Chapter 6

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recommendation time: jealous by eyedress :D

Jakes Pov:

It was the big day, the competition was later today and scurried to grab my chosen matching outfit. I jumped out of bed took a quick shower and threw everything on. I ran down the stairs tripping on my feet.

I didn't bother checking my phone as I quickly grabbed a bowl and some rice krispies. Devouring the bowl and shoving it into the dishwasher. I check the oven clock, 9:45, shit I was going to be late, I'm supposed to arrive at 9:50 and its about a ten minute walk to the building where the competition will be held.

My feet easily slipped on my iconic shoes that I've had for a few years. I say goodbye to Oreo who was peacefully sleeping in the grey dog bed.

Practically sprinting full speed to not be late, when I reach the doors my breath is heaving and my heart is thumping. I take a few deep breaths while I walk up the stairs towards the club.

When I spot the wave of bright pink hair and teal blue coloured ponytail swish by I followed after the two. The two figures come to a stop and swing open one of the practice rooms. Once I stood before the door I turned the knob and was met with a sharp "you're late!" from each member except Sean who was busy setting up.

"Sorry guys, I ran all the way over here," I stated completely exhausted from following the girl members of the club. Zander glared at me quickly opening his mouth to say some crude comment but Hailey hushes him.

"Well be glad that you're only five minutes late, we were searching for you for a good few minutes until we gave up and came here anyways." Hailey said, "now lets get to work people!! Chop chop we don't have all day!!"

Everyone gathered themselves and rushed to their spots behind different equipment and instruments. I took a few big exhales as we began. 

Music was like a safe space for me. Especially with the music club, they made me feel welcome and like I belonged. I started singing when I was around five, when I realized it came as such a comfort to me I decided I would devote my life to music, also because I was failing school.

My mom always supported me and gave me everything I would need to achieve my goals. But when middle school started I tended to get bullied quite a bit. Even though I was nice and never did anything wrong, I was never popular and that on top of the fact I could sing led people to pick on me. 

They wouldn't hurt me physically but definitely emotionally and mentally. Calling me names and tossing my music diary around. My music diary was like a diary but I expressed everything in songs I liked to make up. Maybe that was another weird trait I had that made others bully me.

Our rehearsal went smoothly, we sounded amazing! Even though that was my personal opinion. "Let's go again!" Hailey said, clearly aq bit out of breathe while she took a big gulp of water until screwing the cap back on and going back over to her mic. The mic was a down more than mine because I was taller. 

Black cords from the microphones, Sean's equipment, Milly's aux cord and Zander's keyboard were tangled going all directions across the room.  Dark coloured foam lined the walls to provide us a soundproof room.

We wrapped up our song until it was more than perfect and Hailey had agreed to stop. I chugged a bottle of water and excused myself to go pee. 

When I came back the group was laughing about some strange conversation they were having. I nudged Hailey, "hey princess, whats going on?" A light flush went on her face, maybe she was just angry I called her that.

"They're talking about who the bottom is, Luke or Zander." Clear disgust shown on her face, most likely not wanting to partake in her step brothers sexual activities. I chuckled and smiled down at her.

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