《Chapter 4》

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The curly blonde rushed to stand in front of me as I tried to get up.

Why was he here?

Noah was blocking my small frame and glared at the guy in front of him, who I noticed was as tall as Noah.

"What do you want from her Zayn?" Noah asked him through gritted teeth.

His name was Zayn? I never would've guessed, I always thought the name 'Danger' was a perfect fit for him or 'Red light'.

I know right, both of them were incredible names.

"Who do you think you are, to question me." Zayn barked with a visibly displeased expression.

"Just keep her out of this." Noah remarked and stepped closer to him.

"Get the hell out of here Cooper before I do something I know I won't regret." He warned Noah, if it were me he were talking to, I'd probably be out way before he even got the chance to finish that sentence.

Noah turned to face me and took my hand in his but I quickly yanked it away. I was not going to get involved into whatever it was they had against each other. I just needed to get back to my room in one piece.

"You bloody bast-" Noah turned to face Zayn once again and ignored my little rejection to his help.

"You know your way out. You better never set your foot here again."

Noah glared at him before turning and actually leaving. My eyes widened when Zayn shifted his focus back on me.

"Watch your back." He warned before leaving down the staircase as if nothing ever happened.

It had been two days.

Two days and that Zayn guy wanted me six feet under! Meanwhile, Noah my supposedly 'knight in shining armour' didn't seem to get along with Red light and was likely involved in some sketchy business. If that was true, would that make them both criminals?

I could be onto something — for whatever reason, it seemed like the two guys were rivals?

I didn't even have the energy to think too much about it as I continued my journey up the stairs to finally reach room thirty-seven.

The moment I stepped into the room, I wished that I had stayed out a little longer. Mother was standing right in front of me with my blood stained t-shirt in her hand. I knew I should've thrown it away!

"What happened to your shirt?" She asked, completely skipping any form of greeting. Even a 'where were you?' would've been great.

"Nothing, it's just ketchup." I lied and threw myself on the couch. I might just need that 'book of lies'  Noah spoke of because mines were totally lame.

"I've seen and had enough ketchup to know that this isn't it. Did you start painting again?" She questioned and threw the shirt to my face.

"No." I managed to reply through the shirt which muffled my voice.

"What?" She demanded that I repeat myself.

I quickly removed the shirt.

"Yes, I mean yes." I replied, hopefully that would get her off my back. She heaved a sigh before disappearing into the bedroom.

I couldn't reveal to her that, 'Oh, remember yesterday when I stormed out of here. Yeah, I met some cute blonde and surprisingly when I left to come back here - I met these three sweet gentlemen. We were in the elevator and they were so kind as to carry an innocent girl by the arms and hit her because she 'knew' where some guy was.

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