《Chapter 8》

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hurried to look through the file that was titled Employee of the month. David had to be in it somewhere. Or at least I hoped he was.

"We have to go." Zayn announced while shoving something into his back pocket.

"Wait a second." I voiced and continued paging through the file in a rapid motion.

"I won't repeat myself." He exclaimed, sounding both angry and impatient.

"What's your problem, you're getting sca -" I paused mid sentence when I recognized a face, I thought I had grown to forget.

He was smiling wide in the picture making his hazel eyes almost look unnoticeable. The once shaved face I was used to had a fully grown goat beard –- it was all new to me, just like the buzz cut.

But even though his look was a bit unfamiliar, his name remained the same David Klein it wrote below the picture. I continued to read the text which read The Employee Of The Month April.

April was my birth month. Did he ever think about me when he was celebrating? Did I even cross his mind at all?

"You'll find your own way home!" Zayn shouted from outside of the office.

When did he even walk out?

I quickly tore the page and folded the paper to put into my pocket.

"Don't leave me you bastard!" I sprinted to follow after him.

"Look who's scared now." He teased once I caught up to him downstairs.

"You're the one shaking in your boots Mr. We-have-to-go." I spoke and instantly regretted it when he grabbed hold of my forearm, pulling me to face him.

Despite the room being dark I managed to see his eyes clearly, it almost looked like the little grey specs were shining.

"If you continue to use that smart mouth of yours to get on my nerves, I'll make sure you choose a weapon to cut it off." He warned and I gulped all the words that threatened to come out.

We silently made our way outside, the suns rays were too bright for my eyes so I closed them to adjust. Meanwhile, Zayn tugged me alongside him to walk towards his car.

I heard the door opening and opened my eyes as well, I stepped into the car and quickly put on my seatbelt. Zayn followed right after and started the vehicle.

"Uhm..." I tried but then cleared my throat instead to refrain from speaking.

"I forgot my bag at school." I blurted out and hoped that he'd catch my drift.

"Good for you." He said, not being fazed at all.

"It has my phone inside." I added and hoped that he would at least be understanding.

"And how does that affect me?" He questioned with the same unfazed expression still plastered on his face.

"You dragged me here by force so that makes you fully responsible for fetching my belongings."

"No Bernett, you're the one who jumped on my back and are now facing the consequences for your stupid actions." He accused and I felt every urge to just slap him. But thought against it because he was driving.

"Damn you, Zayn." I breathed and folded my arms to restrain myself.

Until, I noticed his phone placed in the cup holder right in between us.

I mentally smiled when I skillfully grabbed the phone and opened the window to stretch my hand outside. The phone was feeling the cool breeze brush against its metallic structure, my grip being the only reason for its survival.

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