Thanks chase

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I arrive at Chase's apartment building and park where he told me to before I left the house. I hope this isn't going to be awkward staying with my ex-boyfriend but my choices are slim to none at this point. If I stay with him for a week I can probably afford a motel until I move into my apartment that is only ten minutes away from here. I step out of the car and walk up the few steps and into the lobby.

This apartment building is beautiful, it has a small fountain inside and it makes me instantly think of X. I look away not wanting to let the thought of him in my head any more than he already is.

I walk over to the elevator and hit the arrow facing up. When I get in I press the 4 button, it lights up and I let it take me up. The door opens and I search for apartment 411, when I find it I knock on the cream-colored door.

After a few seconds of waiting, Chase opens the door and I shrug my shoulders with a small smile. "I'm sorry Chase," I say embarrassed.

"Please Millie, don't ever apologize for needing a little help," he says and it makes me feel even guilter because he's so nice about it.

"Thanks," I say quietly.

"Here let me get that for you," he says taking the bag out of my hand and leading me inside. I step into the apartment and it's so.....Chase.

Everything seems to have its place, everything looks expensive and clean. I like it but I almost feel nervous to walk in here as though I might dirty up his perfect mahogany floors.

We're in the living room right now and I take a look around. There are wood floors throughout, a brown leather couch, clean-looking bookcases on each side behind the couch, two end tables beside each end of the couch, two matching lamps, navy blue walls and everything just looks...symmetrical.

He guides me to the kitchen and its impeccable, navy blue and gold touches everywhere with a gold hexagon-looking chandelier hanging over a 4 seater table.

It's masculine in here but not overly done, "you hungry?" he asks.

"Oh, no I'm good thank you." I say shyly for some odd reason.

"Well help yourself to anything in the house, my house is your house okay?" he says so politely.

I thank him again and he guides me to the spare bedroom that I'll be staying in. He opens the door and places my bag down. The room is a simple guest bedroom with a nice-looking bed, dresser, and 2 nightstands with matching lamps...of course.

"Well hey, I have plans to meet up with a buddy of mine, you're more than welcome to come along." he offers.

I smile at him "I think I'll just hang out here if that's okay?"

He puts both hands on my arms and says "Of course, Millie, make yourself comfortable, settle in and I'll be back in a few hours. Just let me know if I can get you anything while I'm out."

I nod my head and thank him for the millionth time within five minutes. He leaves and I text Steph that I got here safely. I sprawl out on the bed and this time I allow X to take over my thoughts.

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