20. Finally back.

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I woke up and saw Melanie sitting on the chair and doing her morning skin care. That was weird, because it's 10 a.m. and we came back home something about 2 a.m.

- How are you feeling?

She looked at me. I can clearly see, that she's tired and drunk a lot of alcohol last night. Her hair was in completely mess. I love how she looks anyway.

- Awful.

- Come here.

Melanie sat in front of me.

- Can I make you braids?

She nodded. I took a hairbrush and started brushing her hair. I don't understand why she died it.

I made one braid and started to make another one when I saw a little star behind her ear. I touched it. It was a tattoo.

- When did you make it?

- Made what?

- This tattoo.

- I'll tell you later.

- You know we have to talk? About everything?

- I know. Give me a minute. I need to lay for a while. Thank you for this hairstyle. It looks beautiful.

- You're welcome.

She laid down next to me and close her eyes. I was looking at her whole time. She changed. It was 3 months, but she changed a lot. Her hair was different. She had tattoos, this little estrella and a butterfly, on her forearm. I think she lost some weight too.

- Let me explain everything first. All questions at the end, okay?

- Okay.

- Pinky promise?

- Pinky promise.

- I thought, leaving Spain was the best decision I could make then. But I was wrong. When I came here, it was nice at first. I spend a lot of time with María and Lily, I didn't need to take my meds, it was perfect. I missed you all the time, but we were talking every day, soo I was okay. After I saw this interview... I-

- I'm sorry for that, estrella.

- You promised.

- Okay, sorry.

- I saw this stupid interview, and I was mad at you. Very mad. After all we came through together, you just like that, told them we're just friends? That our relationship didn't work out? The day before I saw it, I was ready to buy tickets and came back to you. Actually, María bought this tickets from me. I told her I'm leaving, but I've never left.

- I stayed at Lily's house first. Of course, she didn't like this idea. And then, Chris came back. We met at the party. I didn't want to talk with him after all he has done. I met another guy, that one who told I'm his girlfriend. He told Chris to leave me alone.

I will kill all of them. She's mine, even we're not together now.

- I talk with him a lot. He asked me to go on a date, and I agreed. Lily was mad, and we had a fight. Nick, told me I can live with him for a while. I agreed, because I didn't know where else I could come.

You could come home. Our home.

- He was nice, but I could clearly say, he wanted us to be more than friends. Nick started to taking me to parties with his friends, so for the whole of this time I was drunk or high. I stared to live like I lived with Chris. Yesterday's party was my last party with them. I decided that I can't live like this anymore, I have to come back to Barcelona. After a while I understood, Nick was manipulating me, and he knew Chris. I thought he wanted to rescue me at that party, but it all was just another bet. How lucky I am.

Mi estrella⭐️ | Pablo Gavi Where stories live. Discover now