Chapter 13

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"I don't mind but why?" Kota asked. "I mean I get having the extra help, especially with Corey being as good as Vic when it comes to computers, but is there another reason?"

"We definitely need their help when it comes to investigating the parties," Silas nodded, "but I think Draig means we need to tell them about Wendy now that she's back in our lives."

"Oh," Kota inhaled sharply as it dawned on him what they were saying.

"Now would be the perfect time," Draig nodded, "besides what if she needs to go into hiding? They would be the perfect place for her and we can trust them with her."

"Do you want me to call them?" Victor asked sleepily.

"No," Draig shook his head, "You are going to bed once you are done. You have pushed yourself past your limit and I'm not having you do it any longer." Victor's breath hitched at the dominance that filled the room even more than normal when it came to Owen. "I'll call them and once they get here you can stay up just long enough to give your information then you're going to sleep with our Darling Treasure."

Victor gulped and nodded, "Yes Sir."

Draig pulled his phone out of his pocket, hit a couple of buttons then put it on speaker. The phone rang twice then, "Blackbourne, everything okay?"

"Toma," Draig growled, "lower your voice..." he paused then sighed as he rolled his eyes, "please." Silence filled the room for a few minutes, "Toma?"

"Is everything okay, Blackbourne?" Axel asked, his voice filled with concern and hesitation.

A growl left him while a few men in the room chuckled, "Just get the family and meet us at the hospital," he demanded, "Now and come through the back to Dr. Green's office. You know the code. You have ten minutes." He hung up the phone and turned his glare on the men that were snickering, "Hush."

Rolling his eyes, Nathan looked over to Wendy and said, "Are we really doing the right thing? I mean I know we trust them but she doesn't know them and is currently sleeping so can't voice her opinion."

"She's not leaving with them," North shook his head, "but wouldn't you rather have an option for her to go in case the asshole decides to be even more stupid than we are anticipating?"

"Yeah, but you know how she is about meeting new people," Nathan sighed as he held her hand in his. "I don't want her freaking out when she wakes and sees five guys she doesn't know. She's already going to freak out waking up in the hospital. Doc said she doesn't need stress."

"That is why we will have two of us stationed on each side of her and one on the end so if she were to wake she'd see one of us first," Kota said as he adjusted his glasses. "Vic will probably be the first to notice though since he will be sleeping with her." Just then Max jumped up on the bed, did a spin then laid down with his head on her stomach. "And Max too."

Victor rolled his eyes as a permanent blush seemed to be remaining for the night, though he hoped it would be gone before the Tomas arrived.

"Finish eating Vic," North growled.

Two minutes before the ten-minute deadline, the door lock beeped announcing someone was inputting the code. "Hey, what's–"

"Shhhh," everyone hushed at once while throwing glares at the men that were entering the room.

"Sorry," Axel whispered as his eyes widened at the scene before him. "Whoa..."

"Who malen'kiy?" Raven asked with curiosity shining in his eyes while he pulled Corey into his side.

"English," Gabe demanded in a low whisper. "And lower your fucking voice."

"He asked who is the little one?" Corey whispered so Raven wouldn't get another scolding from the group of men in protective mode by the looks of their postures.

Nathan cleared his throat and stood while still holding her small hand in his. "Guys," he whispered as he turned to stare at her sleeping face, "I would like to introduce you to our Wendy Girl."

Sharp inhales filled the room, "Wendy as in..." Marc trailed off as he looked around the room again before landing his gaze back on the sleeping woman. "Your ex-girlfriend Wendy? This is her?"

"I think you better explain," Axel said as he tried to assess the situation.

Owen stormed over to him and poked him in the chest, "Don't tell us what to do, Toma."

Axel forcibly took a step back, his eyes widening at the near blackness of Owen's eyes. "You're..."

"Draig, yes," Silas nodded, "Tread carefully."

Raven narrowed his eyes at Owen as he pushed Corey behind him. "Draig," he called out. Owen shifted his gaze to him before he continued, "We mean nyet harm to family. Malen'kiy family you, Malen'kiy family us. Why we here? How help?"

Nathan sighed, "Let me explain, Draig, please."

Draig clenched his fists then nodded, stormed over to Nathan, cupped the back of his neck, and slammed his lips to him. Nathan gripped his black shirt and let out a soft moan as Draig pulled away then bent down and placed a soft kiss on Wendy's forehead before storming out of the room while making sure the door shut behind him silently.

"Wow," Axel let out a sigh, "It's been quite some time since we've experienced that side of him. What happened? I mean, how did this happen? I mean...well fuck..." 

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