Chapter 12

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Owen watched as Victor slept next to him and once he was sure he was finally in a deep sleep, he carefully slipped out of the bed. He slipped out of the room and leaned against the door with his arms crossed over his chest. He watched as nurses gave him a quick look then stepped up their pace as they walked past him. He knew exactly what was happening and he was fine with it. It meant better protection for his family, his loves.

Gabe walked up to the room sometime later and froze when he spotted Owen leaning against the door, watching everyone intensely. "Mr. B...," he trailed off when he realized what was happening. "Draig."

"Gabriel," he barely nodded as he stepped to the side. "Victor is sleeping."

"Got it," Gabe nodded as he held up a small duffel bag, "your things."

"Appreciate it," Owen nodded as he took the bags from Gabriel's hands. Once they entered the room, he locked the door and immediately began stripping. He had no qualms about stripping bare in front of his lovers. He dressed, then gripped Gabriel's jaw a little forcefully and kissed him passionately before storming out of the room to stand guard outside the door once more.

Gabe gasped, "fucking hell that man..." looking over to Wendy, his heart ached at seeing her small figure lying in the hospital bed. "You need to fucking get better soon, my muse," he whispered as he walked over to comb her hair out of her face with his fingers.

"Mmmn," Victor groaned out as he started tossing and turning in the bed. Quickly yet quietly, Gabe went over to him and slid into the bed behind him, and held him to his chest.

"I got you, lover," Gabe whispered in his ear, "It's just a dream. It's not real, come back, my love."

"Gabe?" Victor groggily asked as he woke up from his nightmare.

"Shh, go back to sleep," Gabe hushed him as he ran his fingers through his hair. Feeling safe again in the embrace of his lover, Victor drifted back to sleep.

"Everything okay?" Draig asked as he entered the room holding two coffee cups.

"Yes, he was having a fucking nightmare but I woke him the fuck up right away. Oh, where did you get the fucking coffee from?" Gabe informed as he slid back out of the bed and reached out for a cup. "Thank you," he said once Draig handed it to him.

"A nurse asked if we needed anything. I tried informing her that we didn't need anything at this time yet she shook her head and disappeared before returning with these. I thanked her and she just left after that. I don't smell any tampering so I assume they are safe to enjoy," Draig grumbled as he looked down at his cup warily. No one just offers to do such tasks willingly usually.

"Oy, I know what the fuck you're thinking, and there's god damn nice folks in this shitty world. Plus, we all fucking know that you and I are the few who can fucking pick on most damn poisons," Gabe groaned out as he nurtured his liquid gold. "It's safe."

"I'll wait," he said as he sat it down on the table. "They should be back by now."

"The Chinese place may have been busy," Gabe tried to offer as he watched him walk back out the door to wait. He knew it would be pointless to follow so he focused on getting the room set up as best as he could so it would be ready when the rest arrived.

Ten minutes later the door opened and Gabe emerged from the bathroom to see the rest of his family walk in with bags in their hands. "They still sleeping?" Luke whispered, causing Gabe to nod while taking a bag from him.

"Let's get everything ready then we'll wake Victor," North whispered. "He needs to rest as much as possible." Without another word, the team worked together getting the room set up for their stay and the food distributed. "Vic?" North whispered as he gently rubbed Victor's back. "Vic, time to eat."

"North?" He mumbled as he pressed back into North's touch.

"I'm here," North murmured as he pushed some of Victor's hair out of his eyes, "come on, Love, time to eat some dinner then you can go back to sleep."

"Kay," Vic yawned as he allowed North to help him sit up. "Thanks."

Draig walked into the room and locked the door behind him. "Vic, go change into more comfortable clothes. After dinner, you will lay with Darling Treasure and get more sleep."

"Yes Sir," Victor nodded as he took the clothes from Gabe and headed to the bathroom. North got to work on making Victor's plate so it would be ready for him when he was done changing clothes. "Thanks," he said as he sat down next to North and took his plate.

"How was the shop?" Silas asked Nathan in a low whisper. They knew that Sean said Wendy would sleep through the night but they didn't want to risk waking her with their loud voices.

"Fine," Nathan sighed, "we really didn't have much to do but I'm still not comfortable opening in the morning. I get the logic but I still don't like it."

"None of us do," Sean shook his head, "but if we want to keep her safe we're going to have to go about our normal routines."

"Victor had a good point earlier," Draig said as he watched everyone eat their food. They dropped their forks and looked over at Victor then back to Draig when they saw that Victor was trying to figure out what he was talking about. "We need to speak with the Toma team." 

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