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Chocol: So what do you want to talk about?

The girls invited me inside and we all sat down in the living room. I thanked Chocol unnie as she gave me a glass of water before sitting down beside Yeni unnie.

Bora: There is something that has been bothering me for a while... Do you guys remember the night that I brought the two of you home since you were too drunk to go home on your own?

Yeni unnie looked at me with a knowing look as she kind of seemed to know where all of this was going towards. Chocol unnie just looked between the two of us and nodded, allowing me to continue.

Bora: Chocol unnie, do you remember what happened that night when I put you in bed?

Chocol: No, not clearly...

Bora: So you don't remember that you kissed me that night?

A surprised look appeared on Chocol unnie's face as she looked at Yeni unnie and back at me with a sigh. Seems like she can remember the day clearly.

Chocol: I remember it... At first, I wasn't sure if I really did that, it was only when I made Yeni confirm it to me that I realized that I had messed up... I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable. It wasn't my intention.

Bora: Are you sure about that? Because a lot of people say that drunk people are just like small kids who can lie and show their truest feelings... you like me, don't you?

Chocol: I- I- Can I speak with you alone?

Chocol unnie glanced towards Yeni unnie. I nodded at her and we went inside her room before she closed the door after her and held my hands.

Chocol: I do like you Bora, I do. I was worried that you didn't like me back and that I made you uncomfortable that night, so I just acted like nothing had happened so I wouldn't be pushing you away. But it seems like I may have just made the situation worse... Are you mad at me for not telling you?

Bora: I'm... not mad... just surprised that you would think of me like that but I also I'm kind of relieved that you told me because now I don't have to speculate anymore over it.

Chocol: I know and I know that I should have told you sooner than for having for you to get to know it this way but... what do you think? Can I...

Bora: Be my girlfriend? I don't know unnie... I don't know my own feelings yet but give me some time and I will give you an answer as soon as possible.

Chocol unnie and let go of my hands and looked down at the ground as she nodded. I felt sad for upsetting her like this but on the other hand, I would not only make her upset but even more sad if I agreed to date her and didn't return at least the same amount of love to her. It wouldn't be fair to her.

Bora: Could you perhaps send Yeni unnie in? There is something that I want to talk with her about before continuing to talk to both of you.

Chocol unnie nodded with a small smile and walked out for Yeni unnie to walk in with a nervous look on her face. She kind of looked like a little kid who was worried that she was going to be scolded or something.

Bora: Don't be so nervous. I'm not going to scold you and I'm not going to be mad at you. I forgive you but the next time something like this happens, don't accuse me of anything before asking me about it. It doesn't feel like you are trusting in me.

Yeni: I'm sorry... I know that I crossed the line but to be truthful... it is because I like you, Bora. I was worried that you would choose Chocol over me. That you wouldn't be as close to me as you were before but I know that isn't an excuse. I should have considered your feelings before speaking.

Yeni unnie looked down at the floor while I looked at her with surprise. She also liked me? There was no way that would be right... At least I solved one problem, now I just have two more problems to fix. I sighed and nodded.

Bora: It is fine unnie. I would have done the same thing in your shoes. Come on, let's get back into the living room.

Yeni unnie nodded and we both made our way to the living room where Chocol unnie was waiting for us.

Bora: I believe that there shouldn't be any secrets between us: The both of you like me but as for now, I won't be returning any of your feelings... I want us to stay friends for now... I'm sorry for upsetting both of you like this but I don't know my own feelings right now. I don't want to lead any of you on to only hurt you guys more than what is needed because I can't return at least the same amount of love to you guys...

I looked at both of them with an apologetic look as they looked at each other. A silence fell over us as everyone processed what happened. Neither of us dared to say anything or more neither of us really knew what to say. The one to break the silence was Chocol unnie.

Chocol: I respect your decision. It must have been hard to talk with us like this. I applaud your courage in doing so. I'm just happy that we at least can stay friends with each other.

Yeni: I agree with Chocol and with you as well. I would have done the same thing in your shoes. As long as we still can be friends I am happy.

Bora: Of course, we can still be friends! You guys know what? How about we just leave all of this behind us and continue to be the close friends that we have always been?

Chocol unnie and Yeni unnie looked at each other with a smile before looking at me and nodding. It warmed my heart to see this go in a completely other direction than what I had expected. I grabbed their arms and pulled them both into a hug which surprised them for a moment but in the end, they relaxed and hugged me back. As long as we still could be friends with each other no matter what. It will take some time before we all return back to normal and that was fine with me. Or maybe not...

Halo: Alright everyone! Let us go through this once more!

The next day we all returned back to practicing like normal but this time it seemed like there was more chemistry between all of us than what it was before.

Halo: Alright guys! That is the spirit! We are doing even better than before. I wonder what the change is... we are practicing like always but I feel like something is different...

Halo unnie, Mini unnie, and Baby Sleek unnie stood wondering among themselves what the change could be while Haechi unnie, Chocol unnie, Yeni unnie and I just looked at them with a knowing smile. After a few rounds of practice, we ended up taking a break but not without hearing some strange noises.

Bora: What in the world is that?

Mini: It wouldn't surprise me if it comes from Bebe.

Today we were practicing in the same room as all of the other crews but the only thing that separated us and made sure that we wouldn't be checking on the others' choreographies was black curtains that were hung up around each team. We all looked at each other, biting the inside of our cheeks trying not to laugh.

Bora: I'm sorry but it seems like they may be getting a bit too cocky because what is that sound for a dance move?

Halo: Seems like we are going to win this easily.

We all chuckle at Halo's comment. Everyone's mood returned back to normal. Everyone was over the top. We knew that we may not get first place for this round but we are pretty confident that we are going to advance to the next round. This time we will definitely show people that we deserve a spot in the final...right?


Next chapter will be published on 15/04

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