《Chapter 5》

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Surprisingly I managed to find the principals office and she led me to where I'd get my schedule. Thankfully, she also accompanied me to my third class for the day, yes I got lost, a couple of times, okay a lot. I was still amazed that I didn't miss my third class too.

"Here's your Spanish class, have a great day Miss Sandor." The principal said before walking away right before I got the chance to thank her.

Well then, here goes nothing –– I took a deep breath and twisted the door knob. I stepped into the classroom and instantly regretted it because all the eyes were on me.

I probably should've knocked.

Gripping onto the strap of my book bag, I cleared my throat to add volume to the currently silent room.

"Hola." A Latino looking women greeted.

She looked young, her dark hair was falling neatly down her back and her maroon dress fit perfectly to her curvy body. She looked gorgeous, if I had seen her elsewhere I wouldn't expect her occupation to be teaching, I would assume she were a model without a doubt.

"Hi." I greeted back.

"You must be the new student, I'm Mrs. Gonzale. Would you like to introduce yourself?" She asked, I really didn't want to but I was kind of obliged to –- seeing as she was staring at me expectantly as for everyone else in the room.

"My name is Bernett Sandor." I simply introduced.

An awkward silence hanged in the air, and the eyes that were on me didn't help to make the silence any less awkward.

"Quite short for an introduction but you can have your seat." Mrs. Gonzale said which I was grateful for, I hated being the new girl and having to go through stupid introductions.

I turned to have a clear view of the room to see an empty seat at the back.

People kept whispering and staring as I passed by the aisle, typical highschool students.

I didn't bother to stare back at them but then there was one worth staring at, it was Noahs friend, the one I saw him with yesterday at the ice cream parlor.

I kept staring at him as he wrote into a book, he was seated in the opposite table from where I was about to sit. I wonder if he was as "dangerous" as Noah supposedly was? But he couldn't be, he looked so innocent. That red haired girl had to be lying, there was no way what she said was true.

But then again, I'd never know –- I literally met the guy a day ago.

The clumsy old me just had to bump into Noahs friends table which caused all the people to stare back at me even more.

"It came out of nowhere!" I exclaimed which resulted in people laughing, hazel eyes stared at me longer than needed as I took my seat. He was the main reason why I bumped into his table in the first place.

"Alright now, let's get back to work." Mrs. Gonzale announced and cut off the little giggles.

"Hey." Noahs friend whispered, I took in his features as he turned his upper body to face me. He had on a smirk just like how Noah always did but his seemed a little more flirty than playful.

"Hi." I greeted back.

"You're friends with Noah, right?" He questioned.

Friends, huh, was that what he told them? I wouldn't really say we were friends. We seemed more like acquaintances to me and even that was a bit much.

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