Little still

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As Daisy continued to read the story Harry slept peacefully, Autumn watching over him and the others who one at a time drifted off to sleep too.

When all the little's were asleep the carers quietly made their way to the table and sat down to have a discussion and catch up with eachother.

"Daisy." Autumn spoke up. "How has Neville been these past few days?"

"Oh he has been very cheeky as per usual, he is not keen on morning changes." She sighed.

"That will be why i see a little running up and down the corridors in the early
morning then." Sarah (Luna's caregiver) spoke.

"Honestly he likes to cause trouble that little one does." Daisy replied as a few other carers stifled a laugh behind their hands.

"Oh Autumn, how was Harry after this morning, I hated to see the poor little guy so upset." Samuel asked, after having been given quite a fright that morning when they weren't able to find Harry anywhere.

"Well, on his adventure he managed to come across the mirror of Erised, Severus has gone to speak with the headmaster about this along with the discoveries of yesterday." Autumn said. "After visiting gringotts on their trip out the goblins doscovered that Severus is infact Harry's godfather, and that Harry has been placed under the influencenof potions and compulsions." Several gasps came from the other round the table.

"But Autumn thats illegal! Who would do such a thing?!" Daisy spoke.


Meanwhile in the headmasters office...

"Who would do such a thing Albus?" Severus asked after reeling off all the information that he had discovered at gringotts. "And what on earth is such a rare artifact doing in an abandoned classroom. It should be stored away, somewhere safe. Harry was beside himself." He ranted.

"Who's to say it was a bad thing that he saw them? It may have done him some good, having seen them may have given him reason to fight for this war, you heard of the prophecy Severus, my boy. We cannot loose him to his classification." Albus spoke in his irritatingly soft tones.

"What are you trying to say to me headmaster, you wanted this to happen? Do you know how utterly ridiculous that sounds. That mirror is nothing short of a form of torture to see something that you cannot bring true is damaging to one's mental health" Severus spoke through gritted teeth.

"Now with more motivation to fight Voldermort we hopefully have more of a chance of winning this war. You must understand my reasoning." Dumbledore replied.

"Whether i understand your thought process or not is irrelevant Albus, I swear if what you have done has set back Harry's progress I refuse to serve as your spy for the order any longer."

"Severus, my boy-"

"dont. call. me. that."

"Where has this desire to protect young Harry come from. You used to scowl at the very mention of his name."

"I cared since i saw Lily within his eyes, he is hardly like James, unlike you made him out to be. Not only did you plant a faulse idea of him in my mind, you lied. You clearly never checked on the boy. You know mothing of his character, nor did you know anything if the abuse that boy has been theough. No wonder he is classified as a little, we all know how trauma impacts on the results of the potion. They boy has not come close to experiencing the childhood he deserves. Blood wards mean nothing if thoes who hold the protection are unable to protect the child themselves. You have been a fool Albus. I fear i have been even more foolish to have trusted in you. Because your right, Harry is important, but he isn't your soldier, he isn't our saviour, right now he is a boy. A scared, lonley and fightened child. Now tell me why did you place him under thoes compulsions and potions. Because believe me the second i can i am taking Harry back to gringotts and having them removed. Its illegal and downright evil."

"Severus... I... It was all for the greater good, i had no choice, everything we have gone through, all the sacrifices we have made to the last war. Lilys's sacrifice. Will all be for nothing if we don't prepare him for whats to come."

"Prepare?! You think having him brought up in an abusive home and unable to defend himself if preperation for war. Albus you insufferable old man, you, and you alone have harmed this child to a point he may nit be able to carry out the prophecy's purpose now anyway. I will be working on trying to undo all the damage you have caused and you will have no further influence on his life and that is final. Don't even think about getting in my way." Severus sneered, feeling utterly fed up with the conversation.

Before the headmaster could respond, Severus turned on his heel, unlocking the office door with a flick of his wrist and stalking off down the halls.

Back in the headmasters office Dumbledore sighed and turned to his desk drawers bring out a scroll of parchment and a quill and began writing.

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