17. Aurora's POV

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I found out later that Dan's cold look was from how he dodged questions about Matt and I since we arrived.

His girlfriend, Madison, was her usual quiet self, but she started to come out of her shell the last few weeks. She looked very pretty, her purple dress striking against her pale skin, and her hair was piled up high like a crown on her head.

"Still okay with that?" I mumbled to Matt about his ex girlfriend. As I looked up, I felt comfort in how he looked at me like I was the only girl in the room.


I just shook my head and shrugged as we watched Dan get crowned Homecoming King, before going to the dance floor with Madison. Finally, Raine came up to me and gagged when Annie was crowned Queen.

"I bet she filled the ballots just like her bra" Raine said, in a not so quiet voice as Annie danced with her date. "We all know her skewer stretchers are more silicon than biology"

"Raine!" I narrowed my eyes at her and looked at Matt when he started laughing. "You're not allowed to laugh at that!"

"I can go all night" Raine said, smirking. "Honker hooters-"

"Who is she?" Thankfully Matt cut her off, nodding in Annie's direction. "If she gets that reaction from Raine"

"Annie Hill. Dan's ex girlfriend" I said, catching the scowl on Raine's face. "They dated over the summer, but she played games with him"

Matt didn't say anything, but his eyes went from mine to Raine's cold glare towards Annie. I followed her gaze as she looked at Dan.

"To answer your question about seeing them, Aurora, there's only one girl I have feelings for" Matt leaned over and kissed my cheek.

"I just meant how I'd find it weird if it was my ex" I mumbled, as unpleasant feelings stirred inside of me. Even though Matt and Madison were together two years ago, the mental picture of him being with any girl, didn't make me feel warm inside.

Madison's low key personality was good for Dan though, who let his temper escalate too quickly. With her, his anger mellowed out.

Dan and I hadn't seen each other much this week, he avoided me the first three weeks Matt and I dated. After that, school, work for me and hockey for Dan, plus whatever crawled up his ass, pulled us apart.

"Definitely not as weird as the looks your brother is giving me" Matt said, cutting me off from my thoughts.

Matt paused, looking between Dan and I. The tension was obvious by the glare he threw me when he looked in our direction. I swallowed hard against the lump in my throat.

This will get easier...right?


"Hi. Aurora" a deep voice coughed out from behind us. Matt and I turned and saw Luke next to a brown haired girl. I didn't recognise her, but she was very pretty.

"Hi, Luke" I forced a smile

"You look pretty tonight" He said, flashing me a smile.

"Thanks. I think you guys know each other" As Matt wrapped his arm around my waist, I smiled up at him. "But, Matt, this is Luke. He's Dan's best friend. Luke, this is Matt, my boyfriend"

They didn't really greet each other. It was more of an awkward hand shake.

"This is Emily" Luke introduced me to his date. Her purple coloured dress flowed as she stepped forward.

"Nice to meet you" I shook her hand to cut out the awkward tension. "Aurora"

Luke's head snapped towards me when I introduced myself, but he stayed quiet.

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