Chapter 10

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"Doc?" Nathan asked in disbelief.

"Think about it, we technically abducted her from her tormentor," Sean cryptically said.

The team looked at him but he just kept going through charts waiting for someone to catch on.

Owen sighed, "What Dr. Green isn't divulging is that her tormentor will be looking for her. The last place she was seen at was your business. That will more than likely be the second place he looks for her," Owen said as he adjusted his cuff links.

"Well, technically the last place she was seen was at her house with him," Luke pointed out, "then she left and went grocery shopping but those assholes are probably going to tell him that she was with us at the store. So yeah, he will probably be at the shop in the morning looking for you to find out where she is."

"Exactly my point, Mr. Taylor Jr. He will check the grocery store first, and depending on what intel he receives, he will more than likely go for your store since that is where you recognized each other. He more than likely will demand where you have hidden her, Mr. Griffon," Owen explained to the group. "Mr. Taylor Sr. and Mr. Korba, I would like you both along with Mr. Coleman to assist Mr. Griffon at his store tomorrow. I'm sure you will be able to release your pent-up rage with the oncoming drama."

"Wow, Mr. B," Nathan chuckled.

"I expect you to find..." he trailed off as he cleaned his glasses, "creative ways to make sure there is no hard evidence that can be traced back to our family. Wendy Darling does not need to worry about anything right now, especially us." The team saw how Owen's eyes seemed to change to a sharper focus. Almost like his eyes were a molten mercury color now instead of his normal gray.

"Got it," the guys nodded. "We are willing and will obey."

"So is she going to be in the maternity ward or in your room by your office?" Nathan asked after a few moments of silence. "Just want to know where to come once the shop closes for the day."

"Oh please, like you aren't going to be blowing up her phone every chance you can," Luke smirked. "You know I will."

"No one is going to be bothering her," Sean glared. "I know it will be extremely hard, but any stress can cause complications for her. I will video call every time I check on her. I will also be doing my rounds tomorrow to keep things as normal as possible."

"But Doc," Nathan glared, "she doesn't need to be alone right now."

"Did I say she was going to be alone?" Sean asked as he raised an eyebrow. "I just said we need to keep up our daily tasks. Also, I'd Facetime anytime I would check up on her. Plus, I figured Owen wouldn't mind standing guard."

"Heh, you mean Draig will be standing guard, umph," Luke teased till Nathan whacked him upside his head. "What! It's true!"

"Anyways, what should I do Mr. B?" Victor said as he rolled his eyes.

"I want you to remain here if possible, Mr. Morgan, and pull up Wendy's past along with that vile creature's and his goons. Mr. Coleman, I'd like you to grab some stuff for us as we aren't sure how long we will have to remain in the hospital. I'd prefer one of my suits, two pairs of dark jeans, two button-up shirts, one black and the other my maroon one. A pair of shoes to match my suit along with my black Doc Martin shoes. I will also need my contacts, case, and solution. Along with my laptop, phone charger, sweats, black t-shirt, and finally that folder locked in my desk," Owen clarified to Gabe his demands. The team knew right then that no one would be laying a finger on their Wendy again without receiving repercussions.

"You got it, Mr. B! Now any fucking demands you'd like, Vic?" Gabe asked as he looked at his techy brother.

"Just the usual, I have most of my tech already in my laptop bag. Just double-check," Victor said as he relaxed back into the chair.

Suddenly a knock resounded in the room. The men tensed up as Sean called out, "Come in!"

An older gentleman with salt pepper hair in his late 50s entered the room. "What's going on here, Sean? Good evening, Gentlemen."

"Dr. Roberts! I'm glad you are here, please, close the door," Sean said as he along with Nathan and North blocked the bed from anyone seeing Wendy.

"Explain," Dr. Roberts said as he took in the sleeping girl. He yanked the clipboard out of Sean's hand and started reading what was before him.

Nathan began to explain along with Luke, Owen, and Sean explaining their sides. In the end, Dr. Roberts had a shocked face.

"Wendy....THE Wendy that your group had fallen for yet you let her slip through your fingers?" Dr. Roberts asked as he placed the clipboard back where it belonged.

"Yes," The group said.

"But we have her back now," Nathan glared. "And we're not going to lose her again."

"And the pregnancy?" Dr. Roberts asked.

"Ours," the group instantly replied.

"I'll make sure you get the proper paperwork sent to your account," Dr. Roberts nodded. "You have her staying the night?" Sean nodded, "I'll have L&D make sure your room is properly set up for you."

"Thank you," Sean nodded. "Appreciate it."

"I know you have learned from the past so I suggest you do this right this time. This is your second chance, don't fuck it up," Dr. Roberts suggested before leaving the room.

"Oy, we fucking won't!" Gabe hollered. 

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