1. Matt's POV

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Note: slightly mature content

I'd reached a deep level of sleep when a warm, comforting presence pushed against me. My brain begged me to go back to sleep since despite another full day at school, hockey practice, eating dinner at my desk while I did homework, I stayed up late again.

Based on the familiar scent of her fresh soap and how her warmly, delicate frame tucked into my chest, I didn't have to open my eyes to know who was here.


I rolled on to my side towards her. My top arm slid around her side and my hand rested on her lower back. Dressed in her favourite, but hideous, doughnut pyjamas, the warmness of her body flowed into my hand. She wiggled closer to me and a warmth flowed into my torso and lower body.

Why is she here? What time is it anyway? What day is it?

The thoughts pried my eyes opened and my bedroom blurred into my vision. I looked over, and was met with dark eyes and a beautiful smile on lips that lifted up slightly, meeting mine.


My head fell back into my pillow and rapid blinks of my eyes brought her gorgeous face into focus. I was never disappointed to see her, especially now, as she ran her hand over my chest.

"Sh..." her eyes looked nearly black as coal but a fire burned in her eyes. Her small hands reached up and she ran her fingers through my hair. With one tug on the back of my head, she brought my lips to hers.

Even six weeks after we became a couple, the way her kisses tasted and felt still erupted desires in me that I never felt before. Like now, as Aurora's chest brushed against mine.

I'll never get tired of kissing this girl.

I pulled back slightly. Aurora had other ideas though as he hands clasped the nape of my neck.

"Matt" she said my name. "I want you...all of you"

I must be dreaming.

"Aurora...what?" My mind couldn't process her words, since they sounded nothing like what my girlfriend would actually say.

"I've thought about it a lot" she mumbled between kisses. Her lower lip folded under and she held it there as her chin dipped shyly.

"Are...you sure?" I panted the words out.

Her hands pressed onto my shoulders and, before her movements registered in my head, I was on my back and she straddled me.

"I'm a thousand percent sure" her gaze captured mine and her thighs squeezed against my hips tightly as if they offered unspoken assurance.

"Is this...okay?" I looked deeply into her eyes, looking for any sign of indecision, any flicker of hesitation. I saw nothing, but her heart melting emotions. Compassion. Trust. Love. Until-


She sat up straight, like a statue, her eyes widened in horror. Thoughts that she regretted this and we'd rushed too fast doused my sensations like I dunked my body into the ice bath Mason swore by.

I sat up and wrapped my arms around her. As she fell forwards, my heart beat fast where her head rested. I closed my eyes, taking deep breaths to cool down the heat inside of me.

I looked down and saw tears streaming down her face. As sobs took over her body, her shoulders and spine trembled.

"Aurora" I whispered, smoothing her hair. "It's okay, we don't-"

"No" her eyes widened in horror as she looked over my shoulder and her whole body shook like a leaf.

"Not you...him" Her wide eyes, mouth parted expression that was frozen in fear was the last thing I saw before she literally disappeared into thin air.


Shit, I am dreaming.

"Sucks to be you, Matty" An unfamiliar voice spoke to me.

My eyes followed the direction of the voice and I saw a toned, large framed guy who stood over me. He crossed his arms over his shirt and narrowed his eyes at me.

"I had her first" the light from my laptop cast shadow lines across his expression as he smirked. "She liked it more than she'll ever admit. And there isn't a fucking thing you can change about that"


Anger rose in me as I recognised the asshole who took advantage of Aurora. He was the reason for her nightmares, pain, embarrassment and the reason our physical relationship felt like we walked on eggshells because I didn't know what was and wasn't okay.

"Jack Davies"

Once my bare feet touched the carpet floor, the muscles in my arms and legs clenched and I lunged at him. I swung hard at him with my right hand.

The second before my fist contacted his jaw, he vanished from sight. Loud laughter filled my ears and I found myself alone and confused again.

"Uh!" I bolted into an upright position on my bed. My head pounded with a headache, so I lifted my hand up and found my hair soaked in sweat. Every muscle and joint in my body was locked with agitation.

"Suppose I deserve that"

I looked at my laptop on my desk. Earlier that evening, after the rest of my homework was completed, I should've studied for my calculus test tomorrow. Instead, I searched online for any tangible dirt I could find on Jack Davies.

I browsed through local newspaper articles and Boston University social sites. Wider net searches had only pulled up his hockey stats and scouting reports, which were impressive.

As an only child, he was born and raised in Boston. His parents, Lilly and Derek, were still married, both lawyers. One public defender and one criminal. He was the hockey captain in Aurora's school, during the time he tried to assault her at a party.

Now, Jack was a junior at Boston University. He was a communications major and member of a frat. Due to his success, Jack was everywhere on campus, including post game interviews for the school newspaper.

Oddly, I didn't find a trace of his social life. He had several social media accounts, but his posts were all Hockey related.

There wasn't a single post, picture or hint of girls associated with Jack Davies.

I found that suspicious, but a few hours of internet snooping left me frustrated and tired. I read too many Jack articles and seen too many pictures of his stupid face, that he ended up in a dream that was uncomfortably pleasant prior to his appearance.

On the surface, he looked like any normal, fresh face college athlete. 

But I knew better, under the exterior was the soul of a monster. And he deserved to be behind bars, not head hunted by scouts.

"You won't get away with it, asshole"

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