Chapter 9

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Sean and Luke were the first to fly out of the room and make it to Wendy's room. Upon entering they saw North holding a limp Wendy in his lap as he kept shaking her shoulder and calling out to her. "My Moon, please wake up! We just got you back. I can't lose you again," North pleaded.

"What happened?" Sean asked as he put his stethoscope on and listened to her heartbeat and breathing.

"I came in to find her still sleeping so I tried to wake her up after placing the food tray on the nightstand. Doc, she won't wake up no matter how much I call out to her nor shake her. What's wrong with her?" North explained hurriedly as the rest of the family had now found different places in the room to observe.

"I think she may have fainted from low blood sugar levels but it would be best to get her to the hospital now rather than later so I can run tests," Sean theorized as her vitals seemed to be the same as earlier.

"I got her," Nathan said as he gently scooped her up into his arms. "North, pack that so she can eat when she wakes."

"Got it," North nodded. Luke followed so he could help pack everyone some dinner since they knew that they wouldn't be leaving her side anytime soon.

The drive to the hospital was filled with silence since each man had their mind spiraling. While Sean took her to be admitted, the rest of the group headed to his office to wait.

"I can't believe this," North muttered as he paced around the office room. "When is she going to wake up?"

"Dr. Green will tell us as soon as he is done running all his tests," Owen said as he watched him. "Knowing him, he will run everything he can to make sure he has all the answers."

"I know," North muttered as he threw himself into a chair.

"We all are concerned as we still don't know everything she has been through after all this time," Kota said as he cleaned his glasses.

"We know she's been through hell and now is feeling like she has lost us because of it," Sean said as he walked into the room. "It's going to be a hard battle to prove her otherwise. This guy has really messed with her mentally and emotionally."

"How is she, Doc?" the group asked at once.

"Sleeping," he said as he sat at his desk. He took a deep breath then let it out as he leaned back in his chair. "I have her hooked up to an IV to push nutrients, she shows signs of dehydration, which is to be expected with how little she has managed to eat. Her signs point to her having hyperemesis gravidarum."

"Oy, English Doc," Gabe grumbled.

"It's extreme morning sickness," Sean sighed, "although it really should be called extreme all-day sickness. She will have trouble keeping anything down, even water, and will be facing extreme fatigue as well."

"Is there anything she can take to help her?" Luke worriedly asked. "When can we see her?"

"For now, the IV is pushing nutrients she is lacking and I want to keep her overnight to get at least three bags into her. She will be able to take ondansetron which is a medication to curve the nausea. She might not have an appetite though so we will have to push for light meals along with snacks. She also mentioned the peppermints help so we need to make sure all of us are carrying the green peppermints, those are the ones we prefer. North," he turned to face the glaring man who had finally stopped pacing. "This will be hard for you but even just a couple of bites every couple of hours will suffice. Do not expect a full meal for this whole pregnancy, small snacks and meals and bites every so often will help with her nausea."

"I don't fucking like it but I understand. I want as healthy of foods she can eat as possible," North grumbled as he folded his arms across his chest.

"Hey now! You can't deny her if she is having a craving!" Luke said.

"But...," North began but was cut off by Sean.

"Luke is right North, if she is craving something then provide it as she may eat more," Sean agreed. "But also try and get her to snack on juicy fruits and vegetables as well. Apples, oranges, cucumbers, things like that will also help with her liquid intake. Oh and Gabe," Sean snapped, "she really liked that ice we got from Sonic when we were teenagers, remember? See if we can find a machine that can make that kind of ice or start planning on going there frequently. Ice chips will also help with preventing dehydration. The chewing on the ice may agitate some of us but I'd rather deal with it then her starting to have contractions from dehydration."

"You can get them off Amazon," Gabe said as he started scrolling through his phone. "No, I don't like that one. That one just looks stupid as fuck, too small..."

"Anyway," North rolled his eyes, "Got it. Don't push but also push a little. It'll be fucking hard but I'll obey if it means helping my Moon."

"Okay, now that we are up to date, Doc, when can we go see her?" Nathan questioned as he stood near the door.

"We can go right now but be quiet. She is exhausted. Oh, I have only one more test to run but I figured we would wait till she woke up," Sean admitted as he led them down the hall.

"What test and why isn't she in the room attached to your office?" Silas asked as he looked around.

"Well, as soon as we finished treating her, I ordered a nurse to prep the room. Once it is finished she will be transferred there. The only test left is to do an ultrasound to check on her baby. She admitted to never seeing a doctor so she hasn't seen her baby. It didn't feel right to be the first to see her baby. Although it was important to check on it to make sure everything is okay so I had a technician check and just give me a thumbs up or down to how it is doing," Sean said as he finally stopped in front of a room.

"Well, as long as she and her little one are healthy," Victor said before entering the room. There they found many wires hooked up to the love of their life. "I'm assuming the room is being prepped with the machines necessary to keep watch on her and the little one?"

"You are correct. Usually, Wendy would be kept in the maternity ward though I am the leading physician. So, she will have a nice stay overnight there. I don't believe she will be waking up anytime soon if there is anything anyone needs to do," Sean said as he looked over her charts, "now will be the time to do it."

"I need to go close the shop for tomorrow," Nathan mumbled as he ran his fingers through his red hair. "I can't work tomorrow."

"Yes you can," Sean nodded, "and you will."

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