8. Matt's POV

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After Chris and I told Dad we were going out to run errands, which was true, I texted Mom to see if she needed anything.

Matt: Chris and I are going to Target. Need anything?

Unfortunately, she got back to me quickly.

Mom: yes! Large tampons

"Gross" I looked up from my phone to Chris. "Mom needs tampons"

"Gross" he said, rubbing his hand over his face. "You're getting those"

"Like hell I am" I narrowed my eyes at him. "If you're making me take this trip tonight, you're getting the tampons"

"Maybe she doesn't need them right now" he shrugged

"Or maybe she needs them tonight" his eyes widened at my response. "I'll check"

Matt: like tonight?

Mom: bring them home tomorrow. Thanks!

"Great" I mumbled, putting my phone back in the cup holder and starting the engine. After it vibrated, I nodded at Chris to check my messages. Knowing Mom and Target, we'd go in for one thing and come out with more.

"Mom sent a list" Chris furrowed his eyebrows. "Tampons, strawberries, pickles, chocolate, chicken salad and laundry detergent"

"I'm surprised she didn't ask us to get camping equipment" I rolled my eyes at how this quick trip turned into an hour of shopping that no teenage guy wanted to do.

Tampon embarrassment aside, I wasn't sure if strawberries and chicken salad would be good from sitting in my truck all day. So I set my phone alarm to be early enough that I could stop by Mom's house before school tomorrow.

"No buying more boards" I said, side eyeing Chris.

Chris took advantage of Dad's house being near the beach and he hit the waves whenever he could. I wasn't able to do much than stand up and surf a few feet, but Chris was decent.

"Fine, as long as we don't forget the condoms"

"Trust me, you'll have more than you'll know what to do with"


After Chris and I ate more free food than any normal person, he stood wide eyed in the personal items aisle. Like everything here, the sizes were bulk. Even the shopping cart I leaned on was twice as wide as a normal one.

Tonight the store was busy. The only difference was how people here on a weekday evening wore annoyed expressions as they bought their items.

"You weren't kidding" He tilted his head, looking from the top shelf to the bottom. "How many am I supposed to get?"

"How many times are you planning on having sex?" I laughed at how unprepared he was. "The minimum number in a box is forty, the biggest box has..." I paused. "Two hundred"

"Two hundred?"

"Well" I picked up one of the mega boxes and flipped it over for the expiration date. "These are good for the next five years. Think you'll have sex that many times in the next five years?"

"Uh..." Chris' face was bright red. "Part of me would hope for closer to two hundred, but I don't know"

"Movie group date option sounding better, Chris?" I smirked, putting the box back on the shelf. "You don't have to if you're not ready"

"Movie is sounding better, but we came all this way...let's just get a small box. You said they're good for five years"

"Suit yourself" I waved my hand out at the options. "Pick already, we have to get Mom's stuff"

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