15. Matt's POV

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Saturday after Mason tortured my legs and froze me like a human popsicle, I fell into a deep sleep. After I did homework and ate some food, I got ready for Aurora's Homecoming Dance. When I stood, dressed up in front of Mom, she was a crying mess.

Aurora waited until the last minute to get her dress, but I already owned a suit since Mom bought me one for my eighteenth birthday.

Unlike girls at my school, or at least in one in particular who gave the team a lecture about colour coordination, I knew Aurora wouldn't have cared if my red vest didn't match whatever colour her dress actually was.

"You look great" Mom gushed, wiping tears from her eyes. I handed her a tissue and rolled my eyes  as she blew her nose.

"Thanks, Mom" I grabbed the bunch of flowers I got for Aurora. After Ava yelled at the guys for not ordering a corsage and flowers, I ordered Aurora some white roses to wear at my dance.

I learned new things about Aurora every day, but the fact she was different than other girls was constant. Her personality and preferences attracted to me at the start, but it meant I had to take a few more risks to impress her.

"Matt, I know it's homecoming" Mom leaned against the kitchen counter and crossed her arms over her chest. "But after what you told me about other girls, tonight just-"

"Aurora's not like that" I cut her off, knowing what she implied.

"I know, but it's Homecoming" she added, looking over at me. "Are you still....like that?"

"Mom, this is embarrassing!" I rolled my eyes in frustration. "I just want to see her dressed up, take her to her school dance, then come home. Okay?"

"I know, I'm having a hard time processing things. It's Homecoming, you're going to college next year-" all of a sudden, new tears rolled down her face.

"Here" I removed a single daisy from the bouquet and handed the rest to her.

"These are for Aurora" she looked at me confused, then looked at the flowers.

"It'll be okay, Mom" I stepped over and wrapped my arms around her shoulders. She froze for a minute, before patting my back.


Forty five minutes later, I pulled up outside Aurora's house. My eyes narrowed at the white truck parked at the end of the driveway behind Aurora's lemon coloured clown car.

Guess Dan's still here.

After I saw her bedroom light was still on, I sent her a quick message.

Matt: I'm here sweetheart

Aurora: almost done. I hope you like the dress

I realised my unconventional choice as I picked up the single daisy from the passenger seat. Before I got out of the car, I slid her one more tease.

Matt: as long as as it's low cut ;)

Aurora; front or back?

Matt: both

"Hi Mr. and Mrs. Hillary" I greeted them as they opened the front door.

"Hi, Matt" her Mom smiled, while her Dad nodded politely with a blank expression.

We're getting there.

"Aurora is almost ready" she added. Something about the sparkle in her eye, suggested Aurora wore something special.

"Home by midnight" her Dad cut her off before she said anything else. "No exceptions. You're welcome"

"Yes, sir" I reached out and shook his hand. He stared me right into the eyes before he dropped my hand.

"Here they are" Her Mom grabbed her phone for pictures at the sound of feet shuffling upstairs.

"Aurora" My mouth dropped wide open.

Even though we'd been dating for two months, Aurora again sucked the air from my lungs. She floated down the stairs like a cloud, holding Dan's arm.

Her brown hair formed her face in loose curls and her eyes were full of light makeup. She wore a dark red strapless dress that showed off her shoulders and the skirt was short. Super short.

My girl is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.

"Hi" Aurora smiled when I stepped in and took her other hand.

"You look so beautiful" I couldn't stop looking at her. She looked more beautiful up close.

When he cleared his throat, I realised Dan was next to her. He glared at me and gave me a stern look, but Aurora elbowed him in the ribs.

"Thanks, Matt" Aurora looked back at me, smirking. "You look....presentable"

"Presentable?" I scoffed, but took her free hand and hooked it through my elbow. "Hope you have a stick to fight the girls off me"

"Challenge accepted" she smiled, squeezing my arm. Then, I realised I really was excited to take her.

"Stay there!" Mrs. Hillary took pictures of us, or a video, I wasn't sure. My eyes were on Aurora.

Dan checked his watch and mumbled he had to go. My relationship with Aurora was uncomfortable for Dan, like it was uncomfortable for me to see him with Madison.

"Okay, Mom. Dan has to go-" Aurora took a step forward, then tripped.

I saw it happen as if it was slow motion and I held her arm. Dan did the same on his side and he glared at me. Aurora threw him a 'he's my date, idiot' look, and he let her arm go.

"See you guys there" He couldn't resist one more glare at me before he left.

"That's progress" I laughed, looking at Aurora. "Are you okay?"

"It's progress" she assured me as her Mom took more pictures. "Thanks for catching me"

"Always. For you, baby" I smiled and handed her the single flower. She smiled, taking the flower in her hand.

I leaned over and whispered into her ear, "sorry it's just one. I gave the rest to Mom. She's a mess about Homecoming, you'll see next week"

"It's beautiful, thank you"

"Let's go then"

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