13. Are you drunk?

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Pedri went to London today. He asked me if I want to go with him, but I told him I already have plans and I don't want to cancel them.

I was talking with Lewandowski, and he asked me if I can stay with his kids. Of course, I agree. I love kids. Their babysitter was sick, and they had to go out for a while.

- Hola!

- Oo, already here. Great.

Lewy invited me to his house and show me where the kids are. They're soooo cute.

- Food is in the fridge. We will be back at 6 if it isn't a problem.

- Of course. Hi, I'm Melanie, but you can call me Mel.

I gave my hand to Anna, his wife.

- Anna, nice to meet you.

They went to their kids room, and hugged them to say goodbye.

- Wrócimy szybko, Mel się wami zajmie, jest dobrą przyjaciółką waszego taty.

-> We'll be back quick. Mel will take care of you, she's a great friend of your dad.

Oh, I didn't know they speak polish to the girls.

- Cześć, jestem Mel.

->Hi, I'm Mel.

- Jestem Klara, a to Laura.

-> I'm Klara, and she's Laura.

- Miło was poznać. Chcecie pobawić się lalkami?

-> Nice to meet you. Do you want to play with dolls?

- Taaak!
-> Yesss!

They answered me immediately. I know how to play with kids. I looked at Lewy, and he looks a little confused.

- Nie wiedziałem, że mówisz po polsku.

-> I didn't know you speak Polish.

- Moja mama była Polką. Często odwiedzaliśmy babcię w Warszawie.

-> My mom was Polish. We often see my grandmother at Warsaw.

- Fajnie znów mówić po polsku z kimś innym niż żoną i dziećmi. Będziemy się zbierać. Bawcie się dobrze.

-> It's good to speak Polish with some other people, not only with my wife and kids. We'll go now. Have fun.


I spend a lot of great time with Klara and Laura. We played a lot, and then I gave them something to eat. They are really cute, and I told Lewa and Anna that I can stay with them another time too if they need me.

Now I was at home, sitting on the couch alone. I was checking my social media. Gavi went somewhere with Fermin, so I was a little bored.

I checked my instagram, and some fanpage about me. Wow, that girl is doing amazing things. Of course, I liked her post. It don't cost me anything, and her smile is worth it.

I was about to call Pedri, when Gavi went back home. He looks drunk?

- Hola!

- Hi.

He almost fell down next to the couch.

- Be careful! You just have a surgery.

Mi estrella⭐️ | Pablo Gavi Where stories live. Discover now