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We just finished up the meeting with Marco and it went well, I got what I wanted out of it and so did he. Now we just have to seal a deal with Hugo in Colombia and we're golden. I know Hugo will make me work for what I want, it's just how he works. We leave Marcos's office and we make plans to go out tomorrow to celebrate and the following morning we'll head back home.

We get back to the hotel and Julian and I go back to my room, order takeout discuss what happened at the meeting, and have some drinks. Eventually, Julian leaves back to his room and I pull out my phone to text Millie.

Me: hey baby


Me: what have you been up to while I've been gone?

Millie: not too much, you?

Me: just meetings, wish you were here

Millie: me too

She's being pretty short with me so I just leave her be, maybe she's busy right now. I set my phone down and fall asleep.


I spend the day just chilling and taking business phone calls throughout the day, nothing new. We're leaving in an hour to go to the club but I honestly just want to head back home already.

I spend the hour showering and getting ready for the night. Julian comes by my room before we leave and have a couple of drinks.

"So, you missin' your lady yet?" Julian asks.

"I'm not doing this asshole," I say and he laughs.

"C'mon let's go get this shit over with," I say and we head out.

The driver brings us to the club that we've been to many times because Marco owns it.

We meet up with him in the VIP section and get to drinking, there are butt-ass naked women everywhere and they're getting handsy with me but I have no interest in a single one of them.

I'm feeling a little tipsy when Julian comes up to me and says

"Okay man, I don't want you to freak out.."

"What is it Julian?" I ask feeling annoyed, theres always something that needs to be dealt with, I can't ever just have one relaxing night.

"Your girl left." He spits out.

I sober up immediately.

"What do you mean?" I say enraged.

"Well...I guess Slim overheard Penelope talking about how she saw her leaving with her bags after we left to come here and she hasn't been back since."

I'm livid right now, did she really fucking leave? And why? I need answers right fucking now.

I get up moving the annoying girls that are trying to touch me out of the way and walk outside the club to call her.

No answer.

I call her three more times in a row, nothing. I wait five minutes and text her.

Baby, please call me

No reply after a couple of minutes, I call her again.

Straight to voicemail.

Did she fucking block me?! Where the fuck is she?

I text Julian that I'm going back to the hotel, I tell him to call Stephanie because if anyone knows where the fuck she is, it's her.

I have the driver take me to the hotel, checking my phone for a call or text too many times for my own good.

When I'm in my room, I pour myself a glass of the strongest liquor I have and once I finish it in a second flat, I drive the glass as hard as I can against the wall shattering it to pieces.

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