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We all returned back to our waiting room and just sat down to take a moment.

Baby Sleek: We’ve never performed in such a large group before, so I accept the evaluation. But if we lose the battle, that’s far more offensive. It will hurt our pride.

Halo: That is why we should go through the steps for our choreography, showing everyone what mistake they would make if they sent us home.

We all stood up and began practicing and changing our clothes to the stage outfit. I danced facing the wall, focusing really hard on not making any mistakes at all. At this point, all of my moves felt like it was all robotic. There were no feelings or expressions to them, just that I had to do them perfectly right or else I would be the reason that our team would lose the group rounds and the reason that we were going to lose overall. I turned around and looked at the other girls and saw all of them working hard as well. I sighed. It hurts my heart to see them concerned for the future of our group in this competition. Working hard like this is not easy. I’m not a believer but I hope to god that we will survive another round.

I can’t believe it. I can’t believe this outcome. I put a jacket on and went for a walk outside to clear my mind. It’s the first time in a long while that I have been outside like this. To be honest, it was nice.

Bora: The sky is clear tonight… You can see all of the stars clearly.

I looked up at the sky and watched the stars shining and blinking brightly in the sky. The moon is bigger and brighter than the other stars. Even though the sky was clear and there weren’t a lot of people around, my mind was clouded with a lot of thoughts. I took a deep breath in. Not only was it the first time where I was able to go for a walk freely, but it was also the first time that I was able to gather my thoughts. Especially about the day when I brought Yeni unnie and Chocol unnie home and when Chocol unnie… kissed me. I still remember the look on Yeni unnie’s face when I walked out of Chocol unnie’s room. At first, I thought she was concerned for me and didn’t know how to act it out since she was drunk and also because of her personality since she really hasn’t been the type to show care or feelings to others. Anyway, I thought she was just worried about me because she cared about me as her little sister but now the more I think about it, the more I think there’s something behind her actions.

Bora: Oh~ my stomach is rumbling… I better get to the convenience store to get something to eat.

My train of thoughts were interrupted for a moment when my stomach began to rumble telling me that I should find something to eat. I went to the nearest store and grabbed some food that I could enjoy. After I paid, I went to sit at the tables near the window and began eating.

Yeni: I didn’t think that I would see you here. What are you doing here this late in the hour?

I looked up to see Yeni unnie’s reflection in the window in front of me. Yeni unnie walked over and sat down beside me. To be honest, under other circumstances, I would be happy to see her but right now, I had too much on my mind 

Bora: I just… had a few thoughts on my mind and it has been a long time since I have been out walking like this so I thought why not take a walk and get some fresh air. I could be asking you the same thing, what are you doing here this late?

Yeni: Just the same as you. I have something on my mind and I thought that some fresh air would help. So how is it between you and Chocol unnie?

I choked on my ramen. It came out of surprise. I haven’t even had time to think about this on my own and now with Yeni unnie asking, I have to think faster.

Bora: What about it?

Yeni: I’m just thinking about the day that you drove the two of us home and that little… incident with Chocol unnie.

Bora: If you are hinting towards me and Chocol unnie being together then you are completely wrong. We are just friends and dance colleagues. Nothing more than that.

Yeni: And you don’t have any feelings for her?

I stopped eating and turned my head to look at her in disbelief. There has been nothing between Chocol unnie and me that would have indicated that there was something between the two of us. Yes, she kissed me but that was only because she was completely wasted and didn’t know what she was doing! She hasn’t been commenting on it at all so it says a lot about this whole situation.

Bora: Really?

Yeni: I’m- I’m sorry I didn’t mean it like that!

I grabbed my bag with the rest of my stuff and threw my ramen cup away before storming out of the store.

Yeni: Bora! Wait!

I heard Yeni unnie following me from behind and grabbed my arm to turn me around.

Yeni: Bora wait! Please listen to me. I’m sorry I didn’t mean it like that, I was just asking because I was concerned about you.

Bora: There is nothing to be worried about and there is nothing to be asking about. I will overlook it this time since we are friends but if you ever dare to do something like this ever again…

I pulled my arm away and made my way back home. I know that I shouldn’t have acted like that towards her but I couldn’t believe that she was questioning me like that. I know that the history between me and Chocol unnie would suggest otherwise but there was nothing like that. I have too much to think about other than my feelings for Chocol unnie and her feelings for me. All of it was just an accident and nothing is more to that. No matter what Yeni unnie is thinking or hinting at. The only thing that I have to worry about right now is the competition. We have been in the elimination battle two times now and have been at risk of being eliminated. Our place in the competition is holding on a thin string. You never know, maybe this will be our last chance?

The next chapter will be ready to read on 01/04/2024 for free members

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