Chapter 6

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"But..." She tried to protest but the moment Owen's fingers interlaced with hers, her thoughts left her mind. She followed him as he led them through the store.

"There," Owen said as he pushed through some double doors, she realized it was the back of the store. He guided her through the back till they ended up at the exit of the back store where shipments usually dropped off. Owen pushed the doors open causing the two to be blinded by the setting sun. Wendy rubbed her eyes as they throbbed a little from the harsh light till her eyes cleared. Before she could look around she was pulled into a fierce hug as her senses were assaulted by the smell of honey.

"We got you, Wendy Girl," Nathan whispered in her ear as she melted into him.

"Natey," she murmured into his chest.

"Shove off, you've already seen her," North grumbled as he pushed Nathan to the side. "Come here, Baby Girl."

"Oh my own personal North Star," she giggled while tears filled her eyes. He picked her up and spun them around, making her giggle louder as she wrapped her legs around his waist and arms around his neck so she wouldn't fall. "I'm getting dizzy."

"Sorry Baby," North said as he sat her on her feet, his hands felt warm on her hips as he made sure she didn't lose her balance. "Better?"

"Yep," she nodded as she turned and smiled seeing Kota, Victor, and Silas standing there waiting patiently for their turns. "Boys."

"Hey Girly," Kota smiled as he hugged her and then kissed her forehead.

"Hey Little One," Silas smiled as he hugged her.

"There's my Princess," Victor beamed as he hugged her.

"Damn Girl, you are fucking nothing," Gabe gasped as he stepped back from hugging her. "You are fucking way too skinny. This is unacceptable at fucking all! No fucking wonder you got dizzy with North spinning. We need to get some damn meat on your fucking bones. Fuck, you got me sounding like damn North now. Fuck it's good to see you, Trouble." He pulled her back into his arms and started swaying her from side to side.

"Alright, where is she?" A voice called out as footsteps rushed toward them. "Where's my Pookie?" She giggled as she stepped out of Gabe's hold.

"Here I am, Doc Sean," she held her arms out and he swooped her up in a big hug. "Sean!" She giggled as he pressed her back into Victor.

"Gosh, I have missed you, Pookie! But I have to agree with Gabe, you are far too skinny. Don't worry I will give you a check-up when we get home," Sean said as he held back by her shoulders. He noticed through Luke's jacket that wasn't zipped that her lower abdomen was extended but she could just be bloated. Maybe she ate before she headed to the store, it was after past dinner time, after all. Oh well, he'll get answers once they get everyone back home.

"Oh good, everyone is still here," Luke called out as he pushed the buggy that was now filled to the top toward them. "I was worried I missed you."

"Nope, just waiting on you," North grumbled as he shook his head. "You took long enough."

"Sorry," Luke shrugged even though the look on his face said he wasn't at all, "just wanted to make sure we got everything we needed for the house."

"Wait," she frowned, "what–"

"Don't worry about it, Pookie," Sean smiled as he turned her shoulders to lead her toward Owen's car. "They will take care of everything. You look tired, let's get you home so you can sit down and start to finally relax."

"But my–" she tried to protest.

"Nope, none of that," Sean smiled as he shook his head. "Let us save you nice and proper and take care of everything. Now get your cute butt in the car, Pookie, it's time to go home."

She looked over Sean's shoulder and saw the intensity in both Owen's and Nathan's eyes. Knowing how stubborn they were, she decided it just wasn't worth the effort right now. Besides, she really did want to spend more time with them and if it meant getting away from Paul, even for a little bit, it would be worth it. Nodding, she turned around and reached for the passenger door. Sean beat her to it and opened it for her while making a M'Lady comment, which just made her blush as she slid into the back seat of the car.

"You don't want to sit up front?" Owen asked.

She shook her head, "Makes my tummy all queasy," she admitted softly.

"Good to know," Owen and Sean said at the same time.

"What?" Nathan asked.

"Wendy Darling gets car sickness if she sits up front," Owen said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Gotcha," Nathan nodded. He walked over to the car and leaned down, "North is going to drive your car to our place, Wendy Girl. Do you have anything sentimental at your place or can we finally spoil our girl?"

Her face paled, "you don't need to go there," she shook her head. "I can go while he's at work and get my things later. It's okay."

"How about we figure that out later?" Silas suggested as he cupped Nathan's shoulder. "She can wear your clothes tonight for bed and you know Doc keeps us stocked with new toothbrushes. That can wait, let's just get home, it's getting late."

Nathan nodded and bent down and kissed the tip of Wendy's nose. "I'm going to help Luke load up the groceries. Be good, close your eyes, and try to relax. See you at home, Wendy Girl."

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