10. Matt's POV

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"What's the second thing?" Nate asked, as we stood in the school parking lot.

Nate smiled and nodded at his girlfriend, who was leaning against his truck, talking to Nicole, who glared in our direction. I immediately looked away and back at Nate.

Nate knew what my look meant. "I swear I didn't know she did it. I bet Ava doesn't know, I hope she doesn't..."

"That's between you two" I waved off the topic of Nicole and back to the real reason I wanted to talk to Nate. "The second thing stays between us"

"Like the first one wouldn't have" he laughed. I tilted my head, giving him a knowing look. "Goes without saying, dude"

"Thanks" I sighed, running my hand through my hair. "Aurora and I...we're not having sex...yet, but I thought since you and Ava have been together for so long..."

"You want alternative suggestions?" I nodded and he smiled. "At least you didn't go to Baylen with that question"

"I'm serious, Nate"

"Look..." he fixed his backpack on his back, keeping his eyes on me. "Between us, Ava and I were fifteen when we started dating. We didn't have sex for eighteen months after that"

"Eighteen months?!"

"Neither of us knew what we were doing" he laughed at the internal memory. "When we did, we were drunk at a party, then woke up in an oh-shit moment at first"


"I thought she'd break up with me since she was saving herself for...who knows what" he shrugged, shaking his head. "After that, we've been all over each other"

"So..." I redirected him back to my question. "Little help, please"

"There's lots you can do. Try doing it dry first"

"You mean, with clothes on?" Nate nodded

I must've looked unconvinced because he added, "okay, if you don't like that then stretch out the rest. Touching, hand jobs, going down on each other. We tried them all before having sex, we knew each other well at that point"


"Target run aside, best thing you can do is don't have condoms with you" he advised. "That cuts down temptation"

I nodded. "Thanks"

"If it's really her first time, it'll hurt her. Buy something or go slow, but don't feel out if there's bleeding after. I thought Ava got her period"

"Great" I rolled my eyes at something else to be worried about.

"I'll be sure to thank Aurora for stripping you of your manhood when I see her"

"Thanks, Nate"


"Hey, Mom!" I called as I stepped through the front door. Mom and I lived in a small, three bedroom, two bathroom house ten minutes from school.

My nose twitched when I smelt something like burning rubber. After I dropped my bag, I walked down the hallway to the kitchen and tried to find the source of the smell.

"Hey" Mom sat at the table with her kindle in front of her. A pot sat on the stove with a rubber spatula inside.

I pulled the spatula out and frowned at some of it stuck to the inside of the pot.

She frowned, watching me walk to the trash can. "I was warming up some water"

"There's no water in the pot" I held it up to her for evidence. "How have you not poisoned us yet?"

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