11. Aurora's POV

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Friday night hockey games in Boston were something else. Fans packed the stadium, standing shoulder to shoulder, a buzz of excitement in the air.

As I ate my stick of fried dough rolled in cinnamon and sugar, I sat in my new usual seat at Matt's home hockey game.

Like every game since Matt and I started dating, tonight I wore jeans and my 'Lit Happens' sweatshirt he gave me. His varsity jacket was wrapped around me like a warm blanket.

"He makes it look so easy" I said in awe of Matt as he scored another goal.

While I fully understand the hard work that went into hockey because of Dan, Matt had a talent that made him look like he played the game on a different level.

"So, are you going to tell me what's bothering you or should I assume Matt stuck his foot up his butt?" A voice teased me.

"He didn't do anything" I glanced at Marylou from the corner of my eye as I licked the sugar and cinnamon from my finger and thumb. "Why?"

"That's your second bag of churros" Her eyes sparkled from my mouth to my sticky fingers.

"Honestly?" I sighed and set the churros down on my lap. "You know how Matt got his acceptance letters?"

"Vaguely" she looked back out at the ice as Matt skated off. "Looks like they pulled him out of the game"

Of all places, Matt sat on the bench. He took off his helmet and ran one hand through his  hair, that was damp from sweat.

Dan was one of the most hardworking guys when he played hockey. He studied playbooks and film tapes religiously, he was first in the locker room and the last to leave. His team respected him on and off the field, like a cult.

On the field, Dan was in control of everything. He called the plays, he set the timing. His approach was perfectly carried out, endlessly patient and effective.

Matt couldn't be more different. He had a causal approach and his own bag of tricks. But the most impressive aspect was Matt's playmaking ability when things fell flat.

So why was he on the bench? His team were ahead and there was eight minutes left. Even though I'm sure he was content with six goals and zero penalties, I knew by his squirms on the bench, he wanted nothing more than to be back on the ice.

When Matt and I met, his team had a game where the ranked girls. After they added me, Matt shut the whole thing down. While I hoped he killed it for good, the move was apparently good for the team in how it tightened Matt's leadership status.

"At the risk of bragging" Marylou smiled widely. "He's gotten a few acceptances. I'm proud of him"

She threw her arm over my shoulder. Marylou was a hugger, which wasn't uncomfortable for me. She added, "you too. Both of you spend a lot of time studying. You've been a good surprise in Matt's life. You're not one of those girls who drag him parties or distracts him with nonsense, like those cheerleaders"

"Well..." I looked over at the cheerleaders. They were lined up in black fitted uniforms.

Has Matt been with any of them, or all of them?

I frowned when a familiar girl, Nicole, came into my view. She was tall, with long legs, brown hair in a high ponytail. I knew Matt was involved with her before and my stomach tugged with a horrible feeling.

Compliments I internally appreciated and pangs of jealousy I wanted to toss over the back of the bleachers aside, Marylou pointed Matt and I spent a lot of studying. I realised we hadn't gone on any dates since our first date.

Should we go out more? What would we even do?

"Well, what?" Marylou interrupted my thoughts.

"My application just..." my smile faded as I choked on my words. I dropped my hand from her back, brought it to my mouth and coughed. As my eyes lowered, I felt the disappointment rise in my stomach.

"Let me guess" I felt her eyes on me. She squeezed my shoulder. "You didn't get accepted into some schools"

"Try all of them" I squeezed my hands together tightly. "Well, Harvard, Yale, Cornell. They were the only ones I applied for so far"

"Those are crossed off the list" she said casually. "I wasn't sure if those schools were right for Matt"

"You'll find somewhere" she said, squeezing my shoulder again. "There's hundreds of schools out there who'd be stupid not to take you"

"Thanks, Marylou" I smiled at the encouragement she set inside me.

"Are you excited about your Homecoming tomorrow?" As she changed the subject, I looked back to Matt's hunched over figure.

"A little" I shrugged since I didn't know what to expect.

"Listen, Aurora" her voice went low in volume. "I'm going to come out and say something about Homecoming, okay? Don't freak out"

That sounds encouraging from your boyfriend's Mom.


"You know I like you very much" she started. I assumed there was a 'but' coming, but wouldn't have ever guessed the next words that came out of her mouth.

"But I hope you two will use protection"

"I..." my mouth hung open.

"Oh, I know you're not having sex yet" she chirped while I stared at the ice below us. "It's a small house with thin walls and  I have good hearing"

What is she talking about?


"It's okay" she winked. "He'll be eighteen next week and I'm happy he's with you. I got pregnant with him my first year of college and had to drop out. Just be careful"

"I'm sorry?" My brain turned to complete mush. "His birthday is next week?"

"Yeah" was her cheerful response. "Sunday, after his school dance"

"I had no idea"

"He hates his birthday, don't feel bad he didn't mention it" she added, patting my shoulder. Immediately, I was reminded of Raine's burning ritual.

What do you do for someone who hates their birthday?


Matt's post game look was my favourite. He always wore a dress shirt, khaki pants, smelled clean and fresh and his hair was damp after a shower.

"He didn't always do that" Marylou poked me with her elbow as he spoke with recruiters.

"Do what?"

"Shower" she laughed. "He'd come home stinking to high heaven some nights"

"Glad I'm a positive influence"

"You are" Marylou whispered. "In more ways than one"

I tore my eyes away from Matt when I saw he dropped his bag, a sign his conversation would take longer than expected, and met Marylou's eyes.

"Thanks" I smiled at her. "He's a good influence too. I can't believe how wrong I was about him at first"

"He didn't make things easier" she laughed, making her shoulders shake. "I meant it when I said you'll need patience, but I was surprised his foot hadn't come out of his butt with how much he choked on it"

I laughed, as Matt shook the recruiters hand and picked up his bag. My heart raced as he locked eyes with me and he took quick steps towards us.

Still the most attractive guy ever...and he's mine.

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