Chapter 20

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Brandon looked up from the chat as darkness blocked his light, "Can I help you Gentlemen find something?" He asked politely even as he felt his muscles tighten in anticipation.

"Where is she?" the man in the middle stepped closer to the counter.

"Who?" Brandon squinted in confusion. "There's no woman on staff, Sir."

"Where is my wife?" the man slammed his hands down on the counter. "I know your boss has her, now where is she?"

"Dude, I don't know what the hell you are talking about. My boss didn't come in with any female nor is he dating anyone nor has ever mentioned a female companion. I think you have the wrong guy and will ask you kindly to leave the premises before I call mall security," Brandon argued back as he glared at the man.

"Where is your boss? I am not dealing with a pathetic worker who doesn't know when to fall in line," the man glared at Brandon as he crossed his arms across his chest. Brandon rolled his eyes as he leaned back and mimicked the guy's stance, not bothering to do anything he demanded.

"Is there a problem here?" Nathan called out as he walked to the register from an aisle. He took in Paul with three other men at his flank having a stand-off with Brandon. "Were the shoes not to your liking? We can either get you an exchange or we can give you a full refund upon return of the shoes."

"I'm not here about the fucking shoes! I am here to get back my wife who you stole from me!" Paul seethed as faced Nathan. The three men with him dispersed to circle Nathan to make sure he wouldn't try and escape.

"Look, I by chance ran into her yesterday when you came to pick up your order. After the two of you left I haven't seen her since. I don't even have her contact information so how could I possibly have her?" Nathan scoffed. "Have you been drinking?"

"That has nothing to do with this," Paul rolled his eyes. "I know you have her. There is no one else in her life that cares about her. James saw your stupid friends with her at the store last night and now she wasn't home when I woke up. I'm not stupid! You have her and you better give her back to me."

"Again, I don't know where she is. I didn't know she ran into anyone at the grocery store last night and for the last time, I DON'T KNOW WHERE SHE IS! So, kindly leave my store," Nathan seethed out as he was getting beyond frustrated with this punk.

"See? I know you have her," Paul smirked darkly. "I didn't tell you what kind of store James saw her at. How else could you have known unless you stole her from me? Give me back my wife."

Nathan rolled his eyes, "Once again, I don't have her and didn't you say she was your fiance yesterday? So which is it? Because it certainly looks to me like she didn't want to be with you either and left your sorry ass all on her own."

"She wouldn't dare," Paul fumed. "Now give me my wife, she's mine!"

"Clearly she isn't," Nathan huffed, "Now leave, I'm done arguing with you. I don't have anyone."

"Let's see if this helps you remember," one of the men smirked as walked over to the shelf that held a bunch of shoes. He took one look at Nathan and Brandon then swept all the shoes onto the floor. "How about now?"

"Nope," Nathan shrugged. "The only thing you accomplished was making us stay longer to clean up but thanks for helping us make it easier to rearrange a new display."

Brandon chuckled as the guy turned red then shoved a stand that held socks and laces onto the ground. He raised an eyebrow and chuckled, "Really?"

Paul reached over and grabbed a fist full of Nathan's shirt, yanking him closer to him, "Give me back my wife."

"Or what?" Nathan asked as his hand wrapped around Paul's wrist. "Let go."

"Or what?" Paul threw back just as his other goon shoved another rack onto the ground.

Nathan twisted Paul's wrist with a simple flick making Paul scream out in pain. "That for starters." He shoved Paul's arm to his chest making him stumble back. "Now leave."

"Fuck you," Paul seethed through clenched teeth as he held his arm to his chest. His chest heaved in and out as he panted in anger. He kicked his foot through the counter where they checked out customers then when he saw he wasn't getting the reaction he wanted he kicked a few more holes in it.

"Are you done acting like a child?" Nathan asked as he rolled his eyes.

"I want my wife and my brat," Paul fumed as he listened to his goons shove all the shoes on the walls onto the ground. "I will get them back one way or another. They are mine!"

"Does he realize he sounds like a broken record?" Brandon asked calmly as he turned to face Nathan. "How many times is he going to repeat himself?"

"Let's go," Paul huffed as he watched the guys yank all the shirts onto the floor then stomped on them. "She isn't here. I swear when I find where they are hiding her, she's in for a load of punishments." Just before he crossed the threshold into the mall he snickered, "I may even let you guys have some fun with her. It's been a while since you've had your fun with her, hasn't it?"

"Yes Boss," they chuckled.

"You aren't going to find her," Brandon taunted, making them turn and storm back into the wrecked store.

"What did you say?" Paul glared.

Brandon leaned onto the counter and smirked, "You. Aren't. Going. To. Find. Her." He said slowly as his smirk grew.

"Oh I will," Paul smirked back. "She's carrying my brat. I made sure she was mine in every sense. She's bound to me now forever. Even though that wasn't my initial plan, after I tasted her, I knew she was mine so I made sure of it. You can have your fun with her now but I will find her and once I do she will be mine again. I'll erase you from her memory for good this time." He tapped the counter and chuckled, "Enjoy my sloppy seconds while you can, I taught her a few things that should make you happy. Pathetic little thing didn't know shit until I taught her how to really please a man."

Nathan grabbed the back of his hair and slammed his face into the counter. 

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