《Chapter 2》

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Well that was unexpected, thank goodness I didn't fall in front of him. That would be the most embarrassing thing ever.

"Sorry, are you -" He immediately cut himself off and released his hold on my arms.

His voice was soft and gentle, I was not sure if I heard correctly but judging from the three words he'd said, he seemed to have an accent.

My gaze met with his and due to our height difference, he looked down at me with electrifying blue eyes. Which were quite mesmerising, if I must say. The expression on his face was a look of genuine concern.

"Why are you crying?" He questioned, probably after debating in his head on whether he should ask a stranger such.

The very moment I blinked made me notice the tears that weighed on my eyelashes, I didn't even realize I shed tears because of all that nonsense.

"Are you okay?" The guy I forgot for a second asked, I definitely knew that accent – he had to be Scottish.

"Sorry, I didn't watch where I was going." I apologized and looked anywhere else but at him.

I couldn't believe it, I cried in front of a stranger – that's way more embarrassing than falling in front of him.

"Don't worry about that mate, I wasn't watching where I was going either. Do you mind if I ask though?" He queried, causing me to shift my eyes back to his sea blue ones.

"You're not lost, are you? Maybe you lost your parents and can't find them?" He continued and my jaw dropped.

Was he implying that I were a child or something?

Him and I, clearly looked the same age – apart from our height difference. Yes, I was aware of the fact that I was lacking in that department but I wasn't short to a point where I should be mistaken for a minor. Despite being petite, my body was undoubtedly more developed than a ten year olds.

"Excuse me, do I look what, ten years old to you?" I inquired and stared at him as I waited for his reply.

"Well uh," He uttered while scratching the back of his head covered by short blonde curls.

"Aren't you?" He asked another question yet again.

"No, I'm eighteen. Not ten." I corrected which caught him by surprise for some unknown reason.

"I didn't notice." The nerve of that guy, he admitted to insulting me.

Well, I had to hand it to him for the confidence in doing so.

"Don't fool yourself, I look mature." I huffed and attempted to walk away.

"Aye, you alright though? And bairn, I mean eighteen year old lass, what happened did someone hit you?" He persisted, mother must've hit me really hard if he noticed.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Something just got in my eye and I — bumped a pole."

"That's a classic one to go for. I'm sure there were more believable ones in the 'book of lies'." He teased and gave me an amused smirk.

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