Chapter 4

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recommend to listen to Blondie by Current Joys(set the mood ;))

Drew Pov:

They stood in front of me, the older woman pulling out a pistol, BANG. My brother laid in front of me, bleeding out. She picked up the vase.

My head was spinning, she smashed the piece of pottery near my head, shards scattering throughout the entrance of a mansion.

The scene dissipated as my Mother drove a shard diagonally across my back, in the dark there were more people emerging, the bullies. They pushed me to the ground, calling me names, "freak", "loser", then Sarah appeared. She joined in and the word "freak," escaped her lips.

My eyes widened as I screamed "Sarah please," checking my surroundings. I was in my bed, black comforter at the edge of my king sized bed. My hair a mess and my hands shaking.

Tears fell from my eyes, I was panting sweating mess. Holy shit, they're back, my night terrors.

I pushed myself off my bed checking the clock, knowing I wasn't going to school anyways. I walked over to my bedroom door, turning the handle before stumbling down the stairs.

My head throbbing, I opened the cabinet for a glass and filled it half way chugging it. I needed something more to make the pain go away.

I put my glass of water down on the marble kitchen counter and went over to the medicine cabinet, I took the Tylenol off the top shelf. I ate one, then two, then I dumped about 20 more in my hand and threw them into my mouth.

I put the bottle back in the cabinet, closed the door and started walking back towards my room. Everything started to get blurry again was I crying, AGAIN? I was spacing in and out of consciousness my head spinning, heart beating, black smudges filling my vision until I finally passed out on the stairs.

Jake Pov:

I was woken up by my dog Oreo pouncing on my bed licking my face, I laughed, "Oreooooo stoppp itttt!" I said as I pushed his snout away from me.

Milo stood at the door, "Jakeee you're gonna be late, Mom is gonna get sooo mad if you're late too," a smug smile on his face. "I'm up, I'm up," pushed my white blankets off me and ushered Oreo and my little brother out. 

I grabbed my usual outfit and went to the bathroom. Taking a quick shower, hot water running down my back, I wonder if Drew is going to be at school today... WAIT STOP THINKING ABOUT HIM, he called you a freak, he doesn't care about me, so I shouldn't care about him. 

I mentally face palmed myself as I walked out of the glass barriers and grabbed the nearest towel, drying off myself and throwing my clothes on.

I brushed out my hair, going back to my nightstand and unplugging my phone. '7:46' it read, "SHIT!" 

I ran down the stairs at a rapid speed, grabbed a plain piece of bread and threw my shoes on before slinging my backpack over one shoulder and heading to school. As I got there, it was the usual, Zoey gossiping with her minions, although Lia was nowhere to be found.

After Lia confessed she sent the audio and we had that whole conversation, we became on good terms. She really was fun to be around when she wasn't trying to get in my pants, but I didn't realize she wasn't friends with Zoey anymore?

Huh, I walked past the plastics towards the music club. It was the day before the performance and I was so nervous. I'm practicing extra hard so we get that award. I reached my hand towards the knob before I was stopped.

A short green haired boy with the most concerned expression on his face next to another guy much taller, he looked like a gamer with freckles and a saddened facial expression. His hair parted midway that looked like a red-ish brown.

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