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Halo: Okay guys! Let's begin to practice! Practice this hard as it might be our last chance to showcase our skills.

We walked over to stand in our position. Yeni unnie, who was standing beside me, tried to talk to me but I just ignored every one of her attempts. Ever since that night at the convenience store, I haven't been answering any of her messages or calls to me. Though I couldn't avoid her all the time since we were in the same crew, for example just like today during the practice. At every possible time, Yeni unnie would try to come closer to me and try to instigate a conversation with me and also it seemed like she was trying to apologize to me but I just avoided her at all costs by either going to the bathroom or going to a convenience store to get snacks and drinks. Not only with Yeni unnie and with Chocol unnie. To be honest, I did feel kind of uncomfortable by her kissing me that night but I just brushed it off as if she was drunk or something. But lately it might not only be that because she has been trying to get much closer to me than what you normally would consider a best friend to do... as if she was trying to court me.

Halo: Alright everyone! You guys have worked hard so let us call it a day. Try to get as much rest as possible since we have to work just as hard tomorrow.

I quickly packed my stuff and went out of the practice room and home. I know that I couldn't avoid them for a long time since it not only would affect the dynamics of the group but also the relationship between us. Sooner or later I have to address the problems with them... but I don't have the courage to do so right now. I took a bath and a change of clothes before laying on my bed looking up at the ceiling. I don't know what to do anymore. I don't want to avoid them like this anymore and I know that the other girls are worried about my sudden change in behavior as well but I don't know how to talk with them about it. Suddenly my phone rang. I picked it up to see that it was Haechi unnie calling.

Bora: Hello?

Haechi: Hey Bora! Come outside! I'm bringing you out to dinner! And you can't say no because I'm already waiting for you here in front of your house. See you!

Before I could answer her, Haechi unnie hung up the phone. I stared at it in disbelief but just shrugged it off and put on a warm hoodie before walking outside to see Haechi unnie waiting for me with a smile on her face.

Bora: You really didn't give me a choice at all.

Haechi: Not at all. I was hungry and none of the other girls were free so I decided to drag you instead.

Bora: So I was your last resort?

Haechi: Wait no! I didn't mean it like that! I was just-

Bora: Don't worry, I'm messing with you.

Haechi unnie looked at me with a blank expression before slapping me on the shoulder while I just chuckled at her. We walked to a nearby tteokbokki stall that I knew was good since I would always come here. Even the auntie who owns the stall recognized me from afar every time I come.

Auntie: Bora! I missed you so much! Come here, come here! I have already cleared a table for you and your friend!

The auntie grabbed my hand and dragged me over to the table that she had cleaned for us. Before I could open my mouth to say my order, she had already placed the food on the table.

Auntie: Don't worry, I remembered your order since you always get the same every time. Also tell me when you are about to go so that I can pack you another order. You need to eat a lot! Especially with you in that dance competition, what is it called now... ah! Street Woman Fighter! You are doing so great there. I'm always cheering for you whenever you appear on the screen. You are amazing as always honey. Now now, I shouldn't be bothering you guys anymore. Eat! You guys must be hungry after all of those practices you guys go through. You have lost a lot of weight since the last time you came here. Eat! Eat!

Again before I could say anything, the auntie grabbed my chopsticks and placed a rice cake in my mouth before walking away to help her other customers. I looked at Haechi unnie with disbelief as she tried not to laugh.

Haechi: Well, it is easy to see who is her favorite customer and not only that but you must come here often for her to remember your order to a tee.

Bora: Well, I have to admit that I do come here often because there is just something in her sauce that makes it taste more amazing than the other stalls. Come on, let us eat before she comes here herself and feeds us like a mama bird.

We both picked up our chopsticks and began eating while chatting about some stuff here and there. Nothing that really is important, more like to get the time to pass and not to have an awkward dinner.

Haechi: So how are you doing lately Bora? Don't stick around after practice like you always do. It always seems like you try to run away from us whenever we are done with practice. Are you beginning to be embarrassed of us?...

I knew that this was going to come sooner or later. I placed my chopsticks down with a sigh and shook my head lightly at her.

Bora: I'm not embarrassed by you guys, I never would be. You guys are too cool and amazing to be embarrassed of. But... the reason I have kind of been avoiding you all is because...

I told Haechi unnie everything that had happened that night I brought Yeni unnie and Chocol unnie home as well as the night with Yeni unnie at the convenience store. Haechi unnie looked at me surprised to hear something like that happening but she kept quiet and allowed me to finish telling before saying something.

Haechi: So you feel betrayed that Yeni doesn't trust you? And you are worried that what she is saying might be right since you feel like Chocol has been acting differently lately?

Bora: I think so... I don't know what to do! I'm not good with conflicts like this! I'm not good at talking about my feelings. What if I say the wrong thing and I step over the line and upset both of them? I don't want to be the reason that the group dynamics have gone south and that we can't perform together, also... I don't want to lose my friendship with them.

Haechi: Listen, I know this may not be the answer that you want to hear but sometimes it can't be avoided. You have to talk with them about this matter. If you don't you are going to end up losing them, they have been questioning themselves lately not knowing what they have done wrong. You know maybe it won't go as bad as you are thinking. Maybe they will welcome what you say with open arms and you guys can resolve this. But I want you to know that whatever the results may end up to be, the rest of us are here for you if you ever need us.

Haechi unnie placed a hand on my shoulder with a smile. I sighed. I did kind of feel a little bit of relief since I was worried about how the other girls would be reacting to this but now I knew that I was just worrying too much. The only thing that I had to worry about was how I was going to talk with Yeni unnie and Chocol unnie about this. Let's just hope that it won't go as bad as expected! I finished dinner with Haechi unnie and parted with her as she went home in a cab. I took a walk to prepare myself and went to their building. I can't avoid them any longer. I have to resolve this now. I rang on their doorbell and a few seconds later, the door opened to reveal both Yeni unnie and Chocol unnie.

Bora: We have to talk.

Next chapter will be published on 08/04
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