Breaking decision

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A/N: This story has been requested by @LeandraBiancheti almost a month ago. I'm sorry that I couldn't get to it before now but I hope that you like it.

This story will only be updated once a week but if you want to read the next chapter before anyone else, you can join my Patreon on the link down below. Happy reading everyone!


MC: And it's another win for Bora! Make some noise for her!

The MC grabbed my arm and lifted it up in the air to indicate my win. I smiled and waved to the people that were looking at me. Even though I have won before, it was just as thrilling as the first time. After talking with the other dancers that had competed against me for a while, I got off stage where a reporter came up to me and began asking me questions.

Reporter: How do you feel to have the second title of the legendary 100% dancer right after your sister? You must feel a lot of pressure after you haven't lost one battle ever in your career.

Bora: I do feel some kind of pressure because a lot of people expect a lot from me but again, I just want to enjoy the time on the stage and on my dancing so I don't think a lot about it compared to what other people might think. Also, my sister was and still is the first person to have an overall clear win in all of her battles so I don't feel as much nervous or pressured compared to her.

Report: Such awesome spirit that you have. You are this good at dancing, have you ever thought about joining a big dance competition such as Street Woman Fighter? There are rumors that another season is coming up soon.

Bora: I have thought about it before and I have been invited to join the first season but unfortunately it happened during the time I was focused on preparing and taking my college exams so I couldn't join then. But if the opportunity arises once again, I will be glad to join.

I smiled at her and answered a few more questions before taking a picture and leaving to find my sister, Jahoon, standing in a corner where there weren't a lot of people around. I walked over to her and saw her finishing a phone call.

Bora: Another girl you are seeing, Casanova?

I joked with her and elbowed her as she rolled her eyes and wrapped her arm around my neck. The two of us have always been close with each other and she has always been like a big brother more than a big sister to me since she was always on the more manly side. We made our way to our car and drove our way back home.

Jahoon: I wasn't talking to a girl or actually yes, I was but not in that way. I don't know if you remember my close friend Halo? Or maybe you have heard that there is going to be a second season of Street Woman Fighter 2? She is actually planning to join the show and is recruiting members right to join the show and she asked me if I would like to join but you know that I'm still recovering from my shoulder injury so it wouldn't be responsible and fair for the team if I joined them and ended up getting hurt early later on. So I actually suggested that you join in my place but of course, I had to hear you out if you want to.

Bora: Funny you say that because I was just interviewed about my win and if I had any plan to join if there was a second season of the show. I actually want to try and challenge my skills to see how far I can go, so you can just call Halo unnie and tell her I'm on her team if she wants me.

Jahoon: Great! I will call her as soon as we get home and tell her that. I know that you for sure will do great in the competition. You guys will win for sure.

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