《Chapter 1》

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"Would you like some nuts?" The lady dressed in navy uniform and a boat shaped hat questioned, as she pushed a small cart down the aisle.

It took me a couple of seconds to register her question. Probably because my mind was elsewhere - outside of the plane we were in. My mind was at home, the place I wished to be at that very moment.

"Miss?" The air hostess called to grab my attention.

She was getting impatient but tried her best to hide it.

"No, thanks." I finally replied, after what seemed like forever.

With that response, I gained myself a forced smile from the air hostess, who then made her way to the next passengers.

Although he was not physically present, he surprisingly managed to make me lose my appetite. I ran my hand through my hair and felt it untangle at the tips, the memory of my best friend Louisa came to mind as if on queue.

"I love your hair! It reminds me of caramel soft deep brown, with yellow undertones." She'd always described it. Back then, I would surely laugh at how silly she was being. But now the thought caused a sad smile to form on my lips.

I couldn't believe he took all that away from me.

Would I ever forgive him for what he did to my mother and I? Would I even restrain myself from strangling him? Probably not, I guess that answered the first question.

Fourteen years, it took him fourteen years to finally call, sadly, not to apologize for the years he wasn't present – not like it'd make any difference. But instead, he commanded us to travel to Brelinadon. It was not only a state away from home, it was also the very same place I would meet the man I had been wishing to never see again.

The thought itself made me very uneasy because as much, as I'd hate to admit it – I hated my father. Hate was quite a vulgar word. But what more could people expect from a young girl who'd lived part of her life without a father figure.

The twitch on my left brow began yet again, like it always did whenever the thought of him was heavy on my mind.

David didn't even think twice before leaving us. In fact, he didn't even think of us when he did leave. Not even once did he call for the birthdays he missed or the little occasions like Christmas. How hard could it be to pick up the phone once in a while and call? A simple 'I miss you' wouldn't hurt for goodness sake!

Even after he left, I tried to reach out to him.

I called almost every day, something he promised he would do. I sent him countless texts. Goodness, I even tried to send him emails and handwritten letters, but the man I should call a father never replied, not once.

Days became weeks, weeks became months, months became years, so eventually, I gave up.

Now suddenly that very same man called us after fourteen years! Fourteen years I learned to live without him, years I'd grown to know that I was practically fatherless. There had to be a good explanation to that, it best be a damn apocalypse!

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