25. Aurora's POV

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"Are you okay, Aurora?"

If i had the ability of melting, then I would've turned into Aurora goo when he asked that question. We climbed back into his truck and drove back to my house so I made my curfew. We sat hand in hand, while his thumb stroked my knuckles.

"Yeah..." As I blinked a few times, a warm sensation filled me. My body felt....happy? Satisfied? I wasn't sure because these were new feelings.

I read a lot of romance novels but I wasn't prepared for hot intense the hot, achy sensations, how much my body craved his contact, everything rushed out like relief.

On the way home, I realised he was entirely focused on me for the whole experience and I felt guilty.

"I'm sorry, Matt" I started, facing him. "I feel selfish now, you did that for me and I didn't-"

"It was great" he stayed focused on the road, but he lifted my hand and kissed it gently. "You were great"

I furrowed my eyebrows together. "All I did was take it"

"No" he corrected me. After he stopped at a red light, a few streets from my house, he leaned over towards me. "You woke something inside of me, Aurora"

"In what sense?"

"I know how to please you" he brushed his nose against mine. "I'll want to do that more often"

"I..." I paused for a minute, before smiling. "Would like that"

The words felt good when I said them. Even if I said them out loud, I felt like I admitted them to myself. As the light turned green, he leaned back, still smiling.

"Plus..." I started. "Next weekend is your Homecoming. I'm planning to wear the same dress..."

As the thought ran through my head, I turned and looked out the passenger window, wearing the same smile Matt did.


I lost count of the amount of times Matt kissed me goodnight. He was really sweet, and with each kiss, I felt the warmth and gentleness. Somehow I felt more connected to Matt when I arrived home than when he picked me up.

We had to pull apart because I think my parents would have turned the sprinklers on if we stayed on the front step much longer. After one more kiss, I watched Matt walked back to his truck and the squeal wanted to come out of my mouth.

"Mom? Dad? I'm home" I stepped through the front door.

"We're in here" Mom called from the living room. I went in and saw her and Dad sitting next to each other, watching TV.

My parents were relaxed on weekends. Dad worked in car sales and he worked all day Saturdays, but kept Sunday for his two loves; hockey and his family.

"I just wanted to let you know I'm home" I stepped in with a wide smile on my face.

"Cutting it close" Dad looked between me and the clock. It was 11:52.

One look at Mom's makeup free face, her damp hair and her fuzzy robe showed she was ready for bed. How she sat next to Dad in his old, stained white shirt and pyjama  pants told me they waited up for us.

"Still before midnight" I smiled, sitting in an armchair and kicking off my shoes. "And I beat Dan, so..."

"You're in a good mood" Mom noticed. "How did Matt do at your school?"

"Better than I did. We're the topic of everyone's gossip" I said, with sarcasm.

"Aurora..." She narrowed her eyes at me. "Can we talk to you for a minute?"

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