Your turn

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I apologize, this chapter also contains in-depth sexual context, if you are uninterested in this type of writing, please skip to the next chapter.


I am on cloud nine right now, what the hell was that?! That was the most out-of-this-world experience I've ever endured.

This man knows what he's doing. I've had this done to me a few times but my god, never like that.

I want to taste him now more than ever, I want to pleasure him the way he just did for me.

I stand up and extend my hand out to him and he takes it, maintaining eye contact with me, I pull him upward off the bed, indicating to stand up. I lower myself to my knees, getting eye level with his bulging cock. I put my hand over his jeans to feel it, and oh my lord, he's so hard right now.

I look up at his green eyes, he's looking down at me with so much desire it's making my body go into overdrive. I keep eye contact with him and slowly unbutton his jeans, dragging the zipper down until it can't anymore. I tug at the denim, letting it fall to the ground. The head of his dick is trying to be freed from the band of his dark gray boxers.

I stroke it up and down, massaging the shaft with my hand, just the thin cotton dividing us.

After a few seconds of this, I slowly pull away the cotton and I have no words, he's huge.

I've seen a few dicks in my life, but this one takes the cake and then some.

I bring the tip into my mouth and slowly swirl my tongue around it in a circular motion.

"Fuck, Millie," he hisses through clenched teeth.

He grabs the back of my neck and puts his fingers through my hair. This is so sexy I can't even take it.

I allowed the shaft to enter my mouth the best I could, dragging my tongue all over. I take my hand and stroke him while making out with his dick. He groans with pleasure, pulling my hair gently in satisfaction.

"I'm going to come, baby," he says breathlessly.

"Please, please let me taste you," I say with him still in my mouth.

As soon as I say those words he explodes in my mouth. I let the warm, salty liquid trickle down my throat.

"Fuck, that was amazing," he says and falls back on the bed looking up at the ceiling.

"I'll say." I agree.

I lay down next to him looking up at the ceiling, out of my peripheral vision, I see him looking at me.

I tilt my head to the side and say "What?" he looks me into my eyes "You're beautiful" he says and my heart rate picks up.

"Sleep in here with me tonight?" I ask hoping he won't deny me.

He intertwines his fingers with mine and kisses them "Okay baby," he says. 

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