A new start

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Some people say that it might have been a mistake for me to join Wolflo and the competition overall when I already knew that the competition would be heavy based on the votes of the general public. That there was no way that we could have won since the people who voted knew nothing about dancing. That I should have just stayed competent with all of the wins I had in the real competitions. You could say that they were right at some point but if I just were content with the results that I had at that time then I wouldn't have gotten to know such an amazing, awesome, and cool crew and not only that but also all of the other amazing and incredibly talented dancers from the other crews in the competition. None of that would have happened and also I wouldn't have had the chance to experience new stuff as well. There are a lot of new things that I have managed to enjoy as a crew that I couldn't have enjoyed as a solo dancer.

Haechi: A penny for your thoughts? You looked really occupied with something in your big brain.

Bora: I was just thinking about our journey. To be honest, I'm really grateful for this. There are a lot of things that I have managed to experience being a part of our amazing crew that I couldn't enjoy while being a solo dancer. Not only that, I got to meet some new awesome people that I wouldn't have had a chance to get to know if it weren't for the show.

Haechi: You are actually right on that. My thought of joining this competition and the crew at the start was just to get to know other people who love hip-hop and to show and beat everyone with true hip-hop without making any friends other than our crew members. But it has been nice to get to know other dancers from other genres and to learn from them and grow in terms of dancing.

I nodded in agreement with Haechi unnie's words. Sometimes you don't expect to do much but when it really comes to it, you will achieve more than what you expected. Haechi unnie and I continued to walk to the meeting place that we had agreed upon with the other girls. We were going to take a van there together since we had been invited to join a hip hop competition as a guest appearance and also since Baby Sleek unnie and I have gotten the chance to be able to judge the dancers there. We arrived to see the other girls already there.

Halo: Come on you two lazy bugs! Just because we are finished with Street Woman Fighter 2 doesn't mean that we can be lazy! We have another big important competition to attend!... I'm just kidding but hurry up or we are going to be late!

Haechi: Don't worry we are not going to be late, in fact we are going to be there early a lot and don't act like you haven't been late before!

Haechi unnie wrapped her arms around Halo unnie's neck in a deadlock as Halo unnie did the same to Haechi unnie. The rest of us just looked at them with disbelief.

Bora: And here I thought I was the youngest... Come on, you guys! Keep it up and we are actually going to be late!

I broke the girls apart with the help of Yeni unnie and Haechi unnie and pushed them inside the van as Baby Sleek unnie took the position as our driver and drove us to the venue where the competition was going to be held.

Bora: A bit more people than I expected.

Yeni: Why? Are you feeling nervous?

Yeni unnie nudged me in the side with a sly smirk on her face. I could hear Chocol unnie chuckling at us from behind. I sighed and shook my head at her pushing her lightly away from me.

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