5. Matt's POV

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"Do you have any?" He asked again, in a casual tone. Despite the fact he wasn't old enough to drive, I probably would've looked less shocked if he asked to drive my car.

"I'm not asking Dad. Can you help me?"

Excuse me!? Did my little brother just ask me for condoms?

"Uh, why?" I asked with wide eyes and scratched my chin.

"Well" he mumbled, studying my gaze. "I assumed you and Aurora-"

"I meant" I cut him off because talking about this with Baylen and Josh, Chris was the last person I wanted to talk about it with. "Why do you need them?"

"For Melissa" he said, looking away from me.

"Are you sure?" I was sure Chris hadn't been with a girl like that, but he had some kissing disasters. I didn't hear about Melissa until now, so I don't know how important she was to him yet.

"I think so, I mean that's what people do after Homecoming, right?" The look of confusion on his face told me everything I needed to know.

"Not really" I sighed, sitting down on his bed. "Would it make you feel better to know Aurora and I haven't had sex yet? And we've been saying for over a month"

"Really?" Chris asked, with wide eyes, sitting next to me. "Is she holding out?"

"No" I furrowed my eyebrows and crossed my arms.

Truth is, I broke things off when it got too heated. Aurora was the most forward between the two of us. I felt a lot of self inflicted pressure not to go too fast and have her regret something she couldn't take back.

Chris didn't understand a lot of my past because we went to different schools and I tried to keep my mistakes to myself, but his questions reminded me of the teasing from Baylen and Nate.

"I'm trying to do the right thing" I told him. "Maybe you should do, with Melissa. Don't listen to locker room talk, that's for show"

He frowned at me, so I added, "Okay, tell me about her"

"She's really pretty"

Figured that was a given.

"She's a freshman on the cheerleading team and she's in my Spanish class" he smiled.

"She sounds great" I said, choosing my words carefully. "But who is she as a person? What are her interests or hobbies? Have you met her family?"

"Woah, Matt" he held up his hands and shook his head. "It's not that serious yet. I just figured-"

"Look, Chris..." I cut him off since I knew where his head was. "I did stupid shit with girls when I was a freshman. Probably the same shit you hear guys talk about in the locker room"

He nodded. I thought to myself about my choice of words.

"Chris" I looked directly at him, patting his shoulder. "I'd take it all back if I could. I wish Aurora was my first. Don't do something with a girl because you feel like you have to. Don't fall into the asshole trap like I did. Do it if you love the girl"

"You...love Aurora?"

I nodded and resisted the urge to smile as I looked away from him.

"Yeah, do you feel that way about Melissa?" I had a feeling the guilty look in his eyes indicated he didn't, but I hope he realised he had to think about this more.

"Or at least really like her. As a person"

"I don't know" he shrugged. "I was just glad she said yes"

"Okay" I tried not to sound condescending. "I wish I would've done my Homecoming differently when I was a freshman"

My date, was a junior named Chloe. After I selfishly got what I wanted, I had no desire to attend the dance. So instead, we got food, hooked up again in her car, then she took me home.

"Like what?"

"I wish I would've gone with a group of friends, hung out at the dance, then went to a movie or something after" I shrugged. "It would've been much better"

I meant every word.

"What if I want to be alone with her?" His eyes widened. "What do I do?"

"Maybe get to know her?" My mouth twitched. "Or, just make out with her first"


"We'll go tonight and get you condoms. Give me an hour to finish my homework" I reasoned with him. "Think about it first, okay? Let her tell you want she wants to do"

"I will" he nodded. "Thanks, Matt"

"No problem" I stood and stood up to leave his room. I groaned at the idea of condom shopping with Chris as I went into my room. I turned on the light and threw my gear bag on the ground.

I flopped down and sat on my uncomfortable bed. My bag dropped down with a small thud and a few minutes later all my homework books were around me.

After half an hour, my phone buzzed.

Aurora: can you get a vest this colour?
Aurora: {image attached}

I clicked on the picture, which was nothing but a blurry red colour.

Matt: is that all you want me to wear? ;)

Aurora: no comment

"Enough of this" I hit the dial button, then immediately greeted her when she picked up. "Hi, sweetheart"

"Hey" she spoke into the phone. "I'm still at the store. Raine and Mom are here"

"I'll take what I can since you've been no commenting lately"

"What do you want me to say?" I could hear the smile in her voice. "I find the mental image of you in both anything and nothing attractive?"

"That's a start" I smiled, laying back against my pillows. "We seriously need to work on your lack of flirting"

"I figured you do enough for us both" she added, but her sweet voice gave away her teasing tone. "I'm sorry, but I have to go. I'll see you after the game, okay?"

"Okay" I fought the urge to end the call with 'I love you', but that felt too soon, so I just said, "bye" and hung up. My phone buzzed with a message, that made me smile.

Aurora: if you win Friday then we'll find a way to celebrate on Saturday.

Matt: what did you have in mind?

Aurora: I'd say use your imagination, but that's probably too dirty, so I'll just say use mine.

"You know me too well, Aurora"

Matt: do I get a hint?

Aurora: no comment

That's my girl

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