You got it, boss.

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When I'm done with my stressful calls, I'm exhausted from the day. I walk out of my office and see my bedroom door is creaked open with the lights on. I knock lightly on the door but no response, I peek in and she's sleeping beautifully in my bed.

The TV is on, and so are the lights, I start turning the lights off, and... what the fuck was she watching? Ah god, don't tell me this girl likes these kinds of shows I think to myself and shake my head.

I take the remote out of her soft hand and she shifts her body when I do so. She looks like a fucking angel sleeping so peacefully. I turn off the bullshit show she was watching and walk out of my room closing the door behind me and go to the couch to relax.

After about ten minutes of relaxing, there's a knock at my front door and I roll my eyes at whoever it is. I grunt and open the door to see Adria standing there with her arms crossed around her chest

"What Adria?" I ask annoyed.

She lets herself in and asks, "So? What happened in Madrid?"

"Exactly what I wanted to happen..." I say carefully choosing my words.

"Okay, good," she says.

"And Hugo?" she presses.

"I'm still working on it," I say stiffly.

She nods her head and comes closer to me, she caresses my arm and looks up at me "Ya know, it's been way too long since you've fucked me"

She's moving her hand slowly towards my dick and I take her hand and move it away.

"And it'll be longer. I've had a long fucking day, I'm going to bed. Goodbye Adria" pushing her out of the door.

"What the fuck X!" she says furiously as I close the door in her face. I head back to the couch, lie down, and fall asleep within minutes.


I wake up to a rustling sound in the kitchen, Millie is up and doing something. I get myself in a sitting position and run my fingers through my hair and look her way. Her back is turned to me and fuck, her ass looks so good in the tight jeans she's wearing right now. She already looks like she's showered and got ready for the day.

I stand up and walk over to the kitchen "What are you doing babe?" I ask tiredly and she turns around startled not knowing that I've woken up.

"Oh sorry, did I wake you?" she asks.
I shake my head no, even though she did.

"I'm just looking for something to eat, I forgot to eat dinner last night," she says and I feel like shit that I forgot to feed her.

"Fuck baby, I'm sorry I didn't even think about it, I'm not used to having people up here, it slipped my mind," I explain.

"Oh no it's fine, I'm a big girl if I was really starving I would've figured it out," she says.

"Let me call downstairs and have them make you a nice meal," I say grabbing my phone out of my pocket.

"I don't want to inconvenience anyone," she says too politely.

"Millie, I literally pay them to do this, if no one ordered food because they felt bad they wouldn't have a job, so tell me what you want," I say and she rolls her eyes.


We both order some breakfast and are now sitting together at the island eating. I've never pictured eating breakfast or any meal for that matter with a girl in my penthouse but it's feeling natural and comfortable with her.

"So what are you doing today?" Millie asks while looking at me with those beautiful eyes of hers.

I stretch out my tired arms and say "I have some work to do today, want to go to the beach after that?" I ask.

She nods her head and says " I think I'm going to hang out with Steph while you're working then."

Ugh, I don't want her leaving my place but like she said, she's a big girl and I can't keep her locked in here. I rub the back of my neck and sternly say "Fine. I'll let you know when I'm done, don't do anything to piss me off this time."

She rolls her eyes and says "You got it, boss."

She jumps off the barstool and leaves me in the kitchen. Fuck, I've been called boss plenty of times but when it comes out of her mouth it drives me wild, I want this girl so bad.

I get off my chair a few minutes later and follow her to my room. She's sitting on the bed with her head down and phone in hand, I pull off my shirt and throw it at her. She looks shocked when she sees me and she's definitely checking me out right now.

I chuckle "You're making it obvious," I say just like I did when we were on the beach that one night.

She rolls her eyes and looks back at her phone and I know she's trying to conceal her cherry-red face which I think is so cute. I'm used to attention from girls but it's different from her, she's so shy and embarrassed by it, and it's new to me.

"I'm going to take a shower," I say with a wink and go into the bathroom attached to my room.

I'm purposely doing this, I have three other bathrooms in this place that I can use, but I want her to imagine me in there, get her all hot with arousal, and then see where it goes when I come out.

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