Chapter 15

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"Yes," he whispered honestly as he continued to run his fingers through her hair. "She's been the only girl for me, and I know I was wrong back then for the way I acted but I've worked through my insecurities, thanks to Lily. I know I can love her and the guys, and you, and we can show her she can too. She made me better and them too. You'll see, there's just something about her. You'll fall for her too. Sure I don't exactly know how she is now but she's still my Wendy Girl. Our Wendy and we're still her lost boys, always have been, always will be."

"That's how you came up with the name," Corey chuckled, making Nathan smile with pride.

"Like I said," he shrugged, "always was hers." He kissed the top of her hand, being mindful of the IV sticking out of it, "We'll learn whatever we need about her now but I doubt there is much that has changed. She hates change, it stresses her out and makes her overthink, it messes with her anxiety."

"Good to know," Marc whispered.

"Since we have to go about our normal routines, maybe we should start getting ready for bed," Luke whispered. "Obviously we are staying here for the night, do you want to crash here or head to our place since it's closer than yours? You know we don't care if you do."

"Thanks, I think we will take up on your offer," Axel said as he nodded his head. "Since Brandon is going to be with Nathan, we'll swing by first thing in the morning. Need to introduce ourselves to this special woman. Besides, since she doesn't know us, it probably wouldn't be best for us to stay here and startle her when she wakes. We'll be by first thing in the morning."

The Toma team left and Kota helped Sean push another bed up against the bed Wendy and Victor were laying so Nathan could lay on the other side. They knew they would be rotating throughout the night so each of them could lay with her as well as protect her. They always hoped for this day and now that it happened they weren't going to take it for granted. It definitely wasn't how they were dreaming of it to happen but it didn't matter, they finally had their girl back and they were never going to let her go again.

"What are you thinking?" Marc asked as Axel pulled out onto the street. "I can see the wheels turning in that mind of yours."

"I'm still trying to absorb everything," Axel said honestly. "I always wondered about this day, about them seeing her again." He switched lanes and sighed, "We always knew how special she was but now seeing them gravitate that much towards her it's really apparent."

"We always knew we would never fill the hole she left in them," Marc replied as he looked out the window as the image of her laying still in the bed filled his mind.

"I didn't mean like trying to fill the hole or replace her," Axel shook his head. "I knew how important she was but still seeing that was shocking. When they spoke of her it was like she was fearless but seeing her like that...the way they spoke of her now–"

"Asshole broke her," Raven growled. "I kill him."

"Not yet," Corey shook his head. "You have to remember he is the father of her child."

"Nyet," Raven growled. "We father."

"We have to form a bond with her first, Rave," Brandon shook his head. "She doesn't know us."

"What if she doesn't like us?" Corey asked the question that was on everyone's minds but too scared to say it out loud. "What if she only wants the Blackbourne team?"

"Then we will respect her wishes but based on what Nathan was saying, she might be open to it," Marc said optimistically. "We won't know until we properly meet her and get to know her while letting her get to know us as well. Everything is going to be very overwhelming for her right now. We just need to be patient and take whatever happens at her pace."

"You are normally more worrisome," Axel pointed out. "What makes you so confident this is going to work out the way they are hoping?"

"Easy," Marc smirked, "Draig."

"Shit, I almost forgot about seeing him. It was astonishing how protective he was over her," Axel said as they finally reached the final road to the guy's place.

"Draig whipped," Raven smirked as he took in the trees surrounding them as they ventured further down the road.

"For once, you are right Raven," Brandon chuckled. "Do you think it's okay to have him out for so long? I mean, we don't need Draig causing a scene at the hospital. I don't believe the others know how to handle him."

"You know as well as I do that nobody controls Draig, but he also thinks before he takes action. Even if it is the quickest recorded quick thinking in the Academy. How fast that man is able to formulate plans along with escape routes and every scenario and choosing the most appropriate's a little unnerving. Although, I am glad he is on our side. You think they were telling the truth about her controlling Draig?" Corey rambled before looking at everyone as they reached the gates to the Blackbourne residence.

Rolling down his window and punching in the security code, Axel said, "We know that Draig cares deeply and would never do anything to hurt those he cares about. Although, he wouldn't hesitate to put someone in their place. I think we will just have to wait until tomorrow to see what the little doll is capable of doing." 

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