital wing?"

"Big headspace, but that just makes things more difficult, what shall we do Severus?"

"Well, it certainly doesn't make things easier, I will go start searching, you wait here incase he comes back, I will find him don't worry."

After about 25minutes of searching Severus was becoming more worried. He had searched many abandoned classrooms and practically all the halls, he had sent Professors McGonagall, Flitwick, Sprout and informed the headmaster aswell.

Looking through one final hallway of classrooms, he checked the first room, nothing.

the second, nothing.

the th- Before he could open the door he heard quiet crying coming from inside, opening the door quietly he saw Harry sitting before the mirror of Erised, tears stained his face, sitting on the floor looking intently at the reflection. Severus had a good idea of what he was looking at, he definitely knew what he would see.

After sending his Patronus to the staff who knew Harry was missing, to tell them he had found him, he approached the little boy on the floor.

"Harry." The boy spun round and scurried backwards to face the potions professor with wide fightned eyes.

In the moment Harry had backed away from the mirror Severus got a glance at the mirror and gasped at what he saw.

He couldn't deal with this right now.

"What are you doing up here, my little snake, you know not to leave the quarters without an adult. Its not safe for a little to wonder the halls alone."

"'m sorry pr'fess'r. I di'nt want to be 'round now you all- you all know what a freak i 'm" Harry managed to stutter out, slipping into his little headspace.

"Come here child." Severus spoke to his godson as he opened his arms which were instantly filled with a small raven haired boy. "Let's get you back to Autumn, she has been so worried about you, running off like this."

"No. no no no." Harry immediately kicked up a fuss squirming in his Godfather's arms. "'m not leaving mum 'n dad." He spoke as the tears started again. "They are there," he pointed at the mirror "I see 'em"

"I know, i know you do, but this mirror doesn't show us things that are real, it only shows us the things we want, the things our heart most desires. It does not do any good to sit here before the mirror all day. I'm sorry Harry but we have to go back now." He tried to speak calmly and rationally to the boy whose sobs only increased.

Holding the boy tightly who wiggled in his arms he left the classroom heading back to the little quarters.

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