Damn, girl.

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It's now Wednesday and last night has left me confused. I feel like I made some sort of connection with Funny.

Unfortunately, our common ground was having fucked up fathers.

I felt as if we were getting into something deep, whether that be physical or emotional until it abruptly ended. I don't know when I will see him again but maybe us not having a plan to meet again is a good thing. I need to keep my distance at arm's length from everyone in this house despite whether I like them or not. I have a fresh start in just 32 days and I can't be getting myself into any trouble with rocky friendships. I need to keep my head straight and keep focused.

Mia has been in and out of the suite today like a chicken with its head cut off planning for this party tonight, the one I regrettably offered to go to with Steph.

"X is going to be there tonight and everything needs to go perfect!" Mia frantically says to know one in particular.

Ugh X. I'm so nervous that it's making my stomach hurt. I need to blend in as much as possible, to not be noticed by the most dangerous man in this house and probably the whole state for that matter. Steph had vowed to not leave my side when we go and assured me not to worry because he'd be so busy with people and women surrounding him that he wouldn't even get a chance to look away. Her assurance has put my mind and stomach at ease a little.

Alina and Ellie will be coming over soon so we can all get ready together. I hop in the shower, shave my legs and once I'm out I lather lotion on my body for some extra moisture. By the time I walk out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around me, I hear multiple voices outside the room indicating that Ellie and Alina have arrived.

I quickly look through clothes to wear for tonight but am stumped. Nothing I brought here will make me blend in.

"Millie!" I hear Alina call my name.

I peek through the door wrapping my towel tightly around me, which I don't even know why I do at this point because these girls are next to naked.

Alina is wearing a sparkly silver push-up bra with beading on the straps and it's actually quite pretty. She's also wearing matching boy shorts, it's very sultry but suits her, showing off her perfectly toned body. Her hair is in the same styled waves as last time and her makeup is done similarly except a tad darker. Instead of the bright red lipstick, it's a deep dark red and it's beautiful.

"I brought some more dresses for you," she says.

I step out of the room holding my towel in place. Ellie is taking a shot of some sort of clear liquor. She's in a leathery-looking, skin-tight black dress. Her hair is gelled back in a high ponytail, accentuating her high cheekbones, she looks sexy and sleek.

"Here, come take a look," Alina says and guides me over to the living room.

Mia comes out of her room wearing a short black skirt and a cropped leathery shirt similar to Ellie's. Her hair is done In a beachy waved look like it usually is but her makeup is ramped up.

"Wow, you all look stunning," I say, and mean it.

They smile at me,  "Where is Steph?" I ask and Mia points to her room.

"Hyperventilating," she says and laughs.

I shake my head and roll my eyes. She's so dramatic, always has been, and always will be.

Alina holds up a few options of dresses and I decide on a black one that has cutoffs on the sides.

"Go put it on and then we'll start on hair and makeup," Alina says while pushing me away.

I laugh and step back into the bedroom, slipping into the sexy black dress. I look into the mirror and am very impressed with what I see. The dress is fitting me in all the right places and the cutouts by my waist are giving me an even more hourglass figure. My boobs are pushed up giving me an almost fake boob look. I feel confident in this.

I step back out into the living room and Mia whistles "damn girl, you look hot!" I immediately feel my cheeks getting red by the attention I'm receiving and thank her.

Alina gets started on my makeup and decides to go with a light smoky eye and the same lipstick she's wearing. I love it and never thought I could pull something like this off. She curls my hair and then brushes through it to give it a softer look. Once the finishing touches are done we go back out to join the others.

Steph still has not made it out of Mia's room so I decide to go check on her. Once I walk in I see her sitting on the bed with sweats on.

"Stephanie Taylor, what are you doing?" I ask with my hands on my hips.

She looks up at me and groans "I don't think I want to go anymore. It's Julian's birthday and women are going to be surrounding him and I just don't think I can handle that right now."

I sit beside her for comfort. "I'm sorry Steph. if you want we can just stay here, lounge, and eat ice cream while we sulk." I say.

She laughs a little and says "You're really bad at this you know."

I know I am and it's partly because I don't want to go tonight either.

"Remember, we'll be right by each other's side the whole time, and whenever you want to leave, we will." I try to reassure her.

She nods "Okay, can you ask Alina to come in and help me look like I'm not a homeless person?"

I laugh and walk out delivering the message to Alina. She walks in and shuts the door.

While Alina and Steph are doing their thing, the rest of us are taking shots to pass the time.

Mia leaves to go tend to the club and just after that steph walks out the bedroom door and wow, she is show-stopping. Her hair is done like Alina's, the light catches her waves giving a shiny appearance. Her makeup is done beautifully but lighter than mine. She's wearing a red two-piece dress showing off her tanned midsection. Her blonde hair and red dress are the perfect contrast. She's wearing matching red stilettos that make her taller than usual, making the whole look even sexier.

"Wow Steph, I have no words, you are gorgeous," I say.

"Right back at ya," she says with a wink.

Now that we're all ready to leave, we head down to the club and wait our turn for the bouncer to let us in.

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