Chapter 16

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Drews Pov:

After Jake's confession we hung out the entire break and I had told Carol I didn't want to be out of school for two weeks and I would be fine being put back in tomorrow. Currently I 'tomorrow' is now today.

My alarm left a ringing in my ears as I got up, did my hair, and wore some clothes. Carol wanted to drop me off which I didn't argue. I mean she just wanted to make sure her son was okay, that makes sense.

I step out of the vehicle and wave her bye as she drives away. When I turn to the school most of the other students are looking at me. Some with disgust, disinterest, and some even with hatred.

I ignore them as I am known as the bully of the school, I walk into the school, more eyes on me. Some I've never even talked to in my life. What's going on? I speed walk the rest of the way to my locker, I would push past people in the halls but it's like I have some sort of disease or something. No one even comes close to touching me. Which I guess is nice, but it makes me wonder.

Once I reach my locker, Liam and Henry await. "Hey Drew," Liam says, waving me over. "I need to tell you what's going on." I look at him and raise an eyebrow. Motioning for him to continue, "Zoey spread rumors that you...raped her... and cheated on her also..."

"WHAT!" I yell, a bit too loud, as my head turn towards me even faster.

The speaker turns on and it makes me break out in a cold-sweat. "Andrew Davidson please come to the office, Andrew Davidson, to the office please." Then the speaker shuts off and I just stand, wide-eyed at my friends.

I race to the office and swing open the door. The woman at the counter guides me to the principal's office and I get seated down into the chair across from the big-man. He begins to speak, clicking his pen and twirling it while looking between me and his notebook.

"Andrew, even though I am a teacher, I have been hearing things around school. For starters, you cheated and allegedly raped Zoey Edwards." He says the word rape like a sour taste in his mouth, adding a slur when saying it aloud.

"That didn't happen though. I broke up with Zoey and she's the one who cheated on me." I plead but he just taps his pen on his notebook and writes something in.

"Zoey? Cheat on you? Don't make me laugh. Why would someone cheat on money bags?"

"Because I didn't EVER have sex with her." He continues writing in the pages, I tap my foot rapidly against the ground.

"I'm sorry Andrew, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to expel you. For these reasons: Lying to your principal, raping another student and denying it, and also Zoey Edwards is one of the most prestigious girls at this school, and her parents donate lots of money to the school."

"Please, I-"

"No buts Andrew. If you want to get back into the school, then I suggest donating to us and having solid evidence of what your saying is true."

I exit the school. A newfound weight on my shoulders. How long can I keep this up for?


I make it home, intrusive thoughts flooding my head. I go straight upstairs, not bothering to take off my shoes. When I get to my room I go into my closet, pulling out a bottle with 5% alcohol. I chug it and set up a rope.

The rope I have thought about before. I decided to get it once because I was at my lowest, I promised that I wouldn't do it for David's sake. But David's gone now. So there shouldn't be anything stopping me from this.

I tie the rope to a bunch of sand bags and have it like a pulley. I slide my desk chair over and step onto it. The dirt on my shoes leave footprints and I put my head through the loop. I tighten the knot and kick the chair over, there's no way to make it out of this now.

My vision starts to go black and blurred. I reflect on everything that's happened and I'm glad it'll finally be over. Then images of Jake and memories with him come into my head, tears form and leave the edges of my eyes.

I feel dizzy and squeezed out of all my oxygen, like a vacuum sucked the air from my lungs. The last thing I hear is the sound of a door opening before I pass into the darkness.


Jakes Pov:

I got to school a bit late, because my mom wanted to personally drive me there, after she hadn't seen me in awhile. She was actually the person who helped me ask out Drew, and I was even more grateful for her than before.

I walk through the halls and decide to go to Drews locker to see if he's there yet. Instead I see Liam and Henry, talking to each other, their expressions full of sorrow and regret.

They look up and spot me, Henry runs to me and gives me a hug while Liam explains what Zoey has done. That bitch.

I run to the office, trying to catch Drew but it's as though he's already left. I verified this when I heard a group of people whispering about "did you see the king of the school storming out of here?", "What a Freak!", "He's disgusting too, I hope he gets expelled."

I couldn't bear to hear all these things about Drew being said and I ran out of the school as well. The place he would most likely be at is his house so I rushed there quickly. I ran so fast my lungs hurt, thankfully the other day I was here Carol gave me a sparekey.

She was definitely onto something. When I open the door I notice Drews shoes aren't here which means he could be somewhere else. But his bag is still here.

All of a sudden I hear a loud thump come from upstairs. I run up, hoping it's not Drew who's hurt. When I rush up the stairs I trip and curse myself as I hit my chin hard on the carpeted stairs. I continue my rapid pace up and swing open Drew's bedroom door.

My eyes widen and all I can do is stand there. Frozen in fear, shock, the loss of someone I loved? No, there's still a chance. I push down my nerves and I grab his body, hoisting him up so that his neck isn't caught on the rope.

I found a way to undo the knot quickly before calling an ambulance. They get here quickly and one of the probably newer workers notices my sorrow and tries to lighten the mood about how often they come to this house.

I ride in the back of the ambulance whilst they treat Drew. I hope he'll be okay.

I love you...Drew.


authors note: we keep going yall, btw if u skipped it and need a lil recap zoey spread some bad rumors, drew got expelled and then he ends up hospitalized bc Jake found him in time

yall im writing rapid speed, i only got a few more ideas for this story !!!!

also these are scheduled i didnt write each one in the span of a few hours 

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