Chapter 8

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Wendy sniffled before answering, "Um, I think I'm 13 or 14 weeks if I remember correctly. I know I'm supposed to have an appointment in a couple of weeks for a check-up."

"Okay, do you know how many you are having? What has your doctor informed you of so far? Has your blood pressure been this high the whole time?" Sean asked as his mind began to spiral with various thoughts and plans forming.

"I um," she dropped her head, "I haven't been yet, it will be my first check-up. Paul didn't think it was necessary."

"Oh Pookie," he sighed as he tried to push back the headache forming behind his eyes. "It's very important that we make sure everything is okay."

"I've been taking some prenatal gummies I got at the store," she whispered. "He just didn't see the point until later on."

"That's good that you are taking gummies but I need to switch them to something stronger depending on what you need," he said as he wrapped his stethoscope around his neck. "You know you need to tell them."

"I can't," she shook her head. "It's going to upset everyone."

"Why?" Sean asked curiously.

"It's going to hurt Nathan the most. I...I can't say it," she shook her head as she played with the pillow. "I got pregnant in the most stupidest common mistake. Now, I am stuck with Paul for the rest of my life whether I am physically with him or not. I'm not the pure girl you used to know. I'm tainted and have so much damn baggage. I don't even know why I bothered to say that secret phrase when I'll have to go one day. Not that I regret meeting my lost boys after being separated for so long. It's just.....things have changed. Everything has changed," Wendy mumbled as she tried her best to suppress her tears.

"Wendy," Sean whispered as he made her look at him, "Be completely honest with me, was this willing? Were you willing?"

"I...I don't know," she whispered, "I can't remember."

"So no," Sean nodded, "okay. It's okay, Wendy, it doesn't change anything with us."

"Bullshit," she opened her eyes and glared at him. "This changes everything between us."

"No, it doesn't," Sean shook his head. "You are still our girl and now we are just adding to our family a little sooner than we planned but that's okay. Plans change and we just adjust to the changes, that's how life is. Nothing ever goes according to plan. You still have to tell the family."

"I don't think I can do it. I..I..," she began to say before her breathing became unstable. She was showing signs of an oncoming panic attack.

"Shh, shh, it's okay. How about I inform them on your behalf? I promise this will not change how we have always treated you," Sean offered as he grasped her hands in a strong grip helping her ground herself. "If you are okay with it, once I finish this basic check-up, I will go down and let them know. You can stay here to relax and rest. I'll have someone make you soft foods to hopefully settle your stomach. Tomorrow, we will take a trip to my office at the hospital to give you a proper check-up. There could be nothing wrong and your blood pressure is just high from stress or there could be something going on. I want to make sure you and your little one are healthy. You aren't alone in this anymore, Pookie." Tears filled her eyes as she launched herself at him. Sean wrapped her in a tight hug and rubbed her back until she calmed down.

Sean helped her lay back down comfortably, then kissed her forehead and quietly left the room. Once he entered the kitchen everyone stopped talking and waited. Sean cleared his throat and sat his bag down.

"How bad?" Nathan whispered as he took in Sean's concerned face.

"I need you to sit down and remain quiet," Sean demanded as he gripped the back of the chair in front of him. "For the entire time I speak you will remain quiet," he stared North down.

"Oh shit," Gabe mumbled as he instantly dropped to his chair.

"You too Nathan," Sean said sternly. Nathan opened his mouth then shut it and sat down while nodding. His heart started hurting at the thought of what Sean was about to tell them.

"I am willing and will obey but I don't like it," North grumbled as he forced himself to sit down.

"Our family will be growing," Sean said as he tried to figure out the best way to tell them everything he had just learned. "Here is the hard part..."

"Just say it, Dr. Green," Owen said as he adjusted his cuff links. "Tell us everything."

Sean cleared his throat and then proceeded to tell them the whole conversation. He watched the expressions change on his family's faces and knew his was going through the same thing.

Once he was done he waited for the team to come to terms with everything. Nathan and North were the first to react in the exact way he'd predicted. They threw their chairs back and began pacing.

"Keep it down," Sean warned, "she is sleeping and needs her rest."

"How's the chicken and dumplings coming along?" Silas asked, knowing it would help distract North and give him something to focus on in caring for their girl.

North glared at Silas before storming over to the stove.

"Mr. Morgan, what have you been able to find out on this Paul?" Owen asked as he started cleaning his glasses.

"Paul Jones, 26, owns a small house on the South side of town along with being a part of a fraternity of the college. Says here he is actually the leader of the fraternity that hosts a party every weekend. Job, none, grades are average and he is attending for MBA but he is barely passing. His father owns a small company that isn't doing well. His mother is not in the picture since he was young. He doesn't have a criminal record yet there have been occasional reports turned in accusing him of sexual assault."

"Can see that with what he did to our girl," Kota said as he popped his knuckles. Needing some type of release for the tension building up internally.

"We need to look into these parties," Nathan suggested as he had a faraway look on his face.

"What are you thinking, Nathan?" questioned Victor as he strummed his finger along the kitchen island.

"I'm thinking those parties are no ordinary parties. Can you look into any reports made after those parties of people being drugged?" Nathan inquired as he leaned against the wall. Before Victor could say anything, a loud clank resounded around the room. Everyone diverted their attention to their dark brooding brother who now was holding a tray with food on it.

"I'm going to go give Baby Girl this soup before you have to bail me out of jail," North grumbled as he carried a tray out of the kitchen. A few moments later there was a roar, "DOC!" 

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