24. Auroa's POV

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Since we stopped talking about the topic of our physical relationship, I kept my thoughts about sex to myself and lay back against his chest, while he stroked my arms.

Not helping, Matt...really not helping.

"Aurora..." My head moved slightly as he sighed. "Is not having sex bothering you? If it is, there's an easy fix"

"But-" I started for him, not bothering to hide the annoyance in my voice.

"But..." He smiled. "As soon as it's gone, you can't take it back and I don't want you to regret that"

"I appreciate that..."

While noble, it was annoying me right now.

"But-" he teased me.

"But shouldn't it be my choice?" I said in frustration, even though he was behind me and couldn't see my expression.

"Of course"

"Wait..." after I mentally chewed and digested his words, I sat up when the words he hadn't said registered my brain.

My eyes narrowed as I turned towards him and studied him. "Are you planning something?"

"Will you hit me if the answer is not yet?"

"No" I smiled. "That means you've been thinking about it"

"Aurora, guys don't think about anything else" he joked, but he had a serious look in his eyes. "You have no idea"

Did he just admit he's thinking about it?

"I meant thinking about making it special" I corrected him, sighing.

"I have" he leaned over, kissing my head. "But apparently not as much as you've been thinking about doing it in non-special places"

"Matt-" I wasn't in the mood for teasing tonight.

"I'm happy with how things are going" he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me back into his chest. I turned away from him, tucked my hands around his arms and squeezed them in frustration.

I never thought in a million years he'd be the one to hold out on me.

Is there something wrong with me?


"Yeah" he kissed my head again. "This is the longest relationship I've had. We have time"

It would be a lot easier to stay mad at him if he didn't say things like that.

"Ugh" I turned my head and groaned into his chest. "This would be easier if you had love handles"

"But now you're bringing it to my attention, it's filed under the category of distracting Aurora thoughts" His chest vibrated when he laughed. "Next to the ones I get from seeing your dress tonight"

"I thought it was nice" I released a playful pout. I let go of his chest and smoothed my dress with my hands. "Beautiful, you said"

"You are" I smiled as he slid his coat off my shoulders and he kissed my skin, then trailed more kisses up the side of my neck. "But...it's very short"

At that point, I realised how one of his hands had moved to my knee. My bare knee.


"Matt" I turned my shoulders, reached for him and pulled him towards me into a kiss.

I pressed my lips to his, then took a deep breath and deepened the kiss. When we first kissed, our kisses were slow and clumsy. A few weeks into the relationship, I felt more comfortable initiating things. My hands rested on his chest, where I felt his heart race.

Kissing Matt now was a slow, steady burn. I pulled back slightly, taking a breath, then moved closer until my chest brushed against his.

My hands moved up to his hair. He recently got a haircut, so the hair near the nape of his neck was short and faded into long hair at the top.

"About my dress..." I pulled back for air and whispered against his mouth. "Are you asking me to take it off?"

"Please don't" he whispered back. I groaned, sat back a few inches, then leaned forwards, resting my head on his chest.

"Hang on, sweetheart" he laughed, taking deep breaths. "I have another idea, if you're okay with it"

I smiled into his chest. "Feels like I'm settling, but I trust you" I joked

"Just sit up" I moved a foot away from him and watched him curiously.

Matt pulled the blanket off us, moved his legs so they weren't around me, until he sat next to me. He removed his jacket and folded it into a small bundle, putting it behind his lower back. He leaned forward, cupped my cheeks and kissed me just once.

With a slight pull, he said, "Come here, if that's okay"

I nodded and climbed onto his lap. My hands rested on his shoulders and his rested on my waist, then I looked at him.

At this point, I realised how uncomfortable Matt's truck was, as one of the metal bed lines poked into my right knee. I started to move my leg straight when he grabbed the back of my thigh.

"Knees down" he shifted under me until my knees were more comfortable and he wrapped a blanket around my back.

"Aurora" he whispered, his eyes locked on mine. "Can I kiss you?"

"You know you don't have to ask me that, right?" He smiled, but he just waited silently. "Yes"

He leaned forward and gripped my waist gently. My hands found the back of his neck as the internal heat started to take over my body. With each kiss, I caved more. I needed more.

Always at this point, Matt broke this off.

Not tonight though.

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