18. It's not goodbye.

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- I'm leaving. I'm coming back to London.

My heart stopped. She is leaving. I knew it would happen, but I wasn't ready for it yet. She made this decision really quick.

- W-what? Why estrella? If it's because of me, I will move out.

I looked at Gavi. He was still my best friend. My brother from another mother. I know he cares about Melanie. We talked, before she came, and he explained to me everything.

At first, I was mad at him, because he hurt my little sister, but then I saw he really likes her. I know Pablo, and I see it. He doesn't need to say that.

- No, don't do it. Stay, it's your house too.

- So, why are you leaving? Where are you going to live there?

- With María.

What? She literally just met her.

- Who the hell is María?

- She's my biological mother.

Pablo looked at her, like she was joking or something. He doesn't know the whole story, and I won't tell him. She needs to do it.

- Hermana, are you sure? It's a big decision.

- Yeah, I'm sure. I need a break. I will come back, Barcelona is my home now.

I was glad to hear that, but I couldn't believe it anyway. She is leaving. She came to my life when I needed her the most, and I didn't even know about that. I can't imagine my life without her now. I wonder what Gavi feels now.

- When?

I said trying not to cry. I had a hard day and this isn't helping. I know she will come back but

- On Friday.

It means that we have a whole tomorrow's day, before I will not see her for a while.

- Do you need help with packing your things?

- A little, but I will do it tomorrow. I'm exhausted now. Have a good night, boys.

She said and went upstairs. I looked at Gavi. I think he is in shock now. His eyes were empty. It must have hurt him. They just broke up, but he loves her so much. I've never seen him being in love some much before. They're soulmates.

- Are you okay?


- Pablo....

-It's my fault, isn't it? She's leaving because of me.

- No, don't say that. She's doing it for herself. Not because of you.

- B-but I talked with her today. She didn't tell me.

- I know, Pablo, I know. She must have just make this decision. She met her biological mother today, so you know.

I was looking at him whole this time. His eyes were full of tears now. He tried to fix all things he messed up. I know that, because he told me about meeting at the beach with Mel.

I can't choose on which side I am. Melanie is my sister, and Gavi is like a brother to me. He messed up, and firstly I was very mad at him, but now, I know his point of view, and I know he's trying to fix things.

I hugged him. He needed it.

- Go sleep, Pablo. You look like you haven done it for a year.

- Yeah, you're right. Good night, hermano.

Mi estrella⭐️ | Pablo Gavi Where stories live. Discover now