Chapter 24

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"No, absolutely not," Sean shook his head. "Decline the call and power it off, Corey," he demanded as Corey reached for the vibrating phone. "She does not need that additional stress."

"Got it, Doc," Corey nodded as he powered off the phone.

"That's just going to upset him more," she murmured.

"And he can just get the fuck over it," North grumbled. "Your health is more important than his temper tantrum."

"He is the father, North," She sighed. "I'm going to have to deal with him for the next eighteen years at least. It's not like I can just change who the father is."

"That's not necessarily true," Kota smirked.

"So I can suddenly change the DNA of the father?" she scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Yeah, okay, I'll just snap my fingers and Natey will be the father of my babies. I'll get right on that." She narrowed her eyes, "Don't be ridiculous, Dakota."

"Calm down, Wendy Girl," Nathan chuckled as he kissed the top of her head. She opened her mouth but he put his finger over her lips to silence her, smirking at her glare. "And I love that you have been dreaming of me being our babies' daddy. All Kota was getting at was that while DNA may contribute to the creation, it does not make a man a father. Love and being there makes a daddy, DNA does not. Anyone can contribute to the creation of a child, or in our case babies, but being there and loving them makes a daddy, well for us daddies."

"No," She shook her head. "I won't do that. Stop it, Nathan."

"Wendy," Nathan warned.

"Do NOT talk to me like that, Nathan," she growled as she stood, slamming her hand on the table. "I said no."

"What is going on?" Brandon whispered as Axel shook his head.

"Calm down, Wendy," Nathan dropped his tone.

"I am calm, Nathan," she glared. "And I said no."

"Why?" Nathan asked, trying to remain calm. "You just said–"

"I refuse to bind you to me out of pure obligation! I won't have you saving me out of your rescue complex you have! It's not your responsibility!"

"You're pushing it, Little Girl," Nathan warned as he clenched the top of the chair he was grasping. "Sit. Down."

She glared, "I'm only sitting down because I am dizzy NOT because you told me to, just for the record." She sat down and continued her glare.

"Noted, but I really do not give a fuck right now as long as you sit down," He said through clenched teeth. "Now, let's get a few things cleared up in that silly brain of yours. I have NEVER had a rescue complex when it comes to you. A few of the guys yes but NEVER you."

He saw her close her eyes so he walked over to her, crouched down in front of her and gently gripped her chin and waited until she opened her eyes before speaking again. "You have ALWAYS been my heart and love and that was why my jealousy was so hard to overcome when it came to you and the guys. I admit I was a prick in school when it came to sharing you, but after YOU opened my eyes to it, I worked on it and I have regretted pushing you to the point you had to leave us for me to get over my asshole ways. Now that we have you back in our lives we are keeping you and working through these hurts I have caused you. You have never been and NEVER will be an obligation to me or our family. Neither will our children. They are OURS and it does not matter how they came to us. These are OUR babies, Wendy Girl, and nothing you say will change any of our minds. I will be signing their birth certificates and we will be the family we always talked about being. You can't and won't be changing our minds so stop trying to push us away. It's not going to work. YOU are our girl, then, now, and forever."

He pressed his lips to her and deepened it the moment he felt her mouth open. She gripped his shirt as he wove his fingers in her hair and only once he was certain she was breathless did he pull away. Placing a chaste kiss on her swollen lips, he smirked, "Now be a good girl for us and eat your breakfast, My Wendy Girl."

"Promise?" she asked.

"Promise promise," he nodded as he leaned up and kissed her forehead. "Now eat."

She nodded so he stood and turned her chair back to the table. She took a couple of bites then froze. The men looked at her with curiosity. "You said share me and you mean–"

Nathan sighed and nodded, "Yes, Wendy Girl, the guys wanted you to be theirs back in school and I couldn't handle it at the time. Our feelings haven't changed over the years besides becoming more intense, driving us to look for you for years. I have gotten help with my jealousy and I no longer have it when it comes to you. Seeing you with Owen and Luke that night confirmed it. I was happy to see you with them, there was peace in my heart knowing you were right where you belonged, with us. The Toma group has always known about you and they are interested in getting to know you and becoming theirs as well. We all want you to be ours, our one Queen." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09 ⏰

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