Chapter 17

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"Here My Moon, try this," North said as he opened a package of plain saltine crackers before holding out one. "I also have toast."

"Thank you Northy," she whispered as she took the cracker and barely nibbled on it. "Uh oh," she covered her mouth.

"There you go, Love," Sean said as Draig sat up and frowned while rubbing her thighs as she dry heaved again. "Okay, no saltine crackers go on the list."

"Sorry," She burst into tears.

"Hey now," Nathan soothed as he and Draig turned her so she was facing him. "Want your cuddle bear, My Wendy Girl?" She barely nodded so he kissed her forehead as Silas walked over to them. "Here he is."

"Come here Angelos Mou," Silas murmured as he picked her up.

"Whoa," she whimpered as dizziness swept over her. She clung to him as Nathan and Draig got off the bed so he could sit down. "No like, Silas."

"I know," he murmured, "But it will be okay. I have you and you know I will never let you get hurt. Just close your eyes and listen to me." She held out her hands and made grabby hands so Nathan and Draig laced their fingers with hers. "Óla tha páne kalá Ángele mou. Eímaste tóso charoúmenoi pou epéstrepses sti zoí mas kai den tha se afísoume poté na petáxeis makriá mas. Xéro óti tha se tromáxei ótan syneiditopoiíseis póso vathiá eínai i agápi mas gia séna, allá ypóschomai óti óla tha páne kalá kai den tha ragísei poté xaná tin kardiá sou. Aftó to moró eínai to moró mas kai eímaste gia pánta ta chaména agória sou kai esý i vasílissa mas. Agapáme eséna kai aftó to moró tóso polý, Ángelé mou, kai tóra pou se échoume xaná sti zoí mas tha sou deíxoume póso polý simaíneis gia emás. Mia méra, polý sýntoma, sou ypóschomai óti tha écheis éna dachtylídi sto dáchtyló sou, éna giaká gýro apó ton ómorfo mikró sou laimó, kai epitélous tha boroúme na se apokaloúme gynaíka mas ópos tin oneirevómastan pánta. Ta óneirá sou kai ta óneirá mas prókeitai na gínoun pragmatikótita, aftó sou orkizómaste Ángele mou." (Everything will be okay, My Angel. We are so glad that you are back in our lives and we are never letting you fly away from us ever again. I know it will scare you when you realize how deep our love for you goes, but I promise everything will be okay and you will never have your heart broken again. This baby is our baby and we are forever your lost boys and you are our queen. We love you and this baby so much, My Angel, and now that we have you back in our lives we are going to show you just how much you mean to us. One day very soon I promise you will have a ring on your finger, a collar around your pretty little neck, and we will finally be able to call you our wife just like we have always dreamed about. Your dreams and our dreams are about to become a reality, this we swear to you, My Angel.)

She giggled as she rubbed her nose into the crook of his neck, "I missed hearing you and the guys talk in your native tongues," she whispered. "What did you say?"

Silas chuckled, "I'll tell you one day but right now you just need to rest. And you know anytime you want all you have to do is say and we'll gladly talk to you in our languages."

"Try toast, please?" Draig asked as he took the triangle from North.

"Okay," she murmured. "How long have they been in the family?"

"Almost three years now," Axel said proudly. "This October will make it three years."

"So you are Academy as well?" she asked as Silas carefully turned her. She took a small bite of the toast and smiled softly, "Better, not so salty."

"Got it," North smiled, "No extra salt. And yes, My Moon, they are Academy. It's how we met, we had a joint assignment and just connected."

"That's wonderful," she smiled softly as she leaned into Silas some more. "I'm glad you have each other. Now, how long have you two been together?" She looked over at Raven and Corey. "It's obvious you're in love."

Corey blushed as Raven chuckled, "Five years us, four all team."

Her eyes widened before she smiled, "That's wonderful," she turned her head to look at Nathan, "And have you finally accepted yourself, Natey?"

He burst out laughing and once he could finally calm down he nodded, "Yes, My Wendy Girl, I fully embrace being bi, and before you say anything I do not have a girl, none of us do, so no need to worry about upsetting anyone or causing problems."

"And Uncle and the Academy is okay with you being here? No assignments you are supposed to be handling right now for all of you?"

"We're okay, Momma Bear," Marc chuckled, making her blush slightly, "Although your precious Natey and Brandon need to be leaving soon if Natey wants to open his shop on time."

"I'm the only one who gets to call him that," she glared at him. "Come up with your own nickname for him."

"Now," Draig growled.

"Yes Ma'am," Marc smirked while a few of the others chuckled.

"It's okay, Draig," she soothed as she trailed her hand up and down his arm softly. "I'm okay, I promise, look at me," he turned his dark eyes on her and she smiled gently as she cupped his jaw, "I'm okay."

He let out a soft rumble as he touched his forehead on hers. "Darling Treasure."

"You can rest and let Owen out to play for a bit," she murmured, "I'm okay."

"Not yet," he growled possessively, "But will soon."

"Okay," she smiled, "Keep protecting me as much as you want but trust your family as well."

He put his hand over her stomach, "Ours. Our family."

"No," she shook her head, "But I promise I won't put his name on the birth certificate or any legal documents. I won't bind us to you when you still haven't found your soulmate yet. I won't do that to any of you. It's a sweet gesture and I love you more for it but I can't do that to you. It's not fair to your soulmate and one true love."

"You–" he growled.

"You aren't going to win this, Draig," she glared. "You know better than to argue with me."He let out a low growl which just caused her to deepen her growl, "You don't scare me and you never will. No matter how much fury courses through your veins and how much your bloodlust fuels you, you will never hurt me or scare me so stop it right now or I will demand you go to timeout and force Owen to come back to me."

"Holy shit," Brandon barely whispered, making the rest of the Toma team nod in agreement.

"This isn't over," Draig growled as he took a step back.

She rolled her eyes, causing Sean and Nathan to chuckle. Sean slipped some gloves on before smiling, "Alright you two, how about before everyone has to leave, we get a look at the baby finally, now that Momma Bear is feeling better and awake."

"You didn't look when you gave me a check-up?" She asked, focusing on what Sean said. "And I thought I had to have a full bladder."

"You've been sipping water since you woke up, Love," Sean smiled, "I think you will be okay, especially since you barely peed when I carried you in there."

"You didn't look before me," her eyes glistened. "I love you Docy Seany," she reached out and when he leaned down she kissed his cheek, "Thank you."

"Of course, Love," he winked at her. "Now, let's get you lying down properly, you can lay with your cuddle bear again as soon as we are done."

Silas and Nathan helped her lay down on the bed and she held Nathan's hand tightly as Sean raised Nathan's shirt over her small stomach before pouring the gel on her stomach. He moved the wand around before the room filled with the sound of thumping. "The heartbeat," she whispered as silent tears spilled down her face.

"Well, would you look at that, Love," Sean beamed as he stilled the wand and pointed at the screen. "Can you see, Momma?"

"Oh my goddess," she gasped as her brain tried to register what she was looking at. "Is that–"

"Yes, Love," Sean smiled proudly. "We're having twins." 

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